текст для чтения
тест (7 класс) по теме
данная работа предназначена для контроля навыков чтения после изучения раздела 1
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Контроль навыков чтения 7 класс раздел 1
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Castle Dragonhill
Castle Dragonhill is the home of Lord and Lady Monster and their four children. It is about sixty miles from an ancient city of Woodbridge, ten miles from the town of Sambridge and five miles from the village of Coldford. It stands on the top of the hill not far from the river Nees. You should go to the castle on foot because the drivers are afraid to approach the castle.
The castle was built in 1313. It is famous as the home of Sir Monster Ness who lived there for five centuries. Sir Monster Ness was Lord Monster`s grandfather.
There are thirteen bedrooms and thirty sitting rooms in the castle, and there are portraits of Sir Monster ancestors on the walls of the Grand Hall. In the dining room you can see three paintings by a world-known artist Van Gogh.( The copies are in the National Gallery in London.) There are some old stairs in the hall going down.
The castle is open five days a week from nine in the evening to five in the morning. It is not open on Saturdays and Sundays. The castle is very quiet. There aren`t very many visitors. About one hundred people go to the castle every year. About five come back from the castle.
- How many children have Lord and Lady Monster?
- How far is the castle from: a) Coldford; b) Woodbridge? c) Sambridge?
- Why do visitors go to the castle on foot?
- How many paintings by world-known artists are there in the castle?
- How many bedrooms are there in the castle?
- How old is the castle?
- How often is the castle open?
- How many visitors come there every year?
Ancestors- предки
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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