Конкурс чтецов
план-конспект по теме

Сценарий конкурса чтецов


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Reciting contest

Welcome to our fest of short poems! We have a lot of partcipants today and we are glad to see you!

Let the contest begin and let the strongest win.

First I want to ask you a question. There are four of these in the year and each of them has 3 months in it. What is this?


Now we`ll listen some poems about seasons and weather.

Man is a fool. When it`s hot, he wants it cool.

When it`s cool, he wants it hot.

He always wants what he has not.


The rain is raining all around

It falls on field and tree

It rains on the umbrellas here

And on the ships at sea.

Spring rain

Rain, rain, rain. April rain

You are feeding seeds and grain.

You are raising plants and crops

With your gaily sparkling drops.

*Now look at the blackboard, if you solve the crossword, you`ll learn the topic of the next poems.


Little cat, little cat                                       Oh no! Not so!

As you sat on the mat,                                 For I always dream

Did you dream of a mouse                          of a dish full of fish

Or a great rat?                                              And a bowl full of cream.

My cat

I have a cat, her name is Kit.

And by the fire she likes to sit.

She likes to sit upon my knee,

For I like Kit and Kit likes me.


A kitten with a black nose sleeps all the day.

A kitten with a white nose is always glad to play.

A kitten with a pink nose comes when you call.

But a kitten with a grey nose I like best of all.

Grizzly bear by Mary Austin

If you ever, ever, ever meet a grizzly bear,

You must never, never, never ask him

Where he is going or what he is doing

For if you ever, ever dare to stop a grizzly bear

You will never meet another grizzly bear.

*Where can  we buy things? In a shop, so let`s go shopping with Valery.

 Shopping, shopping, let`s go shopping!

We shall buy a lot of food

Bread and butter, cheese and …ice-cream

I think it tastes so good!

Natasha will tell you what are the things necessary for you life.

Without your tongue you cannot talk

Without your feet you cannot walk

Without your eyes you cannot see

Without your heart you cannot be.

*And of course you cannot dance. Veronka invites you to dance.

The Polka by Ogden Nash

Hop, step, step, step  

Hop, step, step, step  

Go the polish dancers

Polka or mazurka?

I wish I knew the answers

Such names to me sound rigmarolish

I must polish up my Polish.

*Who is the main person in our life? Who gave us this life?


Lots of poets devoted their works to mother.

Let`s listen to some of them.

I like the way you look

I like the way you cook

Now what I really want to say is:

“Happy Mother`s Day!”

I love my mummy (by Antonenko)

One, one, one,

I love the sun.

Two, two, two,

I love my mummy too.

Three, three, three,

My mummy loves me.

Four, four, four,

I love her more and more.

I count from one,

I love the sun.

I count to four,

I love my mummy more!

Conclusion: Thank you all for this performance. You all recited wonderfully and it`s difficult to choose the best.

The 3d prize goes to

We wish you luck in furher learning of English and hope you`ll always take part in such competitions.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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