План-конспект урока английского языка "День Святого Валентина"
методическая разработка (8 класс) на тему
Урок "День Святого Валентина" предназначен для учащихся 8 класса. Данный урок является заключительным уроком по теме "Традиции и обычаи Великобритании". Урок проходит в игровой развлекательной форме и, как правило, очень нравится детям.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Teacher: Dear boys and girls. Today is the 14th of February. It is St. Valentine’s Day. People all over the world celebrate joyously this romantic holiday. To celebrate the occasion we aren’t going to study, we are going to have fun. Let’s see which of you is smartest, the most romantic and which of you knows English the best. Let’s divide into two teams. You will get “a little heart” for each right answer.
1. Please, tell us some interesting facts about St. Valentine’s Day. A student from one team is speaking and the other team is translating.
Many historians seem to trace St. Valentine’s Day to an ancient Roman festival called “Lupercalia”. It was held on February 15 to honour Faunus the God of animal life, hunting, herding, and the patron of husbandry.
Some experts connect St. Valentine’s Day with a saint of the early Christian Church. St. Valentine was a priest who married young couples against the orders of the Roman Emperor Claudius , who believed that single young men were better soldiers.
There was also another St. Valentine who was a good friend to children. Because he didn’t worship the gods decreed the Roman Emperor, he was put in prison. The children missed him and sent him loving notes. That’s why we exchange friendly and caring messages on this day.
Other people believe that the world “valentine” came from a Norman world “galantine”, which means “a gallant” or “a lover”. They connect the celebrating of St. Valentine’s Day with an old English belief that birds choose their partners on February 14.
Teacher: Well done! I see you have learned many versions of the origin of St. Valentine’s Day. 2. Now let’s play “Who‘s stolen my heart?” A student from one team sits in front of his classmates back to them keeping “a heart” behind his back. A student from the other team comes up to him on tiptoe, takes “a heart” and returns back to his place. The student sitting on the chair has three attempts to guess the «thief. »
“Who’s stolen my heart? Was it you…?”
Teacher: You have guessed right! It means you are good classmates and good friends and know each other well.
3. This morning a strange occurrence happened to me. I’ve got a message, but I cannot read it. It is encoded. Help me to decode it.
33=D 83=H 7=A
77=L 79=N 69=T
19=I 56=O 17=U
51=S 8=E 26=R
42-Y 66=V 2=P
19 83 8 7 26 69 77 42
83 56 2 8
42 56 17 83 7 66 8 7
83 7 2 2 42
66 7 77 8 79 69 19 79 8
51 33 7 42
Teacher: Oh! I thank you very much. This is a message from a friend of mine.
4. People have created very many beautiful poems and songs about love. Now we are going to listen to some of them.
5. Teacher: Now when we are in such romantic mood let’s play “The way to the heart.”A girl and a boy from different teams step to meet each other and exchange tender words.
-Honey, sweet, dear friend ect.
Teacher: People desire very much to know their future and we shall apply to a fortune-teller.
6. The fortune-teller of each team has prepared predictions for members of other team. Students come up to the fortune-teller, take any piece of paper, unwrap it, read and translate.
- “Next week you will meet the love of all your life. “
- “Tomorrow you should be very careful walking throw the park: a bird can dirty your clothes.”
7. Teacher: You have received the task to explain a word in English in such a way to make other team understand the meaning of this word.
- This is a part of a human body which can beat and which people often connect with sense of love. They say: I love you with all my …
- When some people always get together, have similar interests; turn to each other for help or advice, share each other secrets – they are …
8. Teacher: Our next game is called “Broken heart”. Students receive a half of “a heart» with a half of a phrase and find their second half.
Who is Aphrodite? – The Goddess of Love.
Who did Mark Anthony love? – Cleopatra.
Who fell in love with Juliet? – Romeo.
Teacher: It’s time to count up our “hearts”.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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