Масленица ( текст)
занимательные факты (8 класс) на тему
дданный текст (МАСЛЕНИЦА) может быть использовать в теме "праздники России". как на уроках, так и как дополнительный материал. на его основе можно построить занятие для обсуждения русских праздников в т.ч.
я данный текст использовала на уроках в 8 класе по УМК Кузовлева В.П. в цикле 3.
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Предварительный просмотр:
I. Learn the new words:
Shrovetide- масленица the Day of Pardon – прощенный день
in honour of – в честь fist-fighting- кулачный бой
to spread ashes – разбросать пепел to toboggan- кататься на санках
pancakes- блины to tell fortunes - гадать
to treat – угощать farewell - прощание
II. Read and translate the story:
The holiday was organized in honour of the God of the Sun Yarilo. The symbol of the holiday is a pancake.
The holiday is celebrated 7 weeks before Easter. It is most amusing holiday. It lasts 7 days and each day has its own name.
Monday is “a Meeting” (встреча). On this day people had many things on the table.
Tuesday is called “a Flirting” (заигрыш). On this day in old times young people tobogganed and looked for wives and husbands.
Wednesday is “Gourmand” (лакомка). Mother-in-law invited son-in-law to dinner.
Thursday is called “Walk about Thursday” (разгуляй). On this day there were different rituals, fist-fighting, men drank beer, sang songs.
Friday is “Evening of Mother-in-law” (тещины посиделки). On this day son-in-law treated mother-in-law.
Saturday is “Evenings of Sister-in-law” (золовкины посиделки) or Farewell. A bride called relatives to her house.
Sunday is called “a Day of Pardon”. After supper before going to bed the members of the family ask pardons of each other. On Sunday people burn a scarecrow and spread ashes around to have a good harvest. Children say “Shrovetide, farewell, the next year come again”
In old times people rode horses, sang songs, and told fortune. A girl took the first pancake and gave it to anyone in the street and asked to tell the name of her future husband.
III. Answer the questions:
1) What is the symbol of Shrovetide?
2) When is the holiday celebrated?
3) How many days does the holiday last?
4) Why is Sunday called the Day of Pardon?
5) What do people do on Sunday?
6) How did people celebrate the holiday in old times?
IV. Finish the sentences:
1) The symbol of the holiday is…
2) The holiday lasts …
3) The holiday is celebrated …
4) Sunday is the Day …
5) On Sunday people burn …
6) Children say:”….”
V. Match the name of the day:
1) When did young people look for husbands and wives?
2) On that day a bride called relatives to her house.
3) It is a Day of Pardon.
4) There were the fist-fighting on that day.
5) On that day Mother-in-law invited son-in-law to dinner.
6) On that day people have many tasty things on the table.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

Презентация - Образ масленицы в народном и изобразительном искусстве. В.И. Суриков «Взятие снежного городка», Б.М.Кустодиев «Масленица».
Масленица, пожалуй, единственный праздник, сохранивший истинный дух древней Руси. Шумные веселые народные гуляния, яркие наряды, богатый стол – воплощение широкой русской души....

Презентация по ИЗО: Масленица. В.И. Суриков «Взятие снежного городка». Б.М.Кустодиев «Масленица». 5 класс
Цель:Познакомить учащихся с Масленицей – народным праздником...
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