Веселый счет на англ.
материал по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
1 one 2 two
3 three 4 four
5 five
6 six
7 seven 8 eight
9 nine 10 ten
Веселый счет
Стихи предназначены для детей младшего школьного возраста с целью познакомить ребенка в интересной и доступной форме с английскими числительными.
One, one, one
Little dogs run.
Two, two, two
Cats see you.
Three, three, three
Bird on the tree.
Four, four, four
Mouse on the floor.
Five, five, five
Plane in the sky.
Six, six, six
Two short sticks.
Seven, seven, seven
Here is a raven.
Eight, eight, eight
Apple on the plate.
Nine, nine, nine
Rose is very fine.
Ten, ten, ten
Say it again.
One and two, and three, and four,
We are sitting on the floor.
We are playing with the ball
And a pretty little doll.
“Little mouse, little mouse,
Run, run to your house!”
One, two, three, four
Don’t forget to shut the door!
Ten little fingers,
Ten little toes,
Two little ears
And one little nose,
Two little eyes
That shine so bright,
One little mouth
To kiss Mummy “Good night!”
5. One, two,
What shall I do?
Three, four,
Go to the door.
Five, six,
Pick up sticks.
Seven, eight,
Lay them straight.
Nine, ten,
Do it again.
One, two, three, four,
Mary at the cottage door.
Eating cherries off a plate,
Five, six, seven, eight.
One, two, three,
Let me see
Who likes coffee?
And who likes tea.
One, two, three,
Oh, I see:
You like coffee
And I like tea
One little apple on a tree,
Two apples for you and me,
Three apples by the door.
And four apples on the floor.
The apples are good and sweet,
Can you count them all, Pete?
One, two,
What must I do?
Three, four,
Close the door!
Five, six,
Give me some sticks!
Seven, eight,
Wash the plate!
Nine, ten,
Bring me a pen!
Five little polar bears
Five little polar bears
Playing on the shore.
One fell in the water.
And then there were four.
Four little polar bears
Swimming out to sea.
One got lost.
And then there were three.
Three little polar bears said
“What shall we do?”
One climbed an iceberg.
Then there were two.
Two little polar bears
Playing in the sun,
One went for food
Then there was one.
One little polar bear
Didn’t want to stay.
He said “I’m lonesome”,
And swam far away.
11. Little bird
One little bird with lovely feathers blue.
Sat beside another one. Then there were two.
Two little birds singing in the tree.
Another came to join them. Then there were three.
Three little birds, wishing there were more.
Along came another bird. Then there were four.
Four little birds, glad to be alive.
Found a lonely friend. Then there were five.
Five little birds just as happy as can be.
Five little birds singing songs for you and me. P.253[Внеклассные мероприятия по английскому языку в начальной школе]
12.What does the clock says?
It’s seven o’clock in the morning.
Get up! Get up! Get up!
It’s eight o’clock! It’s eight!
It’s eight! Come on! It’s late!
It’s nine o’clock in the morning.
Tick - tock, tick - tock, tick - tock.
It’s nine o’clock! It’s nine o’clock!
It’s nine, it ’s nine- says the clock.
It’s ten o’clock in the evening.
Goodnight! Goodnight! Goodnight!
It’s ten o’clock- it’s time for bed
Say “Goodnight!” and go to bed.[p.65 Верещагина. книга для учителя]
13.Only one heart
I’ve got two legs
With which I walk.
I’ve got one tongue
With which I talk.
I’ve got two eyes
With which I see.
I’ve got one heart
To live and be.
14. What are you going to do?
What are you going to do
When you are twenty- two?
I’ll write a story,
I’ll make a plane,
I’ll teach children,
I’ll make rain.
What are you going to be
When you are twenty- three?
I’ll be a pilot,
I’ll be a doctor,
I’ll be a teacher,
I’ll be a worker.
Where are you going to be
When you are twenty- three?
I’ll be in London,
I’ll be in Rome,
I’ll be in Africa,
I’ll be at home.
What are you going to do
When you are one hundred and two?
I don’t know.
Do you?
15 Fly, little bird, fly!
Fly into the blue sky!
One, two, three,
You are three!
1, 1, 1 – I love the sun.
2, 2, 2 – I love my Mummy too!
3, 3, 3 – My Mummy loves me.
4, 4, 4 – I love her more and more.
I count from 1 – I love the sun.
I count to four – I love my Mummy more!
10 hens
9 pens
8 dogs
7 frogs
6 chicks
5 sticks
4 bees
3 trees
2 clocks
And 1 big red fox !
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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