Разработка мероприятия на английском языке "Олимпийские игры".
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Предварительный просмотр:
Заключительное мероприятие по итогам недели
иностранных языков
“The Olympic games”
Ведущий: учитель английского языка Яковлева Марина Михайловна.
Возраст участников:
- ученики 4 классов
- болельщики – ученики начального звена Бизнес-школы “Деловая волна”.
Цели праздника:
- подведение итогов Недели иностранных языков
- повышение мотивации и интереса к миру спорта, к культуре и языку стран изучаемого языка
- развитие памяти, творческого мышления, воображения, умения работать в команде
- активизация употребления в речи лексики на тему «Спорт», навыков монологической речи, выразительного чтения вслух.
Оборудование, место проведения:
- актовый зал школы
- 3 столика со стульями для команд и членов жюри
- компьютер либо MP3-плейер для воспроизведения аудиозаписей
- оценочные листы для членов жюри
- листы с заданиями для членов команд
- листы с кричалками для болельщиков “You are the best”, “We are the champions”, “Harrah!”
- рисунки на тему Спорт”
- красочная вывеска “We love sport”
- диск с записями для музыкального сопровождения конкурса
Ход мероприятия:
- Вступительное слово ведущего
- приветствие участников
- вход команд в актовый зал
- представление жюри
- краткая история Олимпийского движения
( совместно с детьми)
- цели конкурса
- приветствие команд
- Конкурс № 1.
- команды выполняют первое задание
- болельщики скандируют кричалки
- музыкальное приветствие учеников 1 класса
- Конкурс № 2.
- команды выполняют второе задание
- музыкальное приветствие учеников 2 класса
- Конкурс № 3.
- команды выполняют третье задание
- болельщики скандируют кричалки
- музыкальное приветствие учеников 3 класса
- Конкурс № 4.
- конкурс капитанов
- игра с болельщиками
- Конкурс № 5.
- команды выполняют четвертое задание ( домашнее задание )
- болельщики скандируют кричалки
- Подведение итогов конкурса
- заключительное слово жюри
- награждение победителей
TASK № 1.
Match the sport or game to the appropriate set of rules: table tennis, basketball, judo, ice hockey, boxing, football.
Write the name of the sport or game in the correct box.
A _________
Contestants are weighed before the contest. The contestants’ assistants must leave the ring before the fight begins. Contestants must wear gloves and must not hit an opponent behind the neck.
The two contestants must bow to each other at the start of the contest. They should wear white clothing. Contestants must only attack the arms and legs of their opponent. They should not get overexcited.
The game can be played by two or four players. The players must change positions after each game. The ball must touch the table on both sides of the net each time it is hit.
Each team may have up to seven-ten players, only six of whom are allowed to play at the same time. Players must wear skates and numbered shirt.
E __________
Each team may have up to ten players, only five of whom may play at the same time. Players are not allowed to leave the court without permission. The ball may be thrown but it must not be carried or kicked. A team must try for a goal within 30 seconds of getting possession of the ball.
Each team must have eleven players. The two teams should wear different colors. Only the goalkeeper is allowed to play the ball with his hands or arms.
TASK № 2.
1. The first games were held in…
- London
- Olympus
- Sydney
2. The games were organized every…
- Fourth year
- Fifth year
- Sixth year
3. The ancient winners got…
- Wreaths of palm leaves
- Wreaths of olive leaves
- Wreaths of grape leaves
4. The competitions of athletes were only for…
- Women
- Children
- Men
5. Women’s events started in…
- 1900
- 1896
- 1980
6. Olympic Games cannot take place in a country which is…
- at peace
- at war
- far from Greece
7. The symbol of the 22 nd Olympic Games was…
- Hare
- Wolf
- Bear
8. The Olympic Games is the symbol of…
- peace and friendship
- politics
- business
TASK № 3.
Fill in the table:
Summer/winter sports | Indoor/outdoor sports | Places | Sports for men/women |
Clothes for sports | Equipment | Games played in team/alone | Activities |
TASK № 4.
Crossword for captains:
1. It is the sport of moving in water.
2. It is jumping from an airplane with a parachute.
3. The sport is playing with wooden pieces on a board. It is played in a quiet manner.
4. It is a form of football in which the ball can be handled.
5. It is the sport of riding a small sort of boat with a sail.
6. It is played by teams of 11 men with a round ball.
Name who they are ( for captains):
How do we call people who play football, tennis, cricket, rugby; do judo, weight lifting; go swimming, jumping, running, windsurfing; ride a bike.
(Учащиеся называют football player, tennis player, cricket player, rugby player, judoist, weight lifter, swimmer, jumper, runner, windsurfer, bicyclist)
The history of the Olympic games.
The history of the Olympic games goes back to ancient times. The Olympic games began in Greece more than two thousand years ago. In those times a lot of states on the territory of modern Greece often had wars. The ruler of one of these states wanted to live in peace. He decided to organize athletic games to stop the war. So when the Games were held all the wars were stopped.
Sport competitions were organized every fourth year in Greece in the city of Olympia. These contests consisted of running, wrestling, jumping and chariot racing. The best athletes from different cities of Greece came to take part in the competitions. Only men could take part in these games. The competitions lasted for five days. Winners were called “olympionics”. They were awarded olive wreaths and cups of olive oil. The Olympic games were accompanied by art festivals. Singers sang hymns, poets recited poems, orators made speeches – all in honor of the sacred games.
The Olympic games had been held for about eleven hundred years, until they were banned for religious reasons in 394 A.D. and the temple of Olympia was destroyed. The revival of the Olympic games began in 1892, when a young French teacher Pierre de Coubertin offered people from 15 countries to start the Olympic games again. He told people about the importance of sports in uniting peoples of the world and serving the cause of peace, as in ancient times.
The Olympic games can not take place in a country which is at war, and during the two world wars there were no Olympic games – 1916, 1940 and 1944. The main symbol of the Olympic games are the colored rings. They represent the five continents of the world. Blue represents Europe. Black represents Africa. Red – America. Yellow- Asia. Green – Oceania. The flag with rings in the Olympics appeared for the first time in 1920. The Olympic motto is “Citius, Altius, Fortius” – “Faster, Higher, Stronger!”
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