5-минутная письменная работа
тест (8 класс) по теме

Медведева Мария Владимировна

Данная работа разработана в трех вариантах к учебнику Кузовлева В.П. 8 класс. Пяти-минутный тест будет уместен и при закреплении, и при повторении, и при проверке знаний материала по модальному глаголу can и его эквиваленту, а также простых времен английского языка.


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Предварительный просмотр:

(I) I. Rewrite the following sentence in Past and Future Simple Tenses adding the adverbs of time. Translate these sentences: My friend and I can travel on our own this summer.

II. Translate the following sentences paying special attention to modal verbs:

1) All visitors to Russia must fill in the customs declaration on arrival.  

2) People ought not to smoke in public places such as cafes, theatres, shops, etc.

3) We won’t be able to learn about Germany and its traditions if we don’t go there.  

III. Choose the correct alternative to fill in each gap and translate the sentences:

1) We ___________ (should / were able to) visit Greece twice.

2) According to travel agencies’ survey more tourists ___________ (could / will be able to) go abroad last year.

3) Pete ________ (will be able to / can) go to New York next month.

(II) I. Rewrite the following sentence in Past and Future Simple Tenses adding the adverbs of time. Translate these sentences: My parents can’t afford travelling abroad now.

II. Translate the following sentences paying special attention to modal verbs:

1) Going on a package holiday you needn’t check a hotel reservation.

2) We mustn’t take photos in this ancient castle.

3) Sorry, but I wasn’t able to help you to carry your luggage last time.

III. Choose the correct alternative to fill in each gap and translate the sentences:

1) Do you know if tourists ___________ (must / couldn’t) have visas to go to the Caribbean?

2) I’m sure you __________ (need / will be able to) visit Rome next year.

3) You __________ (needn’t / will be able to) go abroad when you get a visa.

(III) I. Rewrite the following sentence in Past and Future Simple Tenses adding the adverbs of time. Translate these sentences: Tom’s brother can’t visit the seaside resort this year.

II. Translate the following sentences paying special attention to modal verbs:

1) All passengers ought not to carry more than 20 kg luggage onto the plane.

2) Tourists must go through passport control here.

3) They weren’t able to go on holiday last summer.

III. Choose the correct alternative to fill in each gap and translate the sentences:

1) If people go on a package holiday, they ________ (needn’t / couldn’t) book the tickets.

2) My parents ___________ (were not able to / could) come) to your place last week, because they went to Paris.

3) You ________ (can / will be able) to take the Guided Coach tours when you go to the UK next year.


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