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методическая разработка (8 класс) по теме
урок о столице Чувашии - Чебоксары. Также идёт повторение грамматики- Past Simple
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Предварительный просмотр:
Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение
«Чагасьская общеобразовательная средняя школа»
Канашского района Чувашской Республики
Директор МОУ «Чагасьская ОСШ»
Р. В. Анисимова ______________ 2009 г
Методическая разработка
урока в 8 классе
The Past Simple
Учитель: Андреева Татьяна Николаевна
10 декабря 2009 г.
Тема: Cheboksary , the Past Simple
Обучающая цель:
расширить кругозор учащихся по теме “Чебоксары ”, закрепить лексику по теме, развивать неподготовленную диалогическую речь по данной теме.
- Развивающая цель:
развитие фонематического слуха учащихся, развитие умения аудировать речь диктора и речь одноклассников, развитие внимания учащихся.
- Воспитательная цель:
воспитывать чувство гордости за столицу своей республики.
- практиковать учащихся в аудировании, чтении, в диалогической речи, в пересказе;
- тренировать и закрепить употребления Past Simple
- развивать навыки культуры общения.
Карточки с заданиями, компьютер, проектор, учебник Spotlight для 8 класса.
1. Учебник Sportlight для 8 класса
3. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
4. http://gov.cap.ru/main.asp?govid=81
5. www.ruteachers.ru
6. http://www.school-collection.ru
План урока
- Оргмомент.
- Фонзарядка.
- Работа с текстом.
- ознакомление с текстом «Чебоксары»
- выполнение упражнений по тексту
4. Повторение грамматического материала: the Past Simple
Ход урока
- Оргмомент.
Знакомство с классом. Беседа с дежурными. Ознакомление целями и задачами урока.
- Good morning, children! I am glad to see You. How are you?
- Who is on duty today?
- Today we shall speak about the capital of our republic- Cheboksary. We shall read the text about Cheboksary and do exercises to the text. Then we shall revise the grammar, The Past Simple.
Are you ready to work with me? Let’s begin our work
- Фонзарядка .
Before reading the text we shall take some difficult words. Now find the words to the text. First listen to my reading. Then repeat them after me.
the capital of our republic | столица нашей республики |
It was founded | был основан |
the administrative, economic and cultural center | административный, экономический и культурный центр |
population | население |
a fortress | крепость |
to protect the eastern borders | для защиты восточных границ |
the status of a historical city | статус исторического города |
amphitheatre | амфитеатр |
the Drama Theatre | драматический театр |
the Musical Theatre | музыкальный театр |
the Theatre of Young Spectator | театр юного зрителя |
The cultural potential | культурный потенциал |
the most important scientific center | самый важный культурный центр |
educational institutions | образовательные институты |
the Monument of Glory | Монумент Славы |
the central square | центральная площадь |
3.Работа с текстом.
1) Now find the text. I shall read one time . Then you will read it. Be very attentive. Listen to my reading.
Cheboksary is the capital of our republic. It was founded in 1469. Cheboksary is situated on the right bank of the Volga River. It has been the capital of the Chuvash republic since 1925. For 6 centuries, beginning with 1371 Cheboksary has got an interesting history. Cheboksary is the administrative, economic and cultural center. The population is about 600,000 people. The city is located 400 miles from Moscow.
Since 1555 Cheboksary became a fortress. The fortress was founded to protect the eastern borders of Russia. Since the end of XVII till the beginning of XVIII century Cheboksary was a large trade center. By the beginning of XX century its population grew to 5,500 people. The real Chuvash name of the city is “Shupashkar”, which means “Chuvash town”. In 1989 Cheboksary got the status of a historical city. The central part of the city is situated on the seven hills as an amphitheatre.
There are several museums and theatres in Cheboksary. Among the theatres, there are the Drama Theatre, the Musical Theatre, the Puppet Theatre, the Russian Drama Theatre, the Theatre of Young Spectator. Among the museums the most famous are Arts Museum, the Museum of Local Lore .
The cultural potential includes 18 palaces and houses of Cultural, 6 theaters, 9 cinemas, 33 libraries, 5 museums, 4 parks of culture and rest, 11 sport buildings.
The city is one of the most important scientific centers of the Volga region. There are such higher educational institutions as a university, a pedagogical university, an agricultural academy and others.
There are many monuments in our capital. The most famous is the Monument of Glory. Today the city is very clean and comfortable. The main streets are Karl Marks street and Lenin Avenue. Red Square is the central square of the city. The square looks lovely in spring and in summer. It’s one of the most popular places in Cheboksary.
2)the first task:
In the table you can find English and Russian word expressions. You must match the pairs
The capital of our republic | Важный научный центр |
one of the biggest industrial centers | Парки культуры и отдыха |
the Monument of Glory | На семи холмах |
The leading economy | находится |
is situated | Столица нашей республики |
the seven hills | Центральная площадь города |
important scientific center | Один из самых больших промышленных центров |
the central square of the city | Ведущая экономия |
parks of culture and rest | Монумент Славы |
- the second task: there are sentences here. Some sentences are right, some are not right. You must correct them.
Do you think the following sentences are true or false
1. There is only one district in Cheboksary.
2. Cheboksary is one of the biggest industrial, cultural and scientific centers
3. The city is one of the most important agricultural centers of the Volga region.
4. There are many monuments in our capital. The most famous is the Monument of Glory.
5. It has been the capital of the Chuvash republic since 1925.
6. Red Square is not an important square, it is very small.
7. It was founded in 1469.
- Cheboksary is the capital of Russia.
4) the third task: there are questions. Would you like to answer these questions?
Questions about Cheboksary
- What is the capital of our republic?
- When was Cheboksary founded?
- It has been the capital of the Chuvash republic since 1925, hasn’t it?
- When did Cheboksary get the status of a historical city?
- What changed the image of the central part of the city?
- What is the territory of Cheboksary?
- Is Cheboksary a scientific center?
- What educational institutions are there in Cheboksary?
- There are no monuments in our capital. Am I right?
- Which monument is the most famous?
Несколько слайдов с видами Чебоксар.
4. Повторение грамматики.
Today we shall revise the Past Simple.
1) Повторение образования Past Simple.
Past Simple
Ved, V
actions and situations in the past:
yesterday, 2 month ago, long ago,
five days ago, many years ago.
Regular and Irregular verbs
did, did not
2) правильные и неправильные глаголы
1.If a verb ends in –e, we add only –d:
Love- loved
2. If a verb ends in –y, we change –y to
try – tried
3. If one syllable word ends in 1 vowel+1 consonant, we double the final consonant before -ed: travel- travelled
4. If a word of 2 or more syllables ends in 1 vowel +1 consonant, we double the final consonant only if the final consonant is stressed: ad΄mit - admitted
But: ΄cosset- cosseted
3) выполнение грамматических упражнений
- Question 1
- Find the odd word:
- Выберите один ответ.
- a thought b. came c. built d. begin e.did
- Question 2
- Баллов: 1
- Find the odd word:
- Выберите один ответ.
- a. lost b. had c. went d. found e. drink
- Question 3
- Баллов: 1
- Find the odd word:
- Выберите один ответ.
- a. expect b. meant c. sang d. flew e. heard
- Question 4
- Баллов: 1
- Fill in the gap with the correct word:
- Mike …yesterday afternoon.
- Выберите один ответ.
- a.work b. Works c. Working d.worked
- Question 5
- Баллов: 1
- Fill in the gap with the correct word:
- Mary …. some new clothes last week.
- Выберите один ответ.
- a. buy b. bought c. be bought d.have bought
Question 6
- Баллов: 1
- Fill in the gap with the correct word:
- The train …. on time yesterday.
- Выберите один ответ.
- a. arrived b. is arriving c. arrives d. arrive
Question 7
- Баллов: 1
- Fill in the gap with the correct word:
- I … medicine for a cold at the local pharmacy last Sunday.
- Выберите один ответ.
- A buy b. bought c. has been buying d. Buys
Question 8
- Баллов: 1
- Choose the correct translation:
- Его родители хотели, чтобы он учился в Кэмбридже.
- Выберите один ответ.
a. His parents wanted his to study at Cambridge.
b. His parents want he to study at Cambridge.
c. His parents wanted him to study at Cambridge.
Question 9
- Баллов: 1
- Choose the correct translation:
- She didn’t know his telephone number.
- Выберите один ответ.
- a. она не знает номер его телефона
- b. она не знала номер его телефона
- c. она знала номер его телефона
Question 10
- Баллов 1
- Choose the correct translation:
- Чтобы ты сделал, если бы ты был учителем?
- Выберите один ответ.
- a. What would you do if you was a teacher?
- b. What would you do if you were a teacher?
- c. What would you do if you would be a teacher?
2)исправьте ошибки
Right | Not right | Sentences |
| Mark didn’t go to the library three days ago. | |
| Mother bought sweets and chocolate for my birthday, didn’t she buy? | |
| My brother was played tennis the day before yesterday. |
| Was you at the cinema 3 days ago? | |
| His father flew to China on business last month. |
| The librarian putted the book on the upper shelf. |
| Did Liza and Sam watch a new film last week? |
| The teacher didn’t gave students the dictionary during the last test. |
| Our friends invited us to the party next week. | |
| He received the letter yesterday. |
- Обобщение урока
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