формирование навыков аудирования.
методическая разработка (6 класс) по теме

Женетль Гошнагу Теучежевна

обучение понимания иностранной речи:приемы способствующие тренировке данного навыка.


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Формирование навыков аудирования.

В современной методике принято выделять четыре основных вида речевой деятельности: аудирование ( понимание), говорение, чтение, письмо.

Обучение пониманию иностранной речи на слух без опоры на зрительное восприятие чрезвычайно трудно, поскольку отсутствует языковая среда. Поэтому основное внимание учителя привлекают приемы, способствующие тренировке именно этого навыка.

При выполнении упражнений могут возникать самые различные трудности. Например, трудности лексического характера: ученик не знает слова и не может найти подходящего слова для ответа. Грамматическая трудность: ученик делает ошибку в конструкции. И наконец, трудности психологического характера: ученик не может вообразить ситуацию, теряется, стесняется обращаться к одноклассником и т.п. В таких случаях возникают длительные паузы, прерывается процесс общения.

Поскольку учитель всегда предвидит характер трудностей ,как в отношении упражнения, так и в отношении каждого отдельного ученика, то, планируя занятие, он должен заранее продумать вопрос о том, как помочь ученикам в преодолении возможных трудностей.

Travelling by train

Time:30 minutes

Listening aims: listening for specific information-completing sentences, ticking Yes/No, writing sentences in order 

New   vocabulary: conductor, ticket, pilot, seatbelt, driver, to take off, to get on/off, to land, platform, skateboarding, embarrassing


Explain how a Venn diagram works if necessary. Give the students time to complete it in pairs. They can use dictionary.

1Put the words in the correct part of the Venn diagram                      

Driver, ticket office, seatbelt, tracks, conductor, single ticket,

To take off, to get on, engine, runway, steward, guard, pilot,                                          BBBN                                      

To land, to get off, platform                                                                                      
2This story is about a trip Will makes. Listen to part 1 and complete the sentences.

 Ask students if they like travelling by train. Why/Why not? Read the first part twice.

Part 1

Will: It’s Saturday at last! Mum, can I go skateboarding with my friends?

Mum: No, you can’t. You are always on that thing. Why don’t you go and visit Aunt Pat and Uncle Tom? Here’s some money for the train and some flowers for Aunty.

Will: It’s so far! And so boring!

Mum: Really Will? Do you want your pocket money this week?

Presenter: Will sees some of his school friends.

Bob: Hi, Will. Mmm. Nice flowers!

Will: (thinks) How embarrassing!

Presenter: At the train stations.

Will: Single to Forest Hill, please.

Sales assistants:$5.70, please. Hurry up, the train leaves in one minutes.

Will: Phew!

a) Will wants to go…with his friends.

b) Mum suggests he  … .

c) Will takes… to his aunty.

d) Will thinks the train journey is… and  … .

e) Will feels… when he sees his friends.

f) At the train stations, Will asks for… to Forest Hill.

g) Will pays… .

Aunty Pat: Hello, dear. How are you?

Will: OK

Aunt Pat: What’s the matter?

Will: I’d like to go skateboarding today but mum says I can’t.

Aunty Pat: Why not? Of course you can. Uncles Tom loves skateboarding with him?

Will: Uncle

m? But he’s too old!

Uncle Tom: Who’s too old? Come on. Let’s go!

Will and friends: Wow! He’s excellent!

Will: Can I have a go now, Uncle Tom?

Uncle Tom: Just one more flip!!

3 Listen to part2. Will is at his aunt’s house. Read the sentences and tick Yes or No.

Give the students time to read the sentences before listening.

Read the story twice.



a)Mum says Will can’t go skateboarding.

b) His aunt agrees with his mother.

c) Uncle Tom is too old to skateboard.

d)Will thinks his uncle

e) Uncle Tom only wants one turn at skateboarding.


 Hello. A ticket to Forest Hill, please.

Here’s five $.

Return please.

How much is it?

Single or return?


I’m twelve.

4 Read the jumbled dialogue at the train station. Listen and put the sentences in order.Here’s the change and your ticket.

 Then you can have a child’s ticket.

Here’s $10.

Then you can have a child’s ticket.

How much is it?

Are you under sixteen?

One child return ticket to Forest Hill. That’s $7.

Return please

Single or return?

5 Write about   a  journey you have been on. Answer the questions to help you.

Where did you go?

Who did you go?

How did you go?

Was the journey interesting or boring? Why?

Did you arrive on time or were you late?

1 Answers:

Train: conductor, ticket office, driver, tracks, guard, platform,

Both: single ticket, return ticket, seat, engine, to get on, to get off,

Plane: pilot, seatbelt, to take off, runway, steward, to land.


a)skateboarding , b) visit his aunt and uncle, c) flowers, d)far, boring, e)embarrassed, f) a single, g) $ 5.70

3Answers: a) Yes, b) No, c) No, d)Yes, e) No

4 Elicit a dialogue from the students about buying a plane ticket. Give students time to read through the sentences and reorder before listening.

A typical English person

Time : 30 minutes

Listening aims: listening for gist- completing a chart ; listening for specific information- recognizing functions

New vocabulary: typical, neither


1 Encourage students to write as much as they can under each heading. Give them a time limit, e.g. 3 minutes.

 What do you know about England? Look at the headings and discuss them with a partner.






2 Ask students who they think is more typical of English people- Tom and Helen.

Helen: What do you think, Tom? Are you a typical English man?

Tom: I don’t think so. For a start, I don’t like tea. All English people should like tea, but  I don’t. I prefer coffee.

Helen: So do I. But what about food?

 Listen to Tom and Helen talking about English customs. Complete the chart by circling the things they choose.









Fish and chips


Fish and chips


favourite sport






favourite animal





Thinks the worst thing about England is

The weather


The weather


3Listen again and find words or expressions to show the following:

a)asking someone’s opinion…

b)agreeing with someone’s positive opinion…

c) showing surprise…

d)changing the subject…

e)asking someone to agree with you…

f)agreeing with someone’s negative opinion…

4What’s a typical person from your country like? Are you typical? Discuss in pairs, using the above words and expressions.

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