Образование в России и в Белгороде
план-конспект урока (9 класс) по теме
разработка урока по теме "Образование в России и Белгороде" Тип урока : Обобщение и систематизация знаний. Форма проведения: заочная экскурсия.
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Урок по теме: Образование в России и Белгороде. Наша школа. 9 класс.
Тип урока: обобщение и систематизация знаний.
Форма проведения: заочная экскурсия.
Методы : поисковый, исследовательский, наглядный.
Технологии : информационная, проектная, здоровьесберегающая, личностно-ориентированная, компьютерная, тестовая.
Education in Russia and Belgorod. Our school.
Цели урока:
Учебная -Совершенствование навыков монологической и диалогической речи.
Развивающая –развитие способности осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия.
Познавательная – знакомство со школами города и расширение сведений о родной школе.
Воспитательная – формирование способности к коллективной работе в группе, воспитание уважения к школе и школьным предметам.
Оборудование: компьютер, раздаточный материал, проектные работы, грамматическая таблица.
Ход урока.
I . Оргмомент.
- Приветствие
II. Цель урока: Our lesson will be unusual. We are going to have an extramural excursion to schools of Belgorod and our own school. Children will describe educational system of secondary schools in our town and make their own dialogues.
III Фонетическая зарядка. (Лексика по теме «Образование»)
But at first let’s practice English sounds in the today’s vocabulary. Look at the blackboard and repeat after me.
[t] – infant, type, study, system, elementary
[s] – secondary, school, start, student, explain, compulsory
[ai] – high, private, primary, lyceum;
[g] – graduate, grade, get;
[dz] – college, gymnasium, technology, subject;
[d] - education, grades, diploma, children, student
IV Речевая зарядка
Today I want you to play the game “Agree or disagree” with me. You will listen to my statements and agree with me if I am right. Repeat my statements if it is true. Disagree with me and correct my statement if it is false.
In Belgorod there are 43 secondary schools.
School No 20 is specialized in English.
There are no lyceums in Belgorod.
Pupils start going to school at the age of 5 in Russia.
In Russia pupils study in primary school for 4 years.
School No 20 is situated in Necrasov St.
There are a lot of different clubs in our school
Our school was founded in 1961
V Проверка домашнего задания.
And now we’ll check up our home task. All the pupils were divided into 2 groups and every group prepared their own information about education in Russia, Belgorod and our own school. First, group No 1 will tell us about education in Russia and Belgorod.
- о школах города Белгорода ( информация из проектов)
Our excursion is devoted to educational system in Russia and schools in Belgorod. You know that every citizen in our country has the right to education. This right is guaranteed by the Constitution. It is not only a right but a duty, too. Every boy or girl must get secondary education. Schools start at the age of 6 for Russian children and they must stay there until they are 14 or 17 years old. At all schools pupils study academic subjects such as Russian, Literature, Maths, History, Biology, Geography, foreign language and others. Education in our country is free at most schools, but there are some private primary schools where pupils have to pay for their studies.
Belgorod is one of Russian cities situated in the Central Black Earth region. The first educational institution in Belgorod was sloveno-russian school which was opened in 1722. First school providing general education in Belgorod appeared in the 40-th years of the 19-th century. Training there was not always fulfilled by professional teachers. Students, priests and even people who could write and read worked there.
Now we have 50 schools in Belgorod. Among them there are 4 lyceums,6 gymnasiums, 2 schools with profound knowledge of some subjects, 2 specialized in foreign language schools (No12 and 5). There are also boarding schools for children who has some problems with health. All schools are free of charge only one private school is partly paid.
The second group will tell us about our school.
,- о школе № 20. Now I want to say some words about my school. My school is located in Shershneva Street. Set up in 1961, it values its traditions, which, however, have changed in the course of time. The first headmaster of our school was Rakov Ivan Trofimovich and since 1995 at the head of school No 20 has been working Maslova Valentina Alekseevna. In 1996 school was given the status of zemskaya . Such subjects as “ Philosophy for children” and “Study of local lore” were brought in. School has got a lot of different diplomas and awords in different competitions for the last years.In 2006 secondary school No20 became a “Municipal сomprehensive institution with profound knowledge of some subjects”.
Every year on the first of September all the pupils and teachers of our school gather for a meeting at which the beginning of a new academic year is proclaimed. After the meeting the pupils go to their classrooms. The classrooms are very large. In our school there are a lot of specialised classrooms. The Biology classroom is with a lot of flowers. By taking care of the flowers we learn to love and protect nature. The Literature classroom resembles a library with a lot of bookcases around the walls and the portraits of the classics of Russian literature. In the History classroom there are maps and archaeological artefacts. Most of all I like the English classroom. On the wall of the English classroom there are posters with London places of interest: Westminster Abbey, Houses of Parliament, and the Tower of London. Our English teacher teaches us not only the language of the Englishmen but their culture, history and traditions as well. By learning more about the life style of other peoples we start to appreciate customs and traditions of our country. During our English classes we read and translate texts, discuss some English books, and listen to the tape-recorder.
I spend much time at school. But at school we do not only study. We have some extracurricular activities as well. They are part of school life. Our social and cultural life is well organized. We have different clubs. We often go to the museums and theatres. At school I have many interesting subjects and they are all different. My favourite subjects are English, Literature and History. I like to learn new English words, dramatise texts and dialogues. I like to discuss interesting problems in English during our English classes.
You have told us about schools and subjects. I think it was interesting but you know the proverb “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”. I advise you to have a short break and do exercises.
VI Физкультминутка.
(Проводится дежурным учеником.)
Hands on your hips, hands on your knees
Put them behind you if you please.
Touch your shoulders, touch your nose,
Touch your ears, touch your toes
Raise your hands high in the air,
At your sides, on your hair.
Raise your hands as before
While you clap: one, two, three, four
VII Составление диалогов по темам проектов.
You have listened a lot of information about education and about our school. Now every group will receive the task to make the dialogues.
А) A new pupil came from another town. He is looking for school to study. Tell him about schools in Belgorod and advise your school.
Dialogue 1
Hello! What can I do for you?
Hello! I’m a stranger in your town but my family came to live here and I’m looking for the best school in this district.
1 Oh, there are different types of schools. You may go to the lyceum No32 or Gymnasium No12 specializing in English language. But I think that the best school is my school No 20.
Where is it situated?
1 It is situated in Shershneva Street.
2 Is this school new or old?
1 It is neither old nor new 3-storeyed building. There are a lot of classrooms with modern equipment, library, medical room, dining room, gymnasium.
2 You see, my favourite subjects are Maths and English.
1 That’s what you need. Our school is a school with profound knowledge of Math.
2 Thank you, I’ll think.
1 OK, good bye
B) You are speaking with a guest from Great Britain about your school and your plans for future.
Dialogue 2
( a foreigner and a pupil of school No 20)
Hello! Welcome to Belgorod. I’ll be your guide. My name is… .What do you want to see first?
Hello! I’m from Great Britain. My name is … .I’m interested in school education in Russia and of course in Belgorod. First of all, is your education free or paid?
Oh, our state schools are free of charge but independent schools are paid. In Belgorod it is one primary school.
Are there any difference between state schools in Belgorod?
Yes, there are. There are Lyceums, Gymnasiums, secondary comprehensive schools and specialized schools. And now there is one more type of schools – schools with profound knowledge of some subjects
Oh, I see. And how many schools are there in Belgorod?
There are 50 schools of different types and all of them are well equipped.
In Great Britain private schools have school uniforms and what about you?
In our town not all schools have school uniforms but our school has.
One more question. Where can you enter after finishing school?
There are a lot of lyceums, colleges, Universities and technical schools in Belgorod where we can continue our education.
Thank you very much. I have learnt a lot. Good bye.
1. Bye! You are welcome.
VIII Грамматика. Косвенная речь.
Now we revise your knowledge of grammar.
Report the statements from the cards.
On Monday we had 5 lessons.
Pupils in Russia go to school at the age of 6 or 7.
Pupils leave school; at the age of 17.
Schools in Russia have numbers.
Pupils go to school 6 days a week.
We went to the excursion on Thursday.
Spring holidays will start at the end of March.
All children go to the kindergarten in Russia.
There are compulsory subjects in secondary school..
There are 4 terms during the school year.
IX. Reading.
Before we’ll start doing the next task, please, let’s make our eyes to do some exercises.
Sit straight, look right, look left, look at the blackboard, look at the window, close your eyes, look right, look left … .
Now you will read the text about our school museum of military glory. You ought to find the English equivalents of given phrases and answer the questions.
Museum of Military glory.
Museum of military glory of school No 20 was founded on February 22, 1969. The aim of foundation was to study the history of native land, to bring up young generation the patriots of their country, to form the skills of searching work.
The first leader of the museum was the teacher Tyuremskih Nina Vasilievna, then were Bazarova Zoya Vasilievna and Chevychelov Victor Mikhailovich and from 1980 the leader of our museum is Romanova Antonina Andreevna. She conducts a lot of excursions for pupils of our school and our guests. Together with pupils she corresponds with veterans of the Great Patriotic war and their relatives.
In the museum we can see the portraits of the heroes of the Soviet Union, a lot of pictures from the war, personal things of the soldiers, archeological finds.
To show all the exhibits the museum organizes different exhibitions devoted to important events.
Find the English equivalents:
военная слава
навыки поисковой работы
руководитель музея
переписываться с ветеранами
фотографии с войны
археологические находки
Answer the questions:
When was our school museum founded?
How many leaders were in our school museum?
What does the museum organize to show all the exhibits?
X Домашнее задание. стр. 137 упр. 9
X I Подведение итогов урока.
In order to see how much have you learnt I want you to do a short test.
Choose the right answer from the given.
1. Every boy or girl must take … education.
a) secondary b) primary c)higher
2. Education in state schools of Russia is … .
a) free b) paid c) highly paid
3. There are … schools in Belgorod.
a) 45 b)50 c)39
4. Our school was founded in … .
a)1961 b)1955 c)1939
5. To show all the exhibits our museum organizes … .
a)show b) exhibitions c)festivals
6. School No 20 is a … .
a) lyceum b)comprehensive secondary school c) comprehensive secondary school with profound knowledge of some subjects
7. The first educational institution in Belgorod was … school.
a) grammar b) sloveno-russian c) secondary
Answers :1-a, 2-a, 3-b, 4-a, 5-b, 6-c, 7-b.
XI I Рефлексия.
Our lesson came to the end , leaving the room, mark, please how you improved your knowledge of the topic.
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
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