Москва-сердце России
методическая разработка по теме
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«Москва – сердце России».
Работа учителя английского языка Семилетовой Светланы Викторовны.
Данная тема является результатом моей работы по теме самообразования «Развитие навыков устной речи на уроках английского языка». Принципом моей работы является погружение в языковую среду и создание комфортных условий для свободного общения на уроках английского языка.
Если в начальной школе создаются условия для психологической адаптации младших школьников к новому языковому материалу, то в среднем и старшем звене иностранный язык используется, как инструмент общения и познания, и соответственно, развиваются элементарные коммуникативные умения в основном виде речевой деятельности – говорении.
В моей работе собран культуроведческий материал о Москве, который соответствует возрастным особенностям старших школьников и служит для познавательного развития о столице своей страны.
На смену авторитарного стиля приходит учебное сотрудничество между учеником и учителем, что придаёт процессу обучения иностранным языкам личностный смысл: последовательно развиваются у школьников умения: говорить, слушать иностранную речь, видеть себя со стороны, самостоятельно оценивать свои возможности и потребности.
Работа « Москва – сердце России» состоит из следующих разделов:
- Некоторые факты из истории.
- Москва – промышленный и политический центр страны.
- Москва – культурный центр страны.
- Москва – политический центр страны.
- Московский государственный университет.
- Кремль.
- Третьяковская галерея.
- Вопросы по теме.
10.Песня «Москва, звонят колокола».
11. Используемая литература.
Some Facts about the History of Moscow
1147, was founded by, to be situated, population, total area
P 1: Moscow is one of the oldest Russian cities. It was founded in 1147 by Russian Prince Yuri Dolgoruky. The monument to the founder of the city you can see in Tverskaya Street.
The heart of Moscow is the Kremlin. It was built as an island fortress as it was surrounded by water: by the Moskva River and the Neglinnaya River, which is now under the ground.
The first walls were made of wood, but later they were replaced by thick oak logs. A new white- stone Kremlin was built in the 14th century in the reign of Dmitry Donskoy. In hundred years tsar Ivan III built new walls and towers of red brick, as we see them now. At the beginning Moscow’s territory was limited to the Kremlin.
Later the Kremlin became the residence of Moscow princes and stars. Beyond the Kremlin a so- called possad’ (settlement) spread out in all directions.
P 2: Kitai- gorod appeared in the middle of the 16th century and hid behind its walls and towers the entire big posad of Moscow to protect it. It was surrounded with a wide and deep moat. Later on, Beliy gorod was raised.
But Moscow still grew bigger. And at the end of the 16th century a new town – Zemlyanoy gorod- appeared. It was surrounded by nigh ground rampart (zemlyanoy val) with wooden walls on the top and deep moat, which gave the name to the town. In the old days it was possible to enter Moscow through special gates. Some street names can remind us of the gates.
In the 18th century zemlyanoy val was replaced by the streets and boulevards. It is now called the Boulevard Ring.
The third ring – Sadovoye Koltso runs for nearly 16 km round the centre of the city.
P 3: Moscow is the capital of Russia. It is one of the biggest and the most beautiful cities in the world.
Moscow is a modern city now. The population of the city is about 9.5 million people. Moscow is a political centre, where the government of our country works.
The total area of Moscow is about nine hundred square kilometers.
We say that Moscow is the port of five seas, as the Moscow- Volga Canal links Moscow with the Baltic, White, Caspian and Black seas and the Sea of Azov.
P 4: Tverskaya Street is one of the central streets of Moscow. It is one of the longest and busiest streets in the city.
The traffic is very heavy in Tverskaya Street. There are so many buses, trolley-busses and cars. There are three metro stations in or near Tverskaya Street. The first is not far from Red Square and the Kremlin, the second is at Mayakovskaya Square and the third is at the end of the street near the Belorusskiy railway station.
Tverskaya Street is one of the most beautiful streets in Moscow.
There are a lot of fine buildings in it. And you will find some of the best shops and stores in the city there.
P 5: The building of the Moscow City Government is in Tverskaya Street. At the opposite side of the street is a wonderful little square with a monument to Prince Yuri Dolgoruky in it. Father on, in Pushkin Square, there is a monument to Pushkin – an outstanding Russian poet. This is one of the finest monuments in Moscow.
T: One of the most popular sights of Moscow is the Red Square. It is the heart of the city. It is one the biggest and most beautiful squares in the world. It is 695 meters long and has an average wide up to 130 meters and an area to more than 70,000 square meters. In 1930 it was paved with stone blocks.
In 1555 – 1561 St Basil’s Cathedral (the Cathedral the Inter-cession- Pokrovsky), unique creation of Russian National art, was built on the square. It was erected in the order of Ivan IV (the Terrible) to commemorate the annexation of the Kazan and Astrachan khanates to Russia. It is the masterpiece of Russian architecture.
The names of the builders (Russian masters Postnik and Barma) had been forgotten for over three centuries, and it was only in 1896 their names were discovered in some old manuscripts.
Next to the Cathedral stands the monument to Minin and Pozharsky, the first civil monument erected by Ivan Matros. This monument depicts the heroic meeting of Kozma Minin, the elder of the Nizhny Novgorod, and Prince Dmitry Pozharsky. Under the leadership of these heroes of the 1612 war, the Russian people drove the Polish envaders out of Moscow.
Not far from the Cathedral of Intercession in the Red Square, there is the place called the Lobnoye Mesto, the Place of Execution, and a platform of white stone more than 400 years old. The tsars ‘edicts, were proclaimed and public executions carried out there.
T: Moscow is the Industrial and Political Centre of our Country.
Factories, plants ,to produce, goods, the seat of the Government ,the Duma, all the ministries, foreign embassies.
T: Now speak about Moscow as Industrial and Political centre.
P 6: Moscow is the industrial and political centre of our country. It is the seat of the Russian Government.
Moscow is the industrial centre. There are many factories and plants in it, which produce motorcars, transformers, motors, TV sets, watches and other goods. One of the known plants is Likhachev Automobile plant, which produces many lorries.
Moscow is the seat of the Government the Duma. The President of Russia lives and works there. There are all the ministries and foreign embassies in Moscow. Many important political events are held in Moscow.
Moscow is the Cultural centre of Russia.
Museums, art galleries, theatres, libraries, parks.
T: Right you are. Who wants to tell us about Moscow as the cultural centre?
P 7: Moscow is the Cultural capital of Russia. It is famous for its museums, galleries, monuments and churches. All these attract a lot of tourists to Moscow. The Kremlin is the heart of Moscow. It is the ancient centre of Moscow. Today it is a museum. It is situated on Borovitsky Hill on the left bank of the Moskva River and considered one of the most beautiful architectural ensembles in the world. In 1156 the Kremlin was fortified with ramparts and in 1367 white stone towers and walls were erected. Brick buildings were added between 1485 and 1495. The Moscow Kremlin contains fine examples of Russian architecture of the 15th to 17th centuries: the Cathedrals of the Assumption, the Annunciation and the Archangel, Ivan the Great’s Bell Tower, the Faceted Palace, the Terem Palace, the Senate Building, the Large Kremlin Palace and the Armoury. The State Kremlin Palace was built between 1959 and 1961.There is 20 Kremlin towers and the most notable are Spasskaya Tower where one can see the Kremlin clock, the Nikolskaya, the Trinity and the Borovitskaya Towers. The Tsar Cannon (16th century) and the Tsar Bell (18th century) are remarkable achievements of Russian cast ironwork. The President of the Russian Federation has his residence in the Kremlin.
P 8: The Armoury was first intended as an arms and armour workshop attached to the royal court. Jewellers icon – painters came here later. The work of the Kremlin masters ceased under Peter the Great, and the Kremlin Armoury became a royal treasure in the 18th century. A new building was constructed in 1844 – 1851. The Armoury was the first museum in Moscow. The Diamond Fund was added to the Armoury later. This exhibition displays unique state treasures, including a large imperial crown of gold, silver, diamonds and pearls made for the coronation of Catherine the Great, the huge, world – famous Orlov and Shah diamonds, and the Big Bouquet – a magnificent piece of jewellery set with diamonds and emeralds(18th century). The exhibition also features a collection of Yakut diamonds and masterpieces by modern jewellers.
P 1: Victory Park on Poklonnaya Hill is the Memorial to Victory in the Great Patriotic War. There is a museum, monumental sculptures open – air displays and the churches. The memorial was built on the highest point of Poklonnaya Hill in Victory Park. The museum is the central feature. The Church of St.Gorge the Victor, the patron saint of Moscow, stands to the left of the central pathway. There is an exhibition of military hardware datin to the Second World War in the park.
P 2: The Polytechnical Museum was opened in 1872 on the initiative of Moscow University scientists. The modern building was erected in 1875-1907. The museum was a transmitter of scientific knowledge and technological achievements. After the1917 Revolution public debates as well as poetry readings were held there. In the 1960s the performances in the Polytechnical Museum of the famous Soviet poets enjoyed great popularity.
P 3: The Central Museum of Armed Forces was opened in the GUM building. In 1921 it was transformed into the Museum of the Red Army and Navy, which in 1928 was located in the House of the Red Army (now the House of the Russian Army). There are 24 halls in the museum. More then 8,000 exhibits are displayed over an area of 5,000 square meters. Among those are the famous T-34 tanks, banners of the defeated fascist Germany, documents and photographs.
P 4: There are some museums in Moscow which are connected with biology and zoology. They are the Biology Museum, Darwin Museum and Zoological Museum. They attract a lot of children and adults.
There are a lot of museums connected with the famous Russian writers, poets, composers, artists and actors. They also attract a lot of public.
P 5: And, of course, there are famous art galleries in Moscow, which are well-known all over the world. They are State Tretyakov Gallery and the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts. The State Tretyakov Gallery is a treasure house of Russian fine art, with its masterpieces. It was founded in 1856 by Pavel Tretyakov. In 1892 Tretyakov donated his collection (1,287 paintings, 518 drawing and 9 sculptures) to the city of Moscow. Now the gallery owns 100 thousand works of art. The Tretyakov mansion is a magnificent building with its own church and the bell tower dedicated to St.Nicholas. We can see paintings of outstanding Russian artists such as Repin, Vasnetsov, Shishkin, Surikov, Benua, Korovin, etc., in the Tretyakov Gallery.
P 6: The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts was founded by Ivan Tsvetayev, a professor of Moscow University and father of the famous poet Marina Tsvetayeva. The original collection consisted of copies of classical and ancient original art. The superb exhibition of Western European paintings appeared later. The nearby Museum of Private Collections was opened in 1993.
Of course, it’s impossible to tell you all museums and galleries in Moscow. You should just believe that Moscow and its citizens are proud of their museums and galleries.
Moscow State University
T: Nice. Now speak about Moscow State University.
P 7: Moscow State University is the largest university of Russia. When it was founded in1755 it was the University of Moscow with three faculties. Today it ranks among the top universities of the world. There are over 5,000 Professors, Associate Professors and lecturers at the University. There are also over 140 full members and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences there.
The foundation of Moscow University was inspired by the radical philosophical and political views of Mikhail Lomonosov (1711-1765). The University was established by the order of Elisabeth, the Russian Empress. In the late 18th century Moscow University became the centre of advanced Russian science and social thought.
Moscow State University is known world- wide for its academic excellence. Moscow State University, the largest educational institution in Russia teaches almost in all subject areas: Arts, Sciences, Low, Engineering, etc. The staff is knowledgeable in their subjects. The top research institutions of Moscow State University enable to keep research and teaching up to date. Here students can learn skills which fit them for a better career. Moscow State University reputation stays with its graduates – and their achievements in turn add to that reputation.
T: We can say that Moscow is an educational centre. There are moiré than 50 institutes and several universities. Many young people from different countries come to Moscow to get a brilliant education.
Moscow is famous for its theatres. The oldest theatre of opera and ballet in our country is Bolshoi Theatre. The best ballet performances and Russian and foreign operas are performed in this theatre.
Moscow Sport and Transport Centre
Sport facilities, swimming pools,1980 Olympic Games, railway stations, underground.
T: Now let’s speak about Moscow Sport and Transport Centre.
P 8: There are a lot of sport facilities in Moscow such as stadiums, swimming pools. And as you know the Olympic Games in 1980 were held in Moscow.
Transport in Moscow is extensive. Here you can see all kinds of transport. To my mind Moscow’s metro is the most beautiful in the world. There are also 9 railway station and 5 airports in Moscow.
The Moscow underground is one of the best in the world. It connects the center of the city with almost all districts and suburbs of Moscow. The underground is the quickest and most convenient means of transport.
Moscow Great Holiday
T: In 2007 we celebrated the eight hundred and sixtieth anniversary of Moscow. It was first mentioned in the records dated back to the year 1147.So it was founded more than eighty centuries ago Prince Yuri Dolgoruky. Historians have accepted the year 1147 as the start of Moscow’s history. At that time it was a small frontier post at the edge of Suzdal lands.
The history of Moscow is connected with the history of Russia. Gradually the city became more and more powerful. In the 13th century Moscow was the center of the struggle of Russia lands for the liberation from the Tartar yoke. And it was Moscow Prince Dmitry Donskoy who led Kulikovo field in 1380.
In the 15th century Moscow turned into a wealthy city. It was under Ivan III that Moscow became the capital of state of Moscovy. At that time the Kremlin was rebuilt and the largest Kremlin Cathedrals were erected. The Kremlin is the heart of Moscow. It is the oldest historical and architectural centre of Moscow. First it was a wooden fort. Under Dmitry Donskoy the Kremlin was built of white stone. During the reign of Ivan III the walls of white stone were replaced by new redbrick walls and towers. The Prince invited Italian architects to construct the cathedrals. The Assumption Cathedral was built in 1475-1479.
The Russian Tzars and Emperors were erected in1484. It is famous for the icons painted by Andrey Rublev and his apprentices.
In the 16th century under Ivan IV (the Terrible) Moscow became the capital of the new united state. Though Peter the Great moved the capital to St. Petersburg in 1712, Moscow remained the heart of Russia. That is why it became the main target of Napoleon’s attack. Three quarters of the city were destroyed by fire during Napoleon’s occupation, but by the mid-19th century Moscow had been completely restored. After the Great October Revolution Moscow became the capital again.
T: I think that our guests have got a lot of information about Moscow.
Now you will work in groups. You should match the dates and the corresponding events. I will give you 2 minutes.
1147 – the foundation of Moscow;
The 13th century-the defeat of Tatar hordes;
The 16th century- the capital united state;
1712 – moving the capital to St.Petersburg;
1812 – the main target of Napoleon’s attack;
1918- the capital of the revolutionary Russia;
1941-1945 – the heroic struggle against Hitler’s troops;
2007 – the eight hundred and sixtieth anniversary.
T: Now answer my questions. When was Moscow founded?
P 1: Moscow was founded in 1147.
T: Right you are. When were Tatar hordes depeated?
P 2: Tatar hordes were depeated 13th century.
T: Good. When did Moscow become the capital of the united state?
P 3:Moscow became the capital of the united state in the 16th century.
T: Right. When did the capital of Russia move to St.Petersburg?
P 4: The capital moved to St.Petersburg in 1712.
T: Well, when was Moscow the main target of Napoleon’s attack?
P 5: Moscow was the main target of Napoleon’s attack in 1812.
T: Right you are. When did Moscow become the capital of revolutionary Russia?
P 6: Moscow became the capital of revolutionary Russia in 1918.
T: Good. When was the heroic struggle against Hitler’s troops?
P 7: The heroic struggle against Hitler’s troops was in 1941 – 1945/
T: Very good .And the last date. And what was in 2007?
P 8: The eight hundred and sixtieth anniversary of Moscow was celebrated in 2007.
T: Right you are. Now we shall play a little. You will write on the blackboard the words associated with the word “anniversary”.
На доске написано слово - “anniversary”, и ученики по очереди подбегают к доске и пишут вокруг этого слова свои слова, которые возникают у детей по ассоциации: holiday, songs, salute, flowers, dance, people, illumination. Желательно, чтобы каждый ученик написал по одному слову.
T: Very good. Now make up sentences using at least 2 words.
P 1: During this holiday people danced and sang many songs.
И т.д. По мере употребления слов учитель их стирает и так до последнего слова.
T: Now let’s speak about the best illustration of the history of Russia, the Moscow Kremlin.
T: Thank you very much. You have worked well today. Let’s remember what we have done at today’s lesson.
Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы.
- How old is Moscow?
- When and who was Moscow founded by?
- What is the heart of Moscow?
- The Moscow Kremlin is an outstanding monument of Russian history and culture, isn’t it?
- When was the Moscow Kremlin built?
- Have you seen the Moscow Kremlin?
- How big is Moscow population?
- When and where was the first Russian university founded?
- What do you know about the Tzar –Bell?
10.Where was Alexanrovsky Garden situated?
11. Who were the architects of the Cathedral of St. Basil?
12. When was it built?
13. What monuments have been erected in Moscow?
14. What kinds of transport are there in Moscow?
15. Have you been to Moscow?
16. What places of interest can you name?
T: Very good. And you know that one of the most popular songs was “Moscow” by Oleg Gasmanov. We prepared a surprise for our guests. Let’s sing the song.
Включается фонограмма песни. Учащиеся поют песню на английском языке.
T: Thank you very much. Your home task for the next lesson is: you are to prepare a short story about favourite place in Moscow. Your marks for the lesson are … Good – bye, my friends.
Pupils: Good – bye.
Ф.И.О. Семилетова Светлана Викторовна
Дата рождения: 25 марта 1947 года_______
Место рождения: г. Караганда___________
Должность: Учитель английского языка__
Общий трудовой стаж: 38 лет____________
Педагогический стаж: 36лет_____________
Квалификационная категория: Высшая__
Образование: Высшее___________________
Место работы: п. Раздольное, МОУ СОШ № 10
Домашний адрес:п.Раздольное, ул. Лазо д. 312 кв. 23
План урока
На доске написан эпиграф к уроку.
« Looking down on Moscow, we see the richest and the most beautiful city in the world, a city as great as London and as magical as Rome».
- Some Facts about the History of Moscow.
2. Moscow is the Industrial and Political Centre of our Country.
3. Moscow is the Cultural centre of Russia.
4. Moscow State University.
5. Moscow Sport and Transport Centre.
6. Moscow Great Holiday.
7. Лото.
8. Игра.
9. Kremlin.
12. « Живопись. Третьяковская галерея».
(Заочная экскурсия по залам Третьяковской галереи.)
1.Аташев «Кремль».1998г.
2.Газета « Moscow news».1999г.
3. Газета « 1 сентября», приложение.2003г.
4. Газета « 1 сентября», приложение. 2007г.
5.Дубровин «Москва».
6.Ерёменко « Москва – сердце России».
7.Миньяр-Белучаева «Сборник разговорных тем по английскому языку». 2009г.
8.Левченко « Достопримечательности Москвы».
9. Е.И.Кисунько «Если завтра экзамен?!» 2009г.
10. Набор открыток: « Москва», « Третьяковская галерея», « Кремль».
11. Фомин «Культура России» 2000г.
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