тексты для чтения
тест по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
The Boy who saved the Netherlands.
Many years ago in Haarlem, Holland, there lived a young boy. His name was Hans Brinker and he was eight years old. One autumn day, Hans went across the canal to visit an old blind man. He took the man some biscuits and stayed there for a while. Then, Hans decided to return home.
"Be careful, Hans," said the old man. "The water in the canal usually gets higher in autumn." On his way home, Hans sang a song, watched the rabbits run around and picked some flowers for his mother. Suddenly, the sky got dark and heavy rain began to fall. Hans felt scared and started to run. Just then, he heard the sound of water flowing away. He looked around carefully, then noticed a very small hole in the dike.
Hans felt frightened because he knew what could happen. The small hole could get bigger and bigger. Then, the dike could burst and flood Holland! Hans knew what to do. He put his finger in the hole, so no more water could come through it. "Please, someone help me!" Hans shouted. But there was no one there to help him. After a while, he began to feel very cold and tired, but he could not leave the dike. All night long, Hans waited and waited ...
The next morning, a priest walked by and heard Hans' cries. "I'm trying to stop the water," the boy said. "Can you help me?" The priest called some other people and they quickly mended the hole. Finally, they took Hans home. Everyone was very proud of that brave little boy!
Прочитайте предложения и пронумеруйте события по порядку
a |
Hans heard the sound of water flowing away.
b |
A priest heard Hans' cries and called some people to help.
c |
The sky got dark and rain began to fall.
d |
Hans Brinker went to visit an old blind man.
e |
Hans put his finger in the hole.
f |
Hans decided to return home.
g |
The people mended the hole.
h |
Hans noticed a very small hole in the dark.
Правда или нет?
1 Hans Brinker was eighteen years old.
2Hans visited a young woman.
3Hans saw a big hole in the dike.
4A woman heard Hans' cries.
5A priest mended the hole.
One gorgeous, sunny day last summer, Claire and her friend Greg went to Longleat Safari Park.
When they drove into the park, they closed the car windows tightly. "We don't want to be a lion's lunch," Claire laughed. Soon, they saw some lions. Greg stopped the car very close to the lions and started taking pictures of them. The lions roared loudly. "They're beautiful, but nothing happened. Suddenly, smoke began to come out of the engine.
A few minutes later, the front of the car was on fire. They wanted to jump out of the car, but they couldn't because the lions were around it. They were both really scared. "We'll burn alive!" Claire screamed desperately. She beeped the horn and shouted for help. Just then, a park ranger came along the road in his jeep. "Hold on, we'll get you out!" he shouted. Almost immediately, another jeep arrived and chased away the lions. Claire and Greg jumped out of the car quickly and ran towards the jeep.
When they were safe inside the jeep, they thanked the park ranger for his help. They were still shocked, but happy. They knew they were very lucky to be alive.
Прочитайте предложения и пронумеруйте события по порядку.
□Claire laughed. □They jumped out of the car quickly and ran to the jeep. □The lions roared loudly. □He tried to start the car several times.
□He stopped the car and started taking pictures of the lions.
□She beeped the horn and shouted for help.
□Just then, a park ranger came along the road in his jeep.
Read the sentences, then listen to the story and write who said what. Write C for Claire, G for Greg or P for the park ranger.
a "We don't want to be a lion's lunch." _____________
b "They're beautiful, but very scary animals."________
с "Let's go and see the gorillas, now."________________
d "We'll burn alive!" _____________________________
e "Hold on, we'll get you out!" _____________________
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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