Открытый урок английского языка
методическая разработка (7 класс) на тему
Открытый урок английского языка
7 класс
разработка учителя МБОУ сош №2 г.Зверево
Чернатынской А.Н.
Темаурока:”Are you proud of your native land?”
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Открытый урок английского языка
7 класс
разработка учителя МОУ сош №2 г.Зверево
Чернатынской А.Н.
Тема урока :”Are you proud of your native land?”
Цели урока:
- образовательная – активизация лексики, изученной на предыдущих уроках; введение и отработка новых лексических единиц по теме; знакомство учащихся с новой информацией о России;
- развивающая – развитие навыков чтения и работы с текстом, говорения и аудирования;
- воспитательная – воспитание гражданственности и патриотизма, интереса и уважения к своей стране и своей малой родине.
Практические задачи урока:
- Активизировать лексику по теме: «Что особенного в твоей стране?»
- Ввести дополнительную лексику по теме урока и активизировать ее по средствам работы над текстами.
- Развивать навыки восприятия английской речи на слух по средствам прослушивания текста о Москве и выполнения заданий.
- Проверить усвоение нового материала с помощью различных заданий в игровой форме: «Quiz».
- Стимулировать активность учащихся флажками - стикерами.
- Использовать на уроке информационные технологии.
Ход урока.
I.Организационный момент урока.
Good morning, boys & girls! I’m glad to see you. My name is Anna Nickolaevna. I’ll be your teacher of English today.
Well, how are you today? Fine? O.K.? So-So? Bad?
I hope you’re all right. I know you’re clever, brave, creative & logical creatures. So it’s time to start our lesson. Are you ready? My best wishes to you!
The topic of our lesson is the following: «Are you proud of your native land?”»
Today we’ll learn how to speak about Russia, our capital Moscow & your native place in English.
Do you understand me? Not very well, so that’s why I have something special for you that helps you at our lesson. These are flags – stickers.
- Pink flag means: “I don’t understand”
- Green flag means: “ I want to answer”
- Yellow flag means: “1 score to your mark”
So, now I’ll give you Red & Green for you to use & Yellow I’ll give you later for your good answers. Today you should not be afraid of mistakes; your activity is the way to your success & excellent marks. Good luck!!!
II. Фонетическая зарядка.
Poem “Oh, Russia I’m in love with you”.
Тренировка звуков [r], [s], [z],
Let’s read & pay attention to the highlighted sounds!
I love you deeply, dear land,
Your hills and rivers, sand on strand
Your songs, your dances, lakes and seas
Your fish, your animals and birds in trees.
L.A. Khusainova.
III. Речевая разминка. (продолжаем работать со стихотворением).
Now let’s speak about this poem. Please answer my questions using the beginning of the answers.
- It is a beautiful poem, isn’t it? yes/no
- Do you like this poem? yes/no
- What is it about? It’s about…
- What does the poet love deeply? The poet loves deeply Russian…
- Do you know any poems about our country?
IV. Основная часть урока.
1. Знакомство с новой лексикой.
Let’s pronounce new words & expressions. Repeat after me, please.
Scenery and wildlife – описание природных особенностей
diverse – различный, разнообразный;
impressive – выразительный, поразительный;
vast –громадный обширный;
“the cold `desert” – холодная пустыня;
extreme north– крайний север;
birch – берёза;
ethnic groups – этнические народы;
own – собственный
it stretches across – простирается через;
temperate – умеренный;
monsoon – муссонный;
magnificent – величественный;
2. Работа с текстом, активизация новой лексики.
Well, I have some information for you about our country. Let’s read it & work with it. Who wants to read? Be active! You, please…
A. Scenery and wild life.
The scenery of Russia is diverse and amazing. There are many large forests, high mountains, impressive rivers and beautiful lakes. Russia is also famous for its vast steppes and the tundra, "the cold desert" which is in the extreme north. The wildlife and flora are very rich, and the birch tree and the bear have become the symbols of Russia.
Task 1.
Thank you very much. Now I’d like you to find some words in the text. I’ll give them in Russian & you find their English equivalent in the text.
tundra – тундра;
extreme north– крайний север;
birch – берёза;
bear – медведь;
Scenery and wildlife – описание природных особенностей
steppe – степь;
vast – громадный обширный;
“the cold `desert” – холодная пустыня;
diverse – различный, разнообразный;
amazing – удивительный, изумительный;
impressive – выразительный, поразительный;
That’s right, thank you. Let’s continue.
Task 2.
Answer the questions for the text. First read them then answer. Give me, please, the full answer. OK?
- Is the scenery of Russia diverse and amazing?
- Are there many large forests in Russia?
- Are there many high mountains in Russia?
- Are there many impressive rivers in Russia?
- What is Russia famous for? (steppe, the cold `desert, tundra)
- What are the symbols of Russia?
B. Population. Text. Be attentive to the numbers.
Russia is home to nearly 150 million people from different groups. More than a hundred ethnic groups live in Russia. Eighty-five per cent of the population is Russian. There are also about 5.5 million Tatars, 4.4 million Ukrainians and the ethnic groups of the Volga region, Germans and others. They all speak Russian, but every ethnic group has its own language and culture.
Task 3.
Choose the right answer:
- Russia is home for nearly… million people.
a) 240
b) 150
c) 115
- More than … ethnic groups live in Russia.
a) 1000
b)10 000
c) 100
- …of population is Russian.
a) 85 %
b) 75 %
c) 55 %
- How many million Tatars are there in Russia?
a) 6.5
b) 5.5
c) 4.4
- How many million Ukrainians and the ethnic groups are there in Russia?
a) 6.5
b) 5.5
c) 4.4
C. Climate.
Russia is a very large country and lies in both Europe and Asia. It stretches across eleven time zones and includes many types of climate. It has a tundra climate in the north, with very cold, snowy winters and short, cool summers. Verkhoyansk in Siberia is one of the coldest places in the world (-70 °C). Most of Russia has a temperate climate with cold winters and hot summers. The southern part of Russia in the Far East has a monsoon climate with lots of rain, and on the Black Sea, the climate is subtropical.
Task 4.
Match the word combination and their translation:
- расположена как в Европе, так и Азии;
- простирается через;
- временные зоны;
- тундра;
- субтропический климат;
- муссонный климат;
- умеренный климат.
a) a temperate climate;
b) a monsoon climate;
c) stretches across;
d) lies in both Europe and Asia;
e) time zones;
f) a tundra;
g) a subtropical climate.
D. Cities
Moscow is the capital of the Russian Federation. It's one of the biggest and most beautiful cities in the world With a population of more than 13 million people, it is the biggest city of Russia.
St Petersburg is the second biggest city. With its magnificent buildings and romantic atmosphere, it's really a living museum. There are eleven more cities with a population of more than one million people. Vladivostok, Kaliningrad, Novorossiysk and Murmansk are the country's main ports.
Rostov on Don is one of the biggest industrial centres of our country. The leading brunch of industry is machine – building. It is also a large scientific center. Zernograd is a city of agriculture. There is a factory of machine – building, the Institute of Selection of Wheat. It is a centre of wheat growing.
Task 5.
Find out if these statements are true or false.
- Moscow is the capital of the British Federation.
- Zernograd is a city of agriculture.
- St Petersburg is really a living museum.
- Kiev, Novorossiysk, Zverevo and Murmansk are the country's main ports.
- Rostov on Don is one of the biggest industrial centres of our country.
- Zernograd is the capital of Great Britain.
- Moscow is the smallest city of Russia.
- St. Petersburg is the fourth biggest city.
- Zernograd is a centre of wheat growing.
Good for you! You are very attentive children! You have brilliantly coped with my tasks. Now I’d like you to have a rest and play a little.
Let me to divide you into 3 teams: the team of Salsk; the team of Rostov on Don; the team of Zernograd.
Well, I have a letter from one American boy. He told there about his impressions after visiting Russia. However, this letter is not in written form, it is a sound one. So I’ll give you a special task – table, you should fill it while listening to this letter. And the team who will have heard the most will be the winner.
My name is John. I’m from New York. Last April my mother, father, sister & me spent ten wonderful days in Russia. In Moscow, we visited the Kremlin, the Bolshoi Theatre, the Luzhniki stadium, the Pushkin Museum, the Tretyakov Gallery, the monument to Yuri Dolgoruky and many other historical places.
I liked Moscow very much.
I hope to visit Russia again.
Love from America,
Task Table.
WHO? (name) | WHERE? (place) | When? (time, date) | WHAT did they see? |
So, let’s check up your tables & learn who is winner.
Let’s speak a little.
Questions for discussion:
- Who has been to Moscow?
- What did you see there?
- Who has been to Rostov?
- What did you visit there?
- Is Zernograd a small town or a city?
- There is a beautiful square in the centre of Zernograd, isn’t it?
- What places of interest are there in your city?
- Where do you like to go in Zernograd?
- Do you like your city?
- Are you proud of your city?
- Are you proud of your native land?
Thank you for your answers. Well, my dears I have a request. I’d like you to write me any information about your city in the form of a letter. I’ll give you my e-mail. And I have a suggestion. Let’s become friends & will write letters to each other.
Do you understand this phrase? Let’s pronounce it altogether.
You are the best pupils.
And now let’s count your scores. I’ll give you marks.
The lesson is over. I wish you all the best. I hope you’ll become real patriots.
Спасибо большое за урок, вы самые лучшие ученики, удачи вам во всем!!!
Task Table.
WHO? (name) | WHERE? (place) | When? (time, date) | WHAT did they see? |
Task Table.
WHO? (name) | WHERE? (place) | When? (time, date) | WHAT did they see? |
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