Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языкуИгра «Счастливый случай»“Who Knows the Birthplace Best?”
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
- воспитание уважительного отношения к родному краю,
- воспитание гордости за достижения и успехи, за выдающихся людей своей
- воспитание уважения к памятникам культуры,
- формирование более глубокого осознания родной культуры
- расширение знаний учащихся
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Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Задачи и цели Развитие способностей к самостоятельной работе, развитие смекалки Развитие интереса к английскому языку Развитие навыков устной речи; Цели мероприятия: - воспитание уважительного отношения к родному краю, - воспитание гордости за достижения и успехи, за выдающихся людей своей республики - воспитание уважения к памятникам культуры, - формирование более глубокого осознания родной культуры - расширение знаний учащихся
Вступительное слово учителя Good day, my dear friends! Today we’ ll speak about our republic. You have a chance to show your knowledge in different spheres of life. In general we have an intellectual game. But first let’s listen to pupils from the 7-th form. . They tell us some words about Mordoviya and its capital, about our native village and show us some sights . ( во время рассказа учащимся показываются слайды о Мордовии.)
Peryakina Olga Mordovia spreads from the Ryasan region in the west to the Chuvash lands in the east, and from Nizhniy Novgorod Region in the north to the Ulyanovsk and Penza country in the South. It is in green meadows and farm fields. Since ancient times this area between the Volga, Oka, Sura and Moksha rivers has been inhabited by the industrious, warm-hearted Mordoviyan people. The Mordovians are divided into two main linguistic groups – the Mordva-erzya and Mordva-moksha , each with its own literary language. Mordovia is one of the industrial and cultural republics of Russia. Mordovia is famous for its singers, dancers, musicians, painters and sculptors. The picture gallery in Saransk is named after Sychkov . The outstanding Mordovian sculptor Stepan Erzya has won an international reputation. Mordovia is a multinational republic. There are about 50 nationalities live in it. (слайды 1-2)
Ermoshkina Elizaveta The capital of Mordovia is Saransk. It has the population over 350000. All Mordvians are proud of their native republic and people. It is one of the oldest cities of Volgo-Vyatsky region. It was founded in 1641. Saransk is an industrial centre. There are 53 industrial enterprises there. Saransk is also a cultural centre. There are many schools, two institutes, a university, where thousands of students not only from Mordovia but from other regions of Russia and even from foreign countries study and get different professions. We are proud of Drama Theatre, museums by Aerzya and Sychkov , the Historic museum, Ushakov’s Cathedral, sports’ complexes and stadiums . We also can have a rest in the park by Pushkin and go to the Zoo to watch different animals. ( слайды 3-7, 13)
Devyataykina Anastasiya I want to tell you some words about my village. Kolopino is a big village. It is situated in Krasnoslobodsky district, not far from Krasnoslobodsk and 80 km from Saransk The population is about 400 people. There is a school, a church, a hospital, three shops a post-office in my village. People of my village are very kind, hospitable, hard-working. They grow wheat, rye, oats and other crops. People have cows, pigs, sheep and goats, some of them have bees.
Teacher: Let’s begin our contest “ Who Knows the Birthplace Best” ( играют 2 команды , учащиеся 7 и 8 классов. правильный ответ показать табличкой с соответствующей цифрой) I- st game “Geography and Cities” 1. What are the borders of Mordovia ? 1) Ryazan region, the Chuvash Republic, Nizhniy Novgorod Region, Ulyanovsk Region and Penza Region; 2) the Chuvash Republic, Ulyanovsk Region, Buryatiya , Tatarstan ; 3) Nizhniy Novgorod Region, Penza Region, Ryasan region , Moscow Region. 2. Who is the head of our republic? 1) D. Medvedev 3) N. Merkushkin 2) V. Putin 4) V. Volkov 3. What colours has the flag of Modovia ? 1) white- red- blue 3) purple – white - dark blue 2) green- red-white 4) dark blue – purple - white 4.How many cities are there in Mordovia ? 1) six 3 ) eight 2) seven 4 ) nine 5.What is the oldest city in our republic? a) Krasnoslobodsk c) Kovylkino b) Temnikov d) Insar 6.What is the youngest city in our republic? 1) Krasnoslobodsk 3 ) Kovylkino 2) Temnikov 4 ) Insar 7. When was Saransk founded? 1 ) 1641 3 ) 1570 2 ) 1664 4 ) 1751
II- nd game “ Literary Mordovia ” 1.Famous Mordovian writers are …. 1) I. Devin 3) A. Pushkin 2) A. Tyapaev 4) K. Abramov 2. What is the name of the first Mordovian scientist, ethnograph and linquist ? 1) N. Ogaryov 3) F. Ushakov 2) E. Evsevyev 4) A. Polezhaev 3.What is the name of the organizer of Mordovian national school, the author of the first school primer? 1) L. Makulov 3) F. Atyanin 2) Z. Dorofeev 4) F. Bezzubova 4.Who is the author of the books”Nyaman ”, “ Purgas ” and so on? 1) S.Aerzya 3) I. Devin 2) K. Abramov 4) F.Abramov 5.S. Aerzya is a famous … 1) writer 3 ) sculptor 2) playwright 4 ) singer 6. Sychkov is famous for his… 1) pictures 3 ) sculptures 2) plays 4 ) poems 7. Stephan Aerzya’s first name is … 1) Vedenyapin 3 ) Kirukov 2 ) Nefyodov 4 ) Nefyodkin
III-d game. Questions from pillar-box. ( Каждая команда вытягивает по 2 конверта и вместе с командой готовят ответы. За правильный ответ получает 2 балла) There is a monument in front of the railway station. It is devoted to Fedoseenko , Vasenko and Usyskin . What are they famous for? What streets, museums of Saransk are named after famous people? Which group of languages does the Mordovian lan-guage belong to? What minerals is Mordovia rich in?
IV – th game Blits -questions ( кто первым ответит на вопрос, тот и получает балл) 1.Who is the author of the drama”Uchitelnitsa ?” 2.What animals are there in the Mordovian forests? 3.What is the biggest animal that is met in the forests of Mordovia ? 4.Name the biggest rivers of Mordovia ? 5.What tree gives sweet juice? 6. The university is named after …..? 7.What Mordovian singers do you know? 8. What Mordovian composers do you know? 9. What theatres are there in Saransk? 10. What is the beginning of the Mordovian anthem? 11. Who composed the music of the anthem? 12.Name the borders of Krasnoslobodsk district? 13. Name the famous people of your village? 14.Where is your village situated? 15.What is your village famous for? 16.Why is Red Book called red not green? 17.Who is the cathedral in Saransk named after? 18.Name the best mordovian sportsmen? 19.What is Olga Kaniskina famous for? 20. What is the park in Saransk named after? 21. What museums are there in Saransk? 22.Where is the Zoo in Saransk?
Подведение итогов игры Our game is over. The team of the 8 – th form is the winner of the game. I’ m very pleased with your answers. Thank you.
Литература Н.В.Клюкин . География Мордовии М.М.Голубчик. Географическое положение, границы, состав территории А.А.Сальникова. Население и культура
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