Проектная работа по теме " Британские праздники" 5 кл
методическая разработка (5 класс) по теме
Проектная работа по теме "Британские праздники" включает заключительный этап - презентацию
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Предварительный просмотр:
Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение
Средняя общеобразовательная школа№53
Проектная работа по теме:
British Holidays.
Разработана учителем английского языка
Панфиловой О.В и проведена
в 6 а классе. 25.10.2008г.
Данная проектная работа помогает решить следующие задачи:
Научить детей работать в группе;
Научить обобщать изученный материал по теме;
Научить ребят работать с дополнительной литературой;
Красиво оформлять собранную информацию;
Научить учащихся монологической и диалогической речи;
Научить оценивать свою работу и работу других;
Привить детям интерес к языку и традициям страны изучаемого языка.
Преодолеть инертность, безынициативность учащихся; боязнь говорить.
Развить самостоятельность, творчество, активность;
Метод проектов и превращает учащихся из объекта обучения в субъект учебной деятельности.
Этапы проектной работы:
1 этап-планирование.
Школьники под руководством учителям обсуждает содержание и характер проекта; способы сбора и вид необходимой информации (статьи, иллюстрации и т.д)
2 этап-распределение по группам.
Учитывая пожелания ребят учитель распределяет их на 3 группы.
В каждой группе есть человек, который умеет красиво излагать информацию, петь, рисовать.
Ребята выбирают руководителя группы-командира. Команда выбирает тему своего проекта.
3 этап- выполнение проекта.
Сбор информации учащихся. Сбор иллюстративного материала для коллажа.
Подбор музыкального сопровождения. Написание сценария предоставления проекта. Сбор реквизита. Репетиции.
4 этап- оформление собранной учащихся информации в виде коллажа. Работа проводится в классе в течение урока.
5 этап- презентация проекта.
Ребята излагают информацию в виде разговоров, сценок, песен, стихов. Используют сделанные коллажи.
По окончании презентации ученики анализируют проект. Заполняют опросные листы.
6 этап- Оценка проектной работы.
Защита проектов.
1. Вступительное слово учителя.
Good morning, boys and girls!
Good morning, our guests!
We spoke a lot about British holidays.
British traditions. We read a lot about them. You made the project about one of these holidays, and now you must represent your project.
The first group got ready for representing Halloween.
-Are you ready to represent it? Well.
-Come here, please and start.
-And remember that the rest of you must listen them what they talk about.
-Let`s start!
1 Ученик:
In late October the days grow shorter and the nights grow longer. It`s colder and darker and cold winds blow . The year is ending and everything is dying.
People stay at home in the evenings and at weekends. It`s the time of Halloween. Halloween is the end of autumn and the start of winter. In the past this festival was a time of fear. People believed in ghost and witches and they stayed at home.
At Halloween the ghosts of the dead and all witches of the world rode in the sky on their broomsticks.
Many countries celebrate Halloween, but in different ways. People invite their relatives and friends to Halloween parties and send invitation cards, like this: (Показывает на приглашение на коллаже).
Children make lanterns out punchings like this:( Показывает светильник из тыквы).
2 ученик:
-Today this festival is a time for fun, for Halloween parties. Now ghost and witches are people dressed in old and funny clothes.
Далее инсценировка песни “The pumkin in the patch” (Дети в костюмах изображают ведьму, приведение и летучую мышь и поют.)
The pumkin in the patch (2 p.)
Hi-ho on Halloween, the pumkin in the patch.
The pumkin calls a witch (2 p.).. (зовет).
The witch calls a bat (2 p.)...
The bat calls a ghost(2 p.)...
The bat ghost scares us all...(пугает).
We all scare the ghost...
3 ученик :
-Children play a special game all Halloween: “Trick or Treat”. They dress up as ghosts , witches, clowns or pirates and visit their neighbors.
“Trick or treat!” They cry. People must give them a treat : some fruit, sweets or chocolate. When there is no treat, the children play a trick on them and run away.
(Подходят к другим группам и пугают.)
The sky is blue, the sky is green,
Have you got a penny for Halloween?
Halloween, Halloween.
Ghost and witches can be seen.
Trick or Treat, Trick or Treat!
Give us something good to eat.
Let`s thank them! Clap your hands!
Take your seats, please!
The second group will represent Christmas to us. Please, come here and get ready.
-Are you ready? Let`s start.
1 Ученик.
-The 25th of December is Christmas Day. It`s a happy holiday for a lot of people in different countries.
Some weeks before Christmas English people are busy. They send greeting cards to all their relatives and friends. You can buy Christmas cards(показывает открытку) or you make them. (показывает самодельную открытку).
Christmas cards.
Christmas cards.
Red and green and blue.
Please send me a Christmas cards.
And I`ll send one to you.
Christmas cards.
Christmas cards.
Handing by the tree.
I`ll send you a Christmas cards.
If you send one to me.
-People buy a Christmas tree and decorate it with toys, colored balls and little colored lights, and with crackers ( показывает на елку)
-On Christmas Eve people put their presents under the tree. When children go to bed, they put their stockings near their beds.(показывает)
At night Father Christmas comes. He has got a big bag of presents for children. He puts the presents into the children`s stockings.
2 ученик:
-Every year there is a very big Christmas tree in the centre of London, in Trafalgar Square. This is a present from the people of Norway to the people of Great Britain. They send it to Londoners every year and Londoners decorate the Christmas tree.
In the evening before Christmas people like to come to Trafalgar Square to look at the tree.
3 ученик :
-The shops are very busy on Christmas. People want to buy presents for their family and friends(for their nearest and dearest). They decorate their houses with holly and other over green plants.
People open their presents on Christmas morning.
For Christmas dinner people eat turkey, potatoes and green vegetables. Then they have the Christmas pudding. At five o`clock it`s time for team and Christmas cake.
On Christmas people wish their nearest and dearest a merry Christmas.
Поют песню «We wish you a merry Christmas”.
We wish you a merry Christmas,
We wish you a merry Christmas,
We wish you a merry Christmas,
And a happy New Year.
2 ученик:
-There is another old British tradition singing cards. At Christmas time groups of people sing cards. Sometimes carol singers, especially children, sing in front of each house and ask for money.(поют и инсценируют carol)
Once in royal David`s city
Stood a lowly cattle shed,
Where a mother laid her baby
In a manger for a bed.
Mary was that mother mild, Jesus Christ her little child.
1 ученик:
-On Christmas children usually make crackers (показывает хлопушку)
They wright jokes and put them with the sweets inside crackers.(читают рифмовку)
Pull a cracker
Pull a cracker
Till it bangs;
Pull a cracker,
Pull a cracker.
Bang (взрывают хлопушку)
Let`s thank the second group!
Take your seats, please.
New Year
4. And the third group will represent New Year to us . Please, go to the blackboard get ready and start.
-Are you ready? Then start, please!
1 ученик:
Not all English people celebrate New Year. Those who do celebrate it on the 31st of December. A lot of people go to Trafalgar Square to see the Christmas tree. They have a New Year party at home. On that day they wish their dearest and nearest a “Happy New Year”. When Big Ben strikes twelve they drink a toast to the New Year.
English people often make New Year resolutions. Children make New Year`s resolutions, too.
We can show one of them. ( инсценировка диалога-шутки)
2 ученик:
-I`ve go a New Year`s resolution. I can easily keep it.
3 ученик:
-What is it?
2 ученик:
-I am not going to make anymore New Year`s resolutions.
1 ученик:
-But in Scotland New year is a national holiday. There is an interesting New Year tradition: in the
Scotland you can go “first footing”. In Scotland the first visitor who comes into a house on New Year`s morning is : the First Foot”.
The Scots believe that the First Foot brings luck to the family for the new year.
In Scotland the First foot must be a man( or a boy), not a woman! And he musthave dark hair.
Сценка “First footing”
Мальчик стучится в дом:
-Is anybody at home?
Девочки в замешательстве. Одна спрашивает у другой:
-Is he a boy?
-yes,he is.
-Is he dark?
-Yes, he is.
-Has he some presents?
-yes , he has.
(С радостью открывает дверь)
-Come here, please.
-I bring you some coal, bread and money.
-Thank you.
(читают стихи о новогодней елке)
Поют песню “Jingle, bells!”
Jingle, bells!(2р)
Jingle all the way!
On what fun it is to ride
In a one-horse open sleigh.
Dashing through the snow
In a one-horse open sleigh,
O`er the fields we go,
Laugthing all the way.
Bells, on bob-tail ring,
Making spirits brights.
What fun it is to ride and sing
A sleighing song tonight.
Учитель: Let`s thank them! Take your seats, please!
5. Подведение итогов.
-Listen to me now. Thank you for your work. You have done a lot of work. I think it was interesting to you too to work at these projects. And now I ask you to take these questionnaires and fill in them. Mark the words of other groups.
But not your group.
You can go the blackboard and look at these works and read the information.
-On the next lesson we will discuss your projects. Take these questions to discuss and answer them at home, pleasure.
-Do you understand me? Well.
-And now the lesson is over. Good bye!
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