Сценарий концерта для начальной школы
план-конспект по теме

Сценарий содержит стихи для учеников начальной школы (1 год обучения)


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Scenario of a concert for elementary school (the first year of studying)

  1. 4 Pupils wearing costumes  of ducks tell a poem and show

          I am a little duck that goes quack, quack, quack.

(Make hand be duck`s mouth and it quacks)

          I`ve got a lot of feathers on my back, back, back.

(wave hands near bottom to indicate tail feathers)

         When I go down to the lake,

         I wiggle and wobble and shake, shake, shake

(wobble and shake like a duck)

        When I go to sleep at night, I close my eyes very tight

(pretend to be sleeping with hands as pillows)

        But in the morning when I wake,

       I wiggle and wobble and shake, shake, shake

2.   Pupil 1 : “Oh, it`s morning!”

      Pupil 2 : “Good morning!”

      Ducks all together: “Good morning!”

      Pupil 3: “Good morning to you!”

     Pupil 2 : “Good morning!”

     Ducks all together: “Good morning!”

     Pupil 3: “I am glad to see you!”

3.Teacher: “It`s time for morning exercises”

Pupils: “We are sportsmen and we do exercises every day”

Teacher: “ Here is our couch, he will tell our sportsmen what to do”

A couch gives different commands in English and sportsmen show actions.

(run, jump, fly, swim, dance etc)

4. Teacher: “Look! This is Sasha! Sasha has got a cat. Hello, Sasha!

Sasha: “Hello” I have a cat, my cat is fat.

                        My cat says meow. I love my cat.

5. Pupils in cats` masks appear.

First cat: “I have a mother”

Mother-cat: “Hello, I am a mother”

First cat: “I have a father”
Father-cat: “Hello, I am a father”

First cat: “I have a sister”

Sister-cat: “Hello, I am a sister”

First cat: “I have a brother”

Brother-cat: “Hello, I am a brother”

All together:  Father, mother, sister, brother

                      Hand in hand with one another.

6. Teacher: “Such clever cats! They can say hello. Can you say hello?”

Sing with us!

7. 2 pupils meet; they have a dialogue;

P1.: Hello, how are you?

P2: I am fine and you?

P1. : I am not.

P2: Why?

P1: I lost my dog.

Song: Oh Where, oh where is my little black dog?

          Oh where, oh where is he? (Course book Vereschagina)

  8. Teacher: We have a lot of toys and our kids will tell you about them


I have a hare

I have a bear

My toys are here

My toys are there.


I want to be a monkey

I want to be a frog

To meow like a cat

To jump like a dog


Butterfly, butterfly, where do you fly?

So quick and so high in the blue- blue sky.


Little mouse, little mouse, where is your house?

Little cat, little cat, I have no flat

I am a poor mouse, I have no house

Little mouse, little mouse, come into my house

No. You will eat me


It is all what we wanted to show you. I want to thank our young actors and our spectators.

Thank you for your attention!

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