Итоговые контрольные работы по английскому языку для учащихся 3 класса, занимающихся по УМК И.Н.Верещагиной, О.В. Афанасьевой
тест по теме
Итоговые контрольные работы по английскому языку для учащихся 3 класса, занимающихся по УМК И.Н.Верещагиной, О.В. Афанасьевой
Итоговые контрольные работы
по английскому языку
для учащихся 3 класса, занимающихся
по УМК И. Н. Верещагиной, О. В. Афанасьевой
Учитель английского языка
Т.Г. Шуликина
Итоговый лексико –грамматический тест
I. Choose the right item:
- Yesterday morning they … … at 7 o’clock.
- are getting up, b) got up, c) get up
- She … books every evening.
- reads b) read c) is reading.
- They … … an exercise now.
- wrote b) write c) are writing
- The girl … … with her friends now.
- is skipping b) skip c)skipped
- We ... every day.
a) watched TV b) watch TV c) are watching
6. Yesterday afternoon Kitty … her mother about the house.
a) is helping b) helps c)helped
II. Fill in the gaps with a lot of, lots, much, many:
7. How …cups of tea do you drink every day?
8. How … meat do you eat at dinner?
9. He drank too… juice this morning.
10. She ate too …cookies last night.
11. … fruit grows on trees.
12. Eat …of vegetables and fruit.
III. Make the sentences complete. Fill in the gaps with there is, there are, there was, there were:
13. … …a toy fox on the table now.
14. … …two foxes yesterday.
15…. …. one cat in the box yesterday
16. … … three cats now.
IV. Write down special questions to the underlined words, using how, what, when:
17. They are running very fast.
18. She speaks English well.
19. The boys played football yesterday.
V. Write the verbs in the Past Simple. Write down the second form of the verbs:
20. be-, 21. come-, 22. have-, 23. go- , 24. see-
VI. Give the opposites of the following words:
25. good - 26.happy - 27. take -
VII. Make a correct choice and fill in the gaps:
28. She watched TV … 8 o’clock.
a). at, b). on, c).in
29. They got up early … the morning.
a). at, b). in c). on
30. We played hockey … winter.
a).on b).at c).in
31. He slept well …night
a).at b). in c). on
I. Choose the right item:
- b
- a
- c
- a
- b
- c
II Fill in the gaps with a lot of, lots, much, many:
7. many
- much
- much
- many
- a lot of
- a lot of
III. Make the sentences complete. Fill in the gaps with there is, there are, there was, there were:
13. there is
14. there were
15. there was
16. there are
IV. Write down special questions to the underlined words, using how, what, when:
17. How are they running?
18. What does she do well?
19. When did the boys play football?
V. Write down the second form of the verbs:
20. was
21. came
22. had
23. went
24. saw
VI. Give the opposites of the following words:
25. bad
26. unhappy
27. give
VII. Make a correct choice and fill in the gaps:
28. a
29. b
30. c
31. a
Контроль навыков монологической речи.
Итоговая контрольная работа.
Монологическая речь
Speaking tasks for the pupils of the 3rd form
to check monologue speech skills.
TOPIC 1.My day.
Our daily routine is very important. Speak about your working day. Say when you usually get up, what you do in the morning at home, what you have for breakfast, at what time you go to school, what you do at school, when you come home. Describe what you usually do at home in the afternoon and in the evening (do your homework, help about the house, go for a walk, read a book, watch TV, etc.) , when you usually go to bed.
TOPIC 2 .My Day Off.
You like your days off very much. Speak about your day off. Say when you usually get up, what you do in the morning, what you have for breakfast, dinner and supper, how you spend your afternoon and evening, where you go and what you usually do, how you help about the house, when you go to bed.
TOPIC 3. My Favourite fairy tale.( We read fairy tales)
You like to read. Retell a fairy tale you know and like or your own fairy tale. Describe the heroes of the fairy tale, the place of action, what happened and its end.
TOPIC 4. My Friend/
Speak about your friend, his/her age, about his/her family, about his/her toys, what he/she wants to be, what your friend likes to do and what you usually do together.
TOPIC 5. Sport..
All boys and girls like sport, don’t they? Tell about yourself: what games you can and like to play, why? What is your favourite game? Where do you usually play sport and with whom?
Контроль навыков диалогической речи.
Итоговая контрольная работа.
Диалогическая речь
Dialogue speaking tasks to check speaking skills for the pupils of the 3rd form
You meet your classmate in the park and you begin speaking about your working day, your daily routine. You want to know when he / she usually gets up, what he/she does in the morning at home, about activities at school and what he / she usually does after school at home. He / she wants to know the same about you.
It’s Sunday. You go for a walk and meet your friend. You want to find out how your friend spends his / her days off. You ask him/ her when he / she usually gets up at weekends and what he / she does in the morning in the afternoon and in the evening.
At your lessons you speak about healthy way of life. You are given a task to find out what your friend’s family usually has for breakfast lunch dinner and supper, where they have their meals, what he / she likes to eat and what he / she doesn’t like to eat. Ask him / her questions. Let him / her to ask you the same questions.
You know that your classmate has got a new friend from another school. You want to know more about him / her. Ask your classmate about him / her : his / her age, address, family, interests : what he /she likes to do , what he / she wants to be , what games he / she likes to play. Your classmate may ask you the same questions about your friend.
Your new classmate is a good sportsman. You like to play different games. Ask your new classmate what games he / she likes and doesn’t like to play, where he / she plays these games and what he / she likes doesn’t like to do in different seasons of the year.
Dialogue speaking tasks to check up speaking skills for the pupils of the 3rd form
№ п/п | Topic | Тема |
| WORKING DAY. You meet your classmate in the park and you begin speaking about your working day, your daily routine. You want to know when he / she usually gets up, what he/she does in the morning at home, about activities at school and what he / she usually does after school at home and when he/she goes to bed. He / she wants to know the same about you. | РАБОЧИЙ ДЕНЬ. Ты встречаешь своего одноклассника в парке и начинаешь разговор о своем рабочем дне. Ты хочешь узнать, когда твой одноклассник /одноклассница ца встает по утрам, что он делает по утрам дома, чем занимается в школе, и что обычно делает дома после школы, когда ложится спать. Твой одноклассник хочет знать то же о тебе. |
2 | YOUR DAY OFF. It’s Sunday. You go for a walk and meet your friend. You want to find out how your friend spends his / her days off. You ask him/ her when he / she usually gets up at weekends and what he / she usually does in the morning in the afternoon and in the evening, when he/he goes to bed. He / she wants to know the same about you. | ВЫХОДНОЙ Воскресенье. Ты идешь на прогулку и встречаешь своего друга. Ты хочешь выяснить, как твой друг проводит выходные. Ты расспрашиваешь , когда он/она встает утром в выходные, что обычно он/она делает утром, днем и вечером, когда ложится спать. Твой одноклассник хочет знать то же о тебе. |
3 | . FOOD / MEALS. At your lessons you speak about healthy way of life. You are given a task to find out what your friend’s family usually has for breakfast lunch dinner and supper, where they have their meals, what he / she likes to eat and what he / she doesn’t like to eat. Ask him / her questions. Let him / her to ask you the same questions. | ЕДА.. Вы говорите о здоровом образе жизни на уроках. Вам дано задание узнать, что семья твоего друга обычно ест на завтрак, обед и ужин, где они едят, что твой друг любит кушать, и что он не любит есть. Расспроси своего друга. Пусть он расспросит тебя о том же. |
4 | YOUR FRIEND. You know that your classmate has got a new friend from another school. You want to know more about him / her. Ask your classmate about him / her : his / her age, address, family, interests : what he /she likes to do , what he / she wants to be , what games he / she likes to play. Your classmate may ask you the same questions about your friend. | ТВОЙ ДРУГ. Ты знаешь, что у твоего одноклассника появился новый друг из другой школы. Ты хочешь узнать больше о нем / о ней. Расспроси своего одноклассника о его/ее друге/ подруге, о возрасте, где живет, о семье, об интересах: что любит делать, кем хочет стать, в какие игры любит играть. Твой одноклассник может задать тебе те же вопросы о твоем друге. |
5 | SPORTS AND GAMES. Your new classmate is a good sportsman. You like to play different games. Ask your new classmate what games he / she likes and doesn’t like to play, where he / she plays these games and what he / she likes doesn’t like to do in different seasons of the year.
| Спорт и игры. Твой новый одноклассник хороший спортсмен. Ты любишь играть в разные игры. Расспроси нового одноклассника, в какие игры он любит играть, а в какие не любит, где он обычно играет в эти игры, что он любит и не любит делать в разное время года. |
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Предварительный просмотр:
Итоговые контрольные работы
по английскому языку
для учащихся 3 класса, занимающихся
по УМК И. Н. Верещагиной, О. В. Афанасьевой
Учитель английского языка
Т.Г. Шуликина
Итоговый лексико –грамматический тест
I. Choose the right item:
- Yesterday morning they … … at 7 o’clock.
- are getting up, b) got up, c) get up
- She … books every evening.
- reads b) read c) is reading.
- They … … an exercise now.
- wrote b) write c) are writing
- The girl … … with her friends now.
- is skipping b) skip c)skipped
- We ... every day.
a) watched TV b) watch TV c) are watching
6. Yesterday afternoon Kitty … her mother about the house.
a) is helping b) helps c)helped
II. Fill in the gaps with a lot of, lots, much, many:
7. How …cups of tea do you drink every day?
8. How … meat do you eat at dinner?
9. He drank too… juice this morning.
10. She ate too …cookies last night.
11. … fruit grows on trees.
12. Eat …of vegetables and fruit.
III. Make the sentences complete. Fill in the gaps with there is, there are, there was, there were:
13. … …a toy fox on the table now.
14. … …two foxes yesterday.
15…. …. one cat in the box yesterday
16. … … three cats now.
IV. Write down special questions to the underlined words, using how, what, when:
17. They are running very fast.
18. She speaks English well.
19. The boys played football yesterday.
V. Write the verbs in the Past Simple. Write down the second form of the verbs:
20. be-, 21. come-, 22. have-, 23. go- , 24. see-
VI. Give the opposites of the following words:
25. good - 26.happy - 27. take -
VII. Make a correct choice and fill in the gaps:
28. She watched TV … 8 o’clock.
a). at, b). on, c).in
29. They got up early … the morning.
a). at, b). in c). on
30. We played hockey … winter.
a).on b).at c).in
31. He slept well …night
a).at b). in c). on
I. Choose the right item:
- b
- a
- c
- a
- b
- c
II Fill in the gaps with a lot of, lots, much, many:
7. many
- much
- much
- many
- a lot of
- a lot of
III. Make the sentences complete. Fill in the gaps with there is, there are, there was, there were:
13. there is
14. there were
15. there was
16. there are
IV. Write down special questions to the underlined words, using how, what, when:
17. How are they running?
18. What does she do well?
19. When did the boys play football?
V. Write down the second form of the verbs:
20. was
21. came
22. had
23. went
24. saw
VI. Give the opposites of the following words:
25. bad
26. unhappy
27. give
VII. Make a correct choice and fill in the gaps:
28. a
29. b
30. c
31. a
Контроль навыков монологической речи.
Итоговая контрольная работа.
Монологическая речь
Speaking tasks for the pupils of the 3rd form
to check monologue speech skills.
TOPIC 1.My day.
Our daily routine is very important. Speak about your working day. Say when you usually get up, what you do in the morning at home, what you have for breakfast, at what time you go to school, what you do at school, when you come home. Describe what you usually do at home in the afternoon and in the evening (do your homework, help about the house, go for a walk, read a book, watch TV, etc.) , when you usually go to bed.
TOPIC 2 .My Day Off.
You like your days off very much. Speak about your day off. Say when you usually get up, what you do in the morning, what you have for breakfast, dinner and supper, how you spend your afternoon and evening, where you go and what you usually do, how you help about the house, when you go to bed.
TOPIC 3. My Favourite fairy tale.( We read fairy tales)
You like to read. Retell a fairy tale you know and like or your own fairy tale. Describe the heroes of the fairy tale, the place of action, what happened and its end.
TOPIC 4. My Friend/
Speak about your friend, his/her age, about his/her family, about his/her toys, what he/she wants to be, what your friend likes to do and what you usually do together.
TOPIC 5. Sport..
All boys and girls like sport, don’t they? Tell about yourself: what games you can and like to play, why? What is your favourite game? Where do you usually play sport and with whom?
Контроль навыков диалогической речи.
Итоговая контрольная работа.
Диалогическая речь
Dialogue speaking tasks to check speaking skills for the pupils of the 3rd form
You meet your classmate in the park and you begin speaking about your working day, your daily routine. You want to know when he / she usually gets up, what he/she does in the morning at home, about activities at school and what he / she usually does after school at home. He / she wants to know the same about you.
It’s Sunday. You go for a walk and meet your friend. You want to find out how your friend spends his / her days off. You ask him/ her when he / she usually gets up at weekends and what he / she does in the morning in the afternoon and in the evening.
At your lessons you speak about healthy way of life. You are given a task to find out what your friend’s family usually has for breakfast lunch dinner and supper, where they have their meals, what he / she likes to eat and what he / she doesn’t like to eat. Ask him / her questions. Let him / her to ask you the same questions.
You know that your classmate has got a new friend from another school. You want to know more about him / her. Ask your classmate about him / her : his / her age, address, family, interests : what he /she likes to do , what he / she wants to be , what games he / she likes to play. Your classmate may ask you the same questions about your friend.
Your new classmate is a good sportsman. You like to play different games. Ask your new classmate what games he / she likes and doesn’t like to play, where he / she plays these games and what he / she likes doesn’t like to do in different seasons of the year.
Dialogue speaking tasks to check up speaking skills for the pupils of the 3rd form
№ п/п | Topic | Тема |
1 | WORKING DAY. You meet your classmate in the park and you begin speaking about your working day, your daily routine. You want to know when he / she usually gets up, what he/she does in the morning at home, about activities at school and what he / she usually does after school at home and when he/she goes to bed. He / she wants to know the same about you. | РАБОЧИЙ ДЕНЬ. Ты встречаешь своего одноклассника в парке и начинаешь разговор о своем рабочем дне. Ты хочешь узнать, когда твой одноклассник /одноклассница ца встает по утрам, что он делает по утрам дома, чем занимается в школе, и что обычно делает дома после школы, когда ложится спать. Твой одноклассник хочет знать то же о тебе. |
2 | YOUR DAY OFF. It’s Sunday. You go for a walk and meet your friend. You want to find out how your friend spends his / her days off. You ask him/ her when he / she usually gets up at weekends and what he / she usually does in the morning in the afternoon and in the evening, when he/he goes to bed. He / she wants to know the same about you. | ВЫХОДНОЙ Воскресенье. Ты идешь на прогулку и встречаешь своего друга. Ты хочешь выяснить, как твой друг проводит выходные. Ты расспрашиваешь , когда он/она встает утром в выходные, что обычно он/она делает утром, днем и вечером, когда ложится спать. Твой одноклассник хочет знать то же о тебе. |
3 | . FOOD / MEALS. At your lessons you speak about healthy way of life. You are given a task to find out what your friend’s family usually has for breakfast lunch dinner and supper, where they have their meals, what he / she likes to eat and what he / she doesn’t like to eat. Ask him / her questions. Let him / her to ask you the same questions. | ЕДА.. Вы говорите о здоровом образе жизни на уроках. Вам дано задание узнать, что семья твоего друга обычно ест на завтрак, обед и ужин, где они едят, что твой друг любит кушать, и что он не любит есть. Расспроси своего друга. Пусть он расспросит тебя о том же. |
4 | YOUR FRIEND. You know that your classmate has got a new friend from another school. You want to know more about him / her. Ask your classmate about him / her : his / her age, address, family, interests : what he /she likes to do , what he / she wants to be , what games he / she likes to play. Your classmate may ask you the same questions about your friend. | ТВОЙ ДРУГ. Ты знаешь, что у твоего одноклассника появился новый друг из другой школы. Ты хочешь узнать больше о нем / о ней. Расспроси своего одноклассника о его/ее друге/ подруге, о возрасте, где живет, о семье, об интересах: что любит делать, кем хочет стать, в какие игры любит играть. Твой одноклассник может задать тебе те же вопросы о твоем друге. |
5 | SPORTS AND GAMES. Your new classmate is a good sportsman. You like to play different games. Ask your new classmate what games he / she likes and doesn’t like to play, where he / she plays these games and what he / she likes doesn’t like to do in different seasons of the year. | Спорт и игры. Твой новый одноклассник хороший спортсмен. Ты любишь играть в разные игры. Расспроси нового одноклассника, в какие игры он любит играть, а в какие не любит, где он обычно играет в эти игры, что он любит и не любит делать в разное время года. |
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Итоговые контрольные работы по английскому языку для учащихся 3 класса, занимающихся по УМК И.Н.Верещагиной, О.В. Афанасьевой
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