методическая разработка (6 класс) по теме
Материалы для проведения празднике Хэллоуин в школе и в учреждениях дополнительного образования - сценарий и осенние загадки для конкурсов.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Trick or treat, trick or treat,
Give us something good to eat!
Good afternoon, Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to our Halloween Party!
All the tasks are connected with this funny and at the same time horror holiday.
Tomorrow is All Saints’ Day, and today is HALLOWEEN, or the “Holy Evening”, the last evening of the year when ghosts, spirits and witches can wander free. Tomorrow we shall be driven away from the face of the Earth. No wonder, we are trying to make the best of this last evening. We dance in the moonlight, walk into peoples’ homes, scare children and grown people and take great pleasure in it. Please remember that you should watch out for evil spirits on the 31st of October, because HALLOWEEN is the time when all the imps of Earth and Air hold their holiday.
«Бесконечны, безобразны в мутной месяца игре
Закружились бесы разны, словно листья в ноябре.
Сколько их, куда их гонят, что так жалобно поют?
Домового ли хоронят, ведьму ль замуж выдают…»
Oh, I see the first people who have come to our party!
When ghosts and goblins come to town,
And skeletons all dance around,
You pull those covers over your head
And men – WATCH OUT!!!
I am a ghost, spirit of a dead human being. I hide in the graveyard and come by night TO SCARE PEOPLE. I am free to visit the earth at night-time, but I have to go back to Hades at the first dawn.
Elf 1:
I am an elf, elemental spirit of Air. We, elves, are fairies of small size, the airy creatures. We are not nice – look at our elfish, or pointed ears.
Elf 2:
“I am the maker, the builder, the breaker,
the eagle-winged helper, the speedy forsaker,
the lance and the lyre, the water, the fire,
the tooth of opression, the lip of desire…”
White Lady:
I am FATA, the most famous of the White Ladies. I am a spirit which takes care of the destiny of every person. I am sure you all have good fates to protect you.
Pumpkins are also the symbol of Halloween. There is a legend about a man named Jack who was so stingy that he was not allowed into heaven when he died. Poor Jack had played pranks on the devil, so he was not allowed into hell, too. His spirit was doomed to wander around the countryside, holding a lantern to light his way.
I am JACK-O-LANTERN. I live in the thick dark forest and like to mislead belated travellers. I have to walk the earth forever and carrying a lantern to light my way. Children make JACK-O-LANTERNS for Halloween.
Ho! Ho! Little folks,
Do not be afraid!
Out of the pumpkin made!
Witch 1,2,3:
We are WITCHES!!!
Первая ведьма
Когда средь молний, в дождь и гром
Мы вновь увидимся втроем?
Вторая ведьма
Когда один из воевод
Другого в битве разобьет.
Третья ведьма
Заря решит ее исход.
Первая ведьма
Где нам сойтись?
Вторая ведьма
На пустыре.
Третья ведьма
Макбет там будет к той поре.
Первая ведьма
Мурлычет кот, зовет. Иду!
Третья ведьма
Зов жабы слышу я в пруду.
Все вместе
Зло есть добро, добро есть зло.
Летим, вскочив на помело!
Let’s play a little!
Get down on your knees and, with your hands behind backs, try to get hold of one of the apples with your teeth. When you have done this you must lift the apple out of the basin. If you do this you may eat it.
Первая ведьма
Где ты была, сестрица?
Вторая ведьма
Мор насылала на свиней.
Третья ведьма
А ты, сестра?
Первая ведьма
Со шкипершей сидела.
У той каштанов полон был подол.
Сама знай щелк себе да щелк!
«Дай погрызу», – я попросила.
А эта тварь как гаркнет: «Вон отсюда,
Проклятая карга!»
Плывет на «Тигре» муж ее в Алеппо,
А я на днище решета
Пущусь, как крыса без хвоста,
За ним, за ним, за ним в погоню.
Вторая ведьма
А я подую в решето.
Первая ведьма
Благодарю тебя за то.
Третья ведьма
Я тоже ветров напущу.
Первая ведьма
А я своими угощу.
Дуновеньем их задеты
Все края и страны света,
Как по компасу штурвал
Направленье б ни держал.
Я в дорогу моряку
Дам в подруги грусть-тоску,
Чтоб, скучая, ни на час
Не смыкал он ночью глаз.
Чтоб забыл покой и сон
Девяносто девять ден,
Чтобы таял он и сох,
Торопя последний вздох.
Но ни бурям, ни волнам
Потопить его не дам.
It’s time to scary things! You will take part in our Halloween competition.
- BROOMSTICK Competition. (H)
Конкурс на лучшее украшение метлы главной ведьмы.
- SNAPPING Competition. (A)
Без помощи рук откусить кусок от висящего на веревке яблока. Выигрывает тот, кто откусит самый больший кусок.
В каждый отрезок змеи нужно вписать по порядку слово, которое начитается с конечной буквы предыдущего слова.
Конкурс на отгадывание загадок.
This trick is to put a tail on the donkey in the right place.
Перенести грецкие орехи на чайных ложках из одной миски в другую.
На счет 10-15 нарисовать портрет ведьмы.
Сделать фонарь из тыквы.
Сосчитать рисунки на картинке.
Did you like the competition? Now, I’m going to tell you a scary story. You are to help me. Please, be attentive, don’t miss the most important words.
Wind, windy – звук дующего ветра
Ghost – завывание призраков
Footsteps / walking – тихие шаги
Footsteps / running – топот бегущих
Screaming – визг
Creaking / opening the door – скрип двери
Knock on the door – стук в дверь
Snoring / sleeping – сопение, храп спящих
Once upon a time in a windy forest in the North of England there was an old cottage which everyone said was haunted by evil ghosts. In a village not far from the cottage lived two brothers who didn’t believe in silly stories about witches and ghosts. So they decided they would spend a night in the cottage to prove the stories were nonsense.
So with their torches and sleeping bags they walked through the windy forest to the old cottage. They knocked on the door to make sure nobody was living there. Then they knocked again to make double sure. The boys slowly opened the door and walked inside .
Inside the cottage it was very dark, but after a while they started to relax and got in their sleeping bags and fell asleep. After an hour or so one of the boys jumped up and shook his brother. “What’s that?” – he asked. “I’m sure I heard a ghost”. “It was nothing” – said the brother.
And they soon went back to sleep. A little later they both jumped up when they heard slow footsteps . They looked at each other and screamed . They shined their torches in front of them and saw a big white ghost, they both screamed again. The brothers jumped up and ran across the room, opened the door, and ran through the windy forest. The ran all the way back home and knocked on their door. When their mother opened the door, they ran past her and went straight upstairs to bed and fell asleep. Now they, too, believed the stories about the ghosts in the haunted cottage that stood in the windy forest.
Hey! Cacle! Hey!
Let’s have fun today!
All shoelaces will until.
Every glass of milk will spill.
Nothing wet will dry.
Every pencil point will break
And everywhere in town
Peanut-butter bread will drop
Upside down.
Hey! Hey! Hey!
Have a pleasant day!
Первая ведьма
В третий раз мяукнул кот.
Вторая ведьма
Ежик писк свой издает.
Третья ведьма
Гарпии кричат.
Первая ведьма
В хоровод вокруг костра.
Хоровод пошел, пошел.
Все, что с вами, – шварк в котел!
Жаба, в трещине камней,
Пухнувшая тридцать дней,
Из отрав и нечистот,
Первою в котел пойдет.
Взвейся ввысь, язык огня!
Закипай, вари, стряпня!
Вторая ведьма
А потом – спина змеи
Без хвоста и чешуи,
песья мокрая ноздря
С мордою нетопыря,
лягушиное бедро
И совиное перо,
ящериц помет и слизь,
в колдовской котел вались!
Взвейся ввысь, язык огня!
Закипай, вари, стряпня!
Well, you’ve done the scary tasks and you can get your scary presents. I’ll see how you’ll like them! Hah-hah-hah!
Предварительный просмотр:
The sky is grey. The wind is blowing.
It is raining.
The leaves are yellow, red and brown. They are falling down.
The birds fly away.
What season is it?
Golden in the tree tops,
Golden in the sky:
Golden, golden, golden
He is passing by.
What is without hands and feet,
Without a head or a body, but
Can open a door.
What is it that can catch me in the garden
And make me wet.
But cannot reach me when I am in the house.
I am round and orange, fat and fine.
They cut me off a pumpkin wine.
Halloween is coming,
Don’t you know?
Just light my candle and watch me glow!
He is black and he is horror.
He flies into the Air till morrow.
With the witch on her broomstick.
Higher! Stronger! Very quick!
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