Сценарий рождественской сказки
материал (7 класс) по теме

Для внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку  "Рождественские встречи" для учащихся 6-7 классов


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Сценарий рождественской сказки «Рождественские чудеса»

Действующие лица: девочка Алис,  ее бабушка,  лесные звери: белка,  еж, птичка, заяц.                                                                          

Звучит рождественская мелодия.  Действие начинается в комнате простого сельского домика. На кресле сидит бабушка, что-то вяжет. Входит внучка Алис.

A: A good time is coming,
I wish it were here,
The very best time
In the whole of the year;
I'm counting each day

Before Santa Clause comes!

Maybe today the magic will start!

Granny, dear, can you tell me something about Christmas?

G: Christmas is the time for presents, Christmas tree, lights and toys, special food, cards and parties! On Christmas Day all the family is together. In the morning children find a lot of presents in their stockings. Then the family has Christmas dinner. There is always a turkey and Christmas pudding on the table. There is a Christmas tree in every house and the family decorates it together.  In the evening they drink hot chocolate by the Christmas tree and talk about Christmas miracles.  All people are opening presents and having a wonderful time. So, I'm going to the kitchen and you, Alice, be a good girl. Don’t forget its Christmas EVE!

A: Sure! Granny! Don’t worry! I wish I had parents and friends. If I had any presents today, I would be the happiest girl in the world. (Fall asleep)

S: Think about it. It's almost shocking!
   She won't even have a Christmas stocking.

B: Christmas is the time for love and forgiving. Think of how unhappy she is. She's got no friends, no family. Nobody gives her presents or says Merry Christmas.

H: Poor thing.

S: I'm so sorry.  

H: I've got an idea. What if we help her and make her some presents?

B: That will be nice! It will be great!

S: What a good idea! It isn't too late! Let's quickly think of the presents we can make!

B: Here is a nest for her presents. Now everybody has something to do and I am going to make her some plume.

S: Let's give her some nuts and some seeds, new gloves to feel warm in the streets.

R: Merry Christmas, everybody!

H: How do you know that we need your help?

R: I heard someone crying. I thought I could help, and here I am!

H: Do you know that we decided to give little girl some presents. She never gets anything on Christmas, you know.

R: How lovely! How kind of you to do it! Here is an apple and a beautiful Christmas card from me.

S: We've got some candies.

B: And I have a nice Christmas bell! Let’s put them together and can be her friends.

H: But we must hurry - Christmas is coming.

(Звучит бой курантов, девочка просыпается)

A: Look! A nest and it’s filled with the things!

Oh see, here are an apple, some seeds and a card.

 G: Do you see all the animal tracks? These belong to rabbits. Here are squirrel and hedgehog tracks. There are several bird tracks too. Our woodland friends must have done this

A: The animals must have given us these presents for Christmas!

 R: We just wanted to say to you -

All: Merry Christmas!

B:  Christmas is the time for love, friendship and forgiving.

S:  Here are soma presents for you, dear Alice!

A:  Presents? For me? Isn't it a joke?

R: No, no, it isn't a joke. We really want to be your friends.

All: Merry Christmas, Alice!

A: Thank you, thank you. Thanks a lot.  Christmas is a magic time. It’s the happiest day in my life.

Все вместе поют рождественскую песню «We wish you a Merry Christmas!»

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