Презентация на тему "Школьная жизнь" 7 класс
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
презентация к конспекту открытого урока на тему "Школьная жизнь"
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The 10 th of February. Class work. Shool life.
learn new words and word combinations; learn the definition between to learn and to study ; work with the texts; do different exercises. What will we do at the lesson?
‘ English ‘ Edu‘cation ‘ History ‘ Infor‘mation ‘ Literature ‘ Eco‘nomics ‘ Drama ‘ Mathe‘matics ‘ Science ‘ Chi‘nese ‘ Chemistry ‘ Japa‘nese Tech‘nology Bi‘ology L isten , read and remember.
Page 71, exercise 45. The poem “School days”. by Susan Whitworth Let’s listen to the poem and learn to read it.
Look at exercise 46, page 7. Let’s make sentences to agree or disagree with the author of the poem.
to become smarter to study interesting subjects to learn new things to prepare for adult life to have a lot of friends to develop your mind to become smarter Some of the advantages:
to have no time for sports and hobbies to get up early in the morning every day to be tired of doing homework to have many tests to work too hard to have boring lessons to be afraid of some teachers Some of the disadvantages:
Let’s read the word focus at page 71, exercise 47. To learn – учить, учиться, выучить, заучивать, изучать. To study – учиться, изучать, исследовать. To learn and to study
You’ll never … a foreign language without … grammar rules. The head of expedition … the map carefully and then left the room. It takes times to … how to do things correctly. How many new words have you … by heart at this lesson? What do you think of … (+ ing ) abroad? Ex. 48, p.71
You’ll never study a foreign language without l earning grammar rules. The head of expedition studied the map carefully and then left the room. It takes times to learn how to do things correctly. How many new words have you learned by heart at this lesson? What do you think of studying abroad? Check and correct your answers.
Read what the teenagers from different countries think of a perfect school. Let’s read and translate the texts. Exercise 52, page 72.
Marina (Russia). What about the building of the school? How do the teachers talk to their students? Do the students come to school in time? What about school radio and newspaper? Who wants to study in this school?
Alfred (Norway) When does the perfect school start? What about school uniform? What about the subjects? Who wants to study in this school?
George (New Zealand) What can you say about his perfect school? What is about discipline? What about the subjects? Do you like his perfect school?
To make a project “My perfect school” Homework
Thank you for your work! Good bye!
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