The House of My Dream
презентация к уроку (6 класс) по теме
Эта разработка урока по теме "Дом моей мечты" по учебнику Верещагиной для 6 класса. Урок - закрепления лексики по теме и грамматики (Present, Past Perfect). Вся работа строится на применении технологии сотрудничества с применением метода проектов (мини-проект), здоровьесберегающей технологии, применения ИКТ. Внимание привлекает физкульминутка с использованием музыкального сопровождения которое можно подобрать самому (лучше использовать звуки леса).
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Подписи к слайдам:
Usual :
There are different types of houses
The 14th of January. The House.
1. In my house there is… a living room a dining room a bathroom a kitchen 2. In my flat there is… running water electricity central heating gas3. In my dining room there are… cupboards curtains chairs
Read the sentences and put in the correct words.We cook in the … ………… .We eat in the … We watch TV in the … . Our house has such modern conveniences as … r5. There are six … round the table.6. There are … on the windows.7. There is a … in the kitchen.
dining room
living room
running water, electricity, central heating.
The House
Put the words in the right order. 1)two, the, there are, arm chairs,room,in.2)carpet, the, there is, floor, on, a.3)rooms, there are, our, two, in, flat.4)wall, how many, on, are there, pictures, the?5) my, bedroom, cupboard, there isn’t, in, a.
The House
COMPLETE THE SENTENCES USING THERE IS/ARE. 1) How many bathrooms __________ in the house? 2) What furniture __________ in the house? 3) __________ a dining room, a bedroom and a kitchen. 4) __________ a lot of beautiful flowers in my house. 5)__________ a living room in the house?
The House
Make up a dialogue with your partner.
The House
Tell us a few words about your house. Use the words below. flat, furniture, conveniences, rooms, house.
The House
Homework: to write a composition “ The House For Winnie The Pooh” (8 – 10 sentences).
Предварительный просмотр:
1.Орг. момент:
Children answer my questions
What is your name?
Do you live in a big city?
Do you like your town?
What street do you live in?
Do you like your house?
2.And now look at the pictures (slide). You see different types of houses. They may be usual like…
Or unusual like…(show the pictures of different houses). So, what do you think we’ll speak about? Yes, you’re right. About the houses. Today is the 14th of January and the topic of our lesson is “The House”.
The subject of the lesson is to revise the words you have learned during the unit and the grammar structure there is/are. Moreover we’ll try to make the mini-project “The Bears’ House”.
3.We’ll start with the phonetic drill revising the names of the rooms, pieces of furniture and conveniences in our flats (slides, exercises).
4.Next step of our lesson is making up dialogues. Take the cards with different types of tasks. You have different types of the rooms, be attentive. You have 2 min. to prepare. Then I come to every of you to listen to. Start (slide). Let’s listen to you. I think you’ve done it very well.
5.Now, who wants to tell us a few words about the house he is living now. Describe it. Look at the blackboard as there are some words for you to help. (monologue)
6.Phisical pause (slide, music)Let’s imagine in the beautiful wood. Look right, look left. Close your eyes and count till ten to relax and sing very calm after the birds.
7.Look! Where are we? What is this? There is… Don’t you know whose house is this? No? We’ll know about it reading the text (work with the text)
8.Let’s return to our house in the wood. Maybe we get into it? Oh! It’s empty. So, it’s high time to make the house comfortable. I think, the bears will be happy.
The class is divided into two groups and I ask the children to think of 1) what kind of the room they want to create and 2) what furniture they would like to put into.
Each of the members of the groups come into the blackboard and draw their “rooms”.
9.Well done. And now your homework. Results.
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