Празднование Английского Рождества
методическая разработка (5 класс) по теме
Вашему вниманию предлагается разработка внеклассного материала на английском языке для учащихся 5 классов по теме "Christmas Celebration". Мероприятие проводилось в рамках недели иностранных языков, его цель - познакомить ребят с национальным праздником Рождество, его традициями и особенностями, а также расширить страноведческий кругозор учащихся. Сценарий мероприятия содержит множество разнообразных конкурсов, среди которых конкурс стихов о зиме и Рождестве на английском языке, исполнение традиционных английских песен о Рождестве, изготовление и презентацию рождественских открыток. Сценарий включает в себя элементы театрализации, использование игровых технологий. Надеюсь, что данная разработка поможет Вам провести веселое и увлекательное путешествие в мир английских традиций.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Рождественская викторина
на английском языке
для учащихся 5-х классов
- Познавательный аспект: познакомить учащихся с национальным праздником «Рождество», его традициями и особенностями, расширение страноведческого кругозора учащихся.
- Воспитательный аспект: воспитывать у учащихся чувство уважения к национальным традициям и праздникам, формирование интерактивных навыков и умений.
- Учебный аспект: практиковать учащихся в устной речи и аудировании.
- Развивающий аспект: формировать положительную мотивацию учения, развивать внимание, воображение, догадку.
Оборудование: раздаточный дидактический материал для конкурсов, оценочные листы для жюри, бумажные игрушки для украшения елки, клеящие карандаши, видео клипы, ноутбук, поощрительные призы для команд.
1.Подготовка мероприятия
Мероприятие проводится в рамках недели иностранных языков, форма проведения – викторина, в которой участвуют команды трех 5-х классов. Викторина состоит из семи конкурсов. На этапе подготовки учащиеся готовят стенгазеты о традициях празднования Нового года и Рождества, учат стихи о зиме и традициях.
Заранее украшается класс, в котором проходит мероприятие, подготавливается раздаточный материал с заданиями для команд.
Жюри состоит из учителей иностранного языка, незаинтересованных в победе какой – либо команды. Жюри выставляет оценки за каждый конкурс, определяет победителя и активных игроков.
2.Ход мероприятия
Teacher: Good afternoon, dear children, dear guests, honored jury. On the 25th of December people celebrate Christmas, one of the most beautiful holidays. Today we are having Christmas Quiz, two teams are participating in it, and they are going to show their knowledge in traditions of celebrating Christmas. The winner is getting a prize. Kate and Nastya will help me to organize this holiday. And our honored jury will help me to check up your answers. Let’s start the competition with the traditional song “Jingle Bells”. (Дети встают и исполняют песню). (5 min). (слайд)
Nastya: Christmas is a holiday, which is loved by children and grown – ups. It is a holiday when everything is decorated with lights and toys, when we see Christmas trees everywhere, when people buy presents and cook special food, send cards and have parties. Today you’ll get a lot of interesting information about Christmas. We’ll sing songs and recite poems, guess riddles and play. You’ll get a card for each answer. The more cards you have the better mark you get.
Kate: What do you know about Christmas? Read the text and answer the questions. You have 3 minutes.
On the 25th of December English children celebrate Christmas. Christmas is their favourite holiday. This holiday is celebrated at home. Santa Claus with white bear and red suit comes into the house at night and leaves gifts for children. On Christmas all people receive and send Christmas cards. Every family has Christmas tree. They put the tree in the room and decorate it and the house . Then they prepare Christmas Dinner. For dinner they have a stuffed turkey or boiled ham, mashed potatoes, pudding, tea and coffee.
Kate: Now answer the questions.
What is Christmas ? (It’s children’s favourite holiday)
Nastya: Where do English people celebrate it? (At home)
Kate: When is Christmas celebrated? (On the 25-th of December)
Nastya: How do people congratulate each other? (They give and receive Christmas cards)
Kate: How do English families prepare for Christmas? (. Every family has Christmas tree. They put the tree in the room and decorate it and the house. Then they prepare Christmas Dinner.)
Nastya: What does Christmas dinner consist of? (. For dinner they have a stuffed turkey or boiled ham, mashed potatoes, pudding, tea and coffee.) (Вопросы даны на слайде)
Kate: Do you know Christmas words?
Look at these words. Look at these pictures. Match the words with their pictures.
Read them.
Santa Claus |
| Christmas card |
Nastya: On Christmas people bring a tree and decorate it with lights and ornaments. The most popular of all Christmas evergreens is the fir-tree. People in England used to grow many kinds of trees in pots for indoor decoration at Christmas.
(Music “Christmas tree”.)
Kate: Christmas tree came to us from Germany. The idea of bringing the fir-tree indoors at Christmas is said to have come from Martin Luther, a German religious reformer, who lived in the 16th century. The trees were decorated with paper, metal foil, and lights. About in 1835 the first Christmas tree was decorated. A few years later in England Queen Victoria decorated a tree at Windsor Castle.
Nastya: Now look at the groups of the words. Which word doesn’t go with the others.
1. turkey |
| 2 sleigh |
| 3. Christmas pudding |
| 4.stocking |
Kate: Christmas begins with Christmas cards.
The families prepare Christmas Cards to their relatives and friends.
The first Christmas card appeared in 1843, Sir Henry Cole invented it. One side of the card was a short greeting, and another – a nice picture. Soon these cards became very popular (слайд).
Teacher: Children, have you got such cards? Congratulate each other and our teachers with this holiday.
(Учащиеся поздравляют друг друга с Рождеством.)
Nastya: The main person of Christmas is Santa Claus.
He lives in the North Pole. On the 25th of December he hitches his reindeer to a sleigh and brings the presents for children in the Christmas stocking. (слайд)
(Входит Санта)
Santa Claus: Dear children and teachers, I’d like to congratulate you with Merry Christmas. I wish you good health, good wealth, happiness, let all your dreams come true!
Santa Clause: You know that music is very important in Christmas Celebrations.
Hundreds of Christmas songs come from all over the world. In the Middle Ages Christmas Carols became popular. The word “Carol” means “a round dance”. Often the carolers dance in the street round the tree in the park. (слайд)
Nastya: On the 26th of December at 12a.m. English families have Christmas Dinner. (слайд)
Christmas table consist of a turkey or goose, ham, mashed potatoes and a pudding and an apple-pie (in the USA). Of course, there are a lot of sweets and desserts.
Santa Claus: You have just learned a lot about Christmas, and now let’s have a competition
“Who knows more about Christmas”?
You’ll get presents.
- It’s a holiday, which is celebrated on the 25-th of December. (Christmas.)
- It is an old man, who comes from the North Pole on his sledge and brings presents for everybody. (Santa Claus.)
- It is decorated with lights and toys and tinsel and is in all houses and squares. (Christmas tree.)
- It is a thing which is very dear to children at Christmas, as they find presents in it in the morning. (Stocking.)
- Christmas song. What is it’s name? (Carol.)
- What are the Christmas sweets? (Candies.)
- It is a traditional food, which people cook for Christmas party (turkey, pudding).
(“Christmas is coming
The goose is getting fat
Please, put a penny in the old man’s hat”)
Santa Clause: Now children. Let’s have a short rest and play the game “Pass the Parcel”.
Here’s something wrapped in a lot of the papers. I’ll stand in a circle and pass the parcel to the person next to me. There is music playing. When the music stops, you must say any Christmas word and take off one of the papers. The music starts again. The person, who takes the last piece, wins the prize.
(Children play the game).
Teacher: Children, are you ready to celebrate Christmas? Let’s have one more competition.
Scrambled Lines
Each team is getting some pieces of paper with lines of the poem. You should put the lines in the right order. The quickest team is the winner.
Every little girl would like to be
The fairy on the Christmas tree.
Up above the party, dressed in white, shining in the candle light.
Every little boy has lots of fun
With his trumpet and his gun.
Every little girl, you understand, is really the Queen of the fairy land.
There is little secret she must keep
That she can fly when she’s asleep.
Пока команды выполняют задание, ведущие проводят конкурс со зрителями и болельщиками команд.
Nastya: And now, dear guests, this task is for you. You will get presents for every correct answer.
Guess the riddles
- A little old woman with twelve children:
Some short, some long, some cold, some hot. What is it? (A year)
- What year lasts only one day? (The New Year)
- What is that we have in December that we don’t have in other month? (The letter D)
- Which month of the year is the shortest? (May, it has only three letters)
- He comes at night, puts presents into stockings and goes away. (Santa Claus)
- In winter and in summer they stand in one colour. (A fir-tree)
- What man cannot look inside a house? (A snowman) (слайд)
Далее проверяется правильность выполнения задания командами.
(Далее ведущие проверяют правильность выполнения задания командами. На слайде правильный вариант стихотворения).
Nastya: Have you prepared any Christmas poems?
(Учащиеся встают в круг, зажигают свечу, читают стихи.)
Teacher: Dear students! I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
(Song: “We wish you a Merry Christmas”) (слайд)
(Учащиеся поют песню, затем Санта дарит рождественские подарки детям и учителям)
Заключительное слово
Teacher: We are finishing our party. I hope you have got much pleasure and fun.
Подведение итогов.
Now let’s sum up the results of our contest and I want our honored jury to tell some words. Жюри подводит итоги, объявляет победителя, вручает призы командам и самым активным игрокам, далее проводится рефлексия в форме обсуждения по следующим вопросам:
- Понравилась ли викторина?
- Что запомнилось больше всего?
- Что было трудным?
- Английский язык. 5, 7-11 классы: открытые уроки/авт.-сост. М.И. Дышлюк и др. – Волгоград: Учитель, 2009.- 188 с.
- Английский язык. 5-6 классы: игровые технологии на уроках/авт. – сост. Т.В. Пукина. –Волголрад: Учитель, 2009. -143 с.
- Английский язык. Занимательный урок: Сб.доп. материалов. 5-9 кл. /Сост. Е.А.Балк, М.М.Леменев. – М.:Изд-во НЦ ЭНАС, 2002. – 152 с.
- Дзюина Е.В. Игровые уроки и внеклассные мероприятия на английском языке: 5 – 9 классы. – М.: ВАКО, 2009. – 144 с. – (Мастерская учителя иностранного языка).
- Дубровин М.И. Русско – английский ситуативный словарь./ М.И. Дубровин. – М.: АСТ: Астрель: Хранитель, 2007. – 272 с.
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