Игры на уроках английского языка
методическая разработка по теме

Решетникова Зоя Борисовна

Игры даны на английском языке. Материал был создан для выступления на районном МО. Игры можно использовать как на уроках ( в качестве валеологических пауз),  так и на внеклассных мероприятиях. 


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Решетникова Зоя Борисовна

МКОУ «Троицкая СОШ № 62»

                                     Game 1. “I spy with me eye”.  A pupil begins with the words “I spy with my eye something beginning with the letter “C”. Other pupils ask questions: “Is this a cat?” The pupil answers: ”Yes, it is. It’s a cat.” “No, it isn’t”.

Game 2. “The ball goes from…to”. The students stand in a circle. The teacher begins “The ball goes from the teacher to Ann”. The girl takes the ball and thanks the teacher. Then she says: “The ball goes from Ann to Pete.”  With the help of this game you can repeat prepositions, different tenses and themes. Students of the 9th-11th form can say: ”I’ll give the ball to Svetlana, because she is a very good girl (because she has got blue eyes/ nice jeans, etc).

Game 3. “Change places”. The students stand in a circle. The teacher or a student says: ”Change places, who has got long hair (nice shirt, who had done the homework, who has cleaned teeth today, etc)”. You may repeat a lot of themes with the help of this game.

Game 4. “Write as many words as you can.”

                     B l a c k b o a r d

                      a                        e

                      l                        s

                      l  a k e               k i t e

Game 5. “Write all the words you can find in a long word.”

  Information – in, form, inform, front, nation, etc.

Game 6. “Who finds more mistakes in the dictation?” 

Game 7. “It could be…” A student stands in front of the class. The other one hides something held behind his/ her back. The student asks: “What’s this?” The first student answers: “It could be a pen.”

Game 8. “Running dictation”. The whole class takes part in the game. It may be divided into some groups. “Secretaries” are appointed. They run and read sentences from the sheet of paper hanging in the corridor next to the classroom. Then they dictate them to the pupils of his/her group. The winner will be the team, which writes the dictation quickest and without errors.

Game 9  “ Picture dictation” This kind of game develops listening skills and students’ imagination. We may revise vocabulary, preposition, etс.      

    a/ “Draw a table with 2 chairs opposite. On the chair is a fat man sitting. On the other one is a thin woman. On the table there are two plates and some flowers on the vase. Under the table there’s a cat. Behind a woman there is a TV set. The man’s hat is on the sofa standing near the wall to the right. The woman has long hair. Next to the woman and the man there’s a wall with a picture on it. It’s a picture of some mountains. In front of the table there’s a rug. On the rug there’s a dog. The cat is eating some fish under the table.”

   B). There are three hills across the middle of the page. You can see a sea through the hills. There is a boat on the horizon. There are two clouds above the hills with the Sun shining through them. I see a house on the top of the left hill. There’s an antenna on the top of the right hill. The road runs from the village to the bottom right hand corner.  It runs across below the hills.  A winding railroad goes from the village to the bottom right hand corner. There’s a lake bellow the village. You can see a cow on one side of the lake. There’s a dog on the other side of the lake. You can notice a ship in the sea between the middle and the right hill.

   10. “Quiz” The students must answer some questions about the names of the months and the days of the week. E.g; What’s the day after Monday? What’s the day before Tuesday? What’s the month after January, etc.

 11. “Detective story”. The students should listen to the story and then answer the questions and give the solutions to this problem.

   A/ “Bernard lives on the 22nd  floor of a huge block of flats. Every morning he leaves his flat, gets into the lift and travels to the ground floor and goes to the work. In the evening he comes home, gets into the lift, gets out of the lift on the 14th floor and walks up the stairs to his flat on the 22nd floor. He does it every evening. Why?

   B/ “Mystery phone call”. ‘Every night at about 12 o’clock I get out of my bed, go into the next room, pick up the telephone, dial a number and wait. Someone answers the phone and says: “All right.” I put down my receiver, go back to the bedroom, get into the bed and go to sleep. I do this every night. Why?”

   12. “Alibi” The students must imagine the following situations:” Somebody has stolen a car/ precious stones, etc/. The police have caught  some suspects. They want to interrogate the accused. One accused man has got an alibi. It’s a friend. The accused man and his alibi go out from the class and discuss the alibi. The detectives interrogate the accused man first, then his friend. They ask them different questions in Past Simple.

They should prove the “crime” in order to say: “You’re guilty”.

    13 “Interview”. The students must interview a guest from the UK. They must use polite phrases: “Would you mind telling me …, Could you tell me …, I hope you don’t mind, but could you possibly tell me …, Be so kind as to tell me…” .

   14. “Interview 2”.

A volunteer student is the front of the class. Ask him any question you like. The other student writes down the sentences in direct speech:

  1. What’s your hobby?
  2. My hobby is drawing.
  3. He said that his hobby was drawing.

   15.”Stances”. The students fulfil the commands of the teacher.

  1. Put your hands on your head.
  2. I am putting my hands on my head.
  3. Ann is putting her hands on her head.

   16. “Advice for a novice”. The students must give advice to a new student. E.g.

  1. You must go to school every day.
  2. You should not cry at the lesson.

Then a novice asks the questions:’ Can I..? Mustn’t I…?, Should I…?

   17. “A letter” with advice to the head of the school, to the President of the state, etc. “If I were you, I should …, I should not …”  

   18. “Getting in order”. The students repeat the ordinal numerals. The students are put in a line. They rearrange themselves according to the dates of the birthdays. They must say:  “I am the first. I was born on the…of…19…’ Then the students may rearrange according to the length of their names. “I ’m the second after Natalya, because there are 6 letters in my name. My name is…”

   19. “Cooperative story/Free written composition”. The students must write a composition on a sheet of paper according to a theme. The first student writes the 1st sentence. Then he passes the sheet to his neighbour and so on.

   20. “Discrepancies.” The students must correct the errors in the fairytale, the teacher tells them: “Once upon a time there was a little girl named Little Red Ridinghood. She has got a black cap… The children: ‘No, it’s false. Her cap was red.”

   21. “Who knows more words from the theme ‘Animals”, “Food”?,etc. A pupil names the words stepping forward. The group counts the words he or she knows


   22.”Wandering tourists”. The students are given a sheet of paper with a plan of a town. One of the students will be a stranger, the other one will be a citizen of this town. The stranger asks how he may get to some place.

   23. “Who is this” The game is good for testing grammar and fluency.  We may check tenses and vocabulary. We show the students a variety of pictures of people from magazines. Let students choose which one to talk about.

  1. Then they will give this person a  complete personality name, age, profession, nationality, hobby, etc./ We can check any tense. The students may give answers orally as well as in written from.

   24. “Find someone who …”

The students must find someone in the group who /e.g./ likes carrots. One student goes over the classroom and asks his classmates: “Do you like carrots?” Another one must find the person who likes travelling. “Have you been to Germany?”/etc./

   25. “Stem sentences”.

The students are given the “stem” of a sentence and they must complete it. .E.g. “I like people who …”        26. Each student gets a verb on a card, he acts out the verb and the partner has to guess what it is. Then they continue taking turns. The game is good for verb tenses, motivating students, verb vocabulary.

   27. “ Make a monster”.

The students are given slips of paper with the names of the parts of the body on them. The students must be divided into groups. Then the groups draw their monsters. Sometimes their monsters may have 3 noses, 2 mouths, 3 necks, etc. After the monsters have been created, the teacher can extend the activity by asking the groups to:

  1. name the monster,
  2. say where the monster lives,
  3. what the monster eats,
  4. how much the monster weighs,
  5. how tall it is, etc. Then the teacher can use the “gallery” method. This method can be expanded to a variety of activities.  The possibilities are endless ( composition writing, debate strategies) etc,etc,etc.

   28.”Pictionary”. The students are given the slips of paper with words on them, nouns, for example. The words to the theme “At the Zoo”: a crocodile, a tiger, a monkey, a fox, trees, people, cages, a wolf, a hare and children. The students must draw the picture for the theme. The students may be given the following themes; “In Brazil”, ”In he forest”, etc. Then the students may write a story about the theme or they may tell the other group their story.

   29. “Adverb game”. The students may be divided into some groups and they may be given 2 kinds of  slips of papers. On one set of cards the adverbs are written, e.g.; impolitely, gladly, simply, pleasantly, crazily, quickly, awfully, clumsily, etc. On the others - phrases. They may be: to write a letter, to make a telephone call, to dance with a lady, to do the lessons, to take a shower, etc. The students must make sentences. Then they may write a story with this sentence.

   30. “If I were…” The students are given sheets of paper with phrases with Conditional 2. For example:

   -If I were rich, I would…;

   -If I were the head of our school, I would… ;

   -If I were a magician, I would…;

   -If I were the queen, I would…;

   -If I were a cosmonaut, I would…;

   -If I saw an UFO next to me, I would…;

   -If I had much money, I would…;

   -If I lived in USA, I would…;

   -If I were a president of Russia, I would…;

   -If I were an adult, I would…;

   -If I saw a spaceman, I would…;

   - If it were summer, I would…;

The students must continue the sentences. Then they may be asked to write or tell a story with this sentence.

   31. “Guess the profession.” The students are given the slips of  paper on which the words are written, e.g.:



                     tram      ?      


And the students must guess the profession. Then the student may say what a man of this profession may do, where he may work, where he must study, how much he may earn? Finally the student may say if he would like to have a profession.


   32. “Go shopping”.

   The teacher puts sheets of paper on the blackboard. It’s written on them:

  1. at the dairy,
  2. at the bakery,
  3. at the grocery,
  4. at the butcher’s
  5. at the greengrocer’s.

Many words to the theme written on small slips of paper which are put onto the teacher’s desk. The students go to the desk, take them and distribute the words according to the departments. Then the students may say what people can buy there.


                 П О С О Б И Е

для учителей английского языка средней школы

     «G A M E S   A T   T H E    L E S S O N»  


 Учитель английского языка высшей   категории школы № 44 “ОАО “РЖД” Решетникова З.Б.






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