План-конспект урока английского языка в 10 классе "The Youth Festival"
план-конспект урока (10 класс) по теме
Урок проходит как фестиваль представителей молодежных субкультур и направлен на совершенствование речевых навыков по теме "What is hot with the young generation?"
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Тема урока «The Youth Festival»
Урок - фестиваль представителей молодежных субкультур
Цели урока:
Познавательный аспект: знакомство с различными молодежными субкультурами и современными музыкальными направлениями;
Развивающий аспект: развитие объема памяти, воображения, внимания, развитие способности к анализу, к логическому изложению содержания высказывания;
Воспитательный аспект: формирование уважительного отношения к представителям различных молодежных субкультур, формирование потребности в коллективной работе;
Учебный аспект: совершенствование речевых навыков по теме “What is hot with the young generation?”, навыков аудирования, письма; сопутствующая задача – развитие умения читать с целью извлечения конкретной информации.
Речевой материал: материал цикла “What is hot with the young generation?” по учебнику «English 10 – 11» Кузовлева В.П.
- Аудиокассета к циклу 3 с записью музыкальных отрывков различных субкультур, аудиокассета британский рок – группы “Queen” (2 музыкальные композиции, одна из которых – “We will rock you”);
- Текст о британской группе “Queen” (отпечатан каждому ученику) из газеты “English” (приложение к газете «Первое сентября» №13/2003). Разноуровневые задания к тексту;
- Тест “Do you know the USA?” (по материалу циклов 1,2);
- Постеры с изображением музыкальных групп: “Metallica”, “Rummstein”, “Kiss”, “Scorpions”, “Beatles”;
- Текст песни “We will rock you”;
- Приветствие на плакате “Welcome to the youth festival!”
Ученики одеты соответственно своей избранной субкультуре. Присутствуют на фестивале: 1 представитель субкультуры “Goth”, 2 рокера, 2 скинхеда (один из них – Chelsea girl), 2 хиппи, 1 представитель субкультуры “Punk”, 2 учеников, которые не принадлежат ни к какой субкультуре.
На одежде у каждого участника фестиваля карточка с указанием его имени, фамилии, страны и субкультуры.
- Teacher: Glad to meet you, dear guests, teachers! Today we are having the Youth Festival. Now the participants will introduce themselves.
- A member of Goth Subculture: Hello! I am a goth from Northern Ireland. My name is Jane. The members of goth subculture wear the blackest black, with a lot of silver jewellery and have very black hair and look as thin and pale as possible. Goths like gathering together to read Bram Stoker and talk about being vampires and about the end of the world.
Members of Hippie Subculture: We are hippies from England – Tom and Margaret.
Tom: Some people classify hippies like drug users and rock and roll fans since our behaviours differ from social norms.
Margaret: Hippies don’t conform to society’s standards and support a liberal attitude and lifestyle.
Tom: Hippies always want to change the world to the best.
Margaret: We don’t pay much attention to clothes: we like wearing old jeans, T – shirts.
Tom: We have long hair with bit of string and a couple of decorative chains.
A member of Punk Subculture: Nice to meet you! I am a punk from the USA. My name is Alex. Punks dress in a shocking way to express their identity. A punk has brightly coloured hair, wears metal chains. Punks reject everything.
Members of Rock Subculture:
Andrey: Hello! My name is Andrey. We are rockers from Russia. People also associate rockers with something rebellious.
Valentina: My name is Valentina. I am proud to be a rocker. We prefer leather jackets, army boots, cool hats just to show off.
Member of Skinhead Subculture:
George: Don’t be afraid of me! I am a skinhead from Canada. My name is George. We skinheads cut our hair shorter than others do. The majority of us are working class, patriotic, reggae and football fanatics.
Victoriya: Hello! I am a skinhead too, I am a Chelsea girl Victoriya from Scotland. I have a typical female skinhead haircut, short on top and longer around the sides. A smarty dressed skinhead girl needs shiny boots, nylons and a plaid skirt.
George: Boys wear heavy boots, tight trousers.
Victoriya: We are usually regarded as violent and aggressive.
- Two girls try to understand what a meeting it is, they have come here by mistake.
Miss Anisa: Excuse me, boys and girls. My name is Miss Anisa. Isn’t it a concert of popular modern singers? We have come here with my friend Juliya.
Juliya: We like beautiful melodies of various singers and groups, books about love. We are always afraid of modern youth subcultures: punks, skinheads, goths and others.
Miss Anisa: As for me, I am against youth subcultures. They bring troubles to the ordinary people. All members of youth subcultures are violent, aggressive, they scare people.
Jane (a member of Goth Subculture): I think you are mistaken. Young people have a particular relationship with the world. There are many groupings that have interests different from those of the mainstream culture. A particular cultural grouping is a way for young people to express their individuality.
Tom (a member of Hippie Subculture): To my mind valies and beliefs of punks, rockers, hippies, goths and other subcultures are to express themselves, to be in a collective, to know who they are and to change the world to the best.
Juliya: I don’t think it is good to differ from social norms. You have bad habits, I believe.
Andrey (a member of Rock Subculture): I don’t smoke to support a healthy lifestyle. Some of my friends smoke just to show off. I don’t think it is good. Of course people can try out all sort of options including smoking. I like to be in a collective but I personally prefer to be healthy.
Miss Anisa: From my point of view it is not good when young people spend much time in parks, yards instead of reading books, getting knowledge. I am sure that all members of youth subcultures have low standards of IQ. They study badly at school.
Valentina (a rocker): I don’t agree with you. I am a good student, have good marks at History, Literature, English.
Teacher: Let’s prove your words, Valentina and check-up your knowledge about the USA, its Geography, political system, History. You are to work in 2 groups and do the test “Do you know the USA?” for 3-5 minutes. The more correct answers – the better. Listening to music will help you.
(Pupils form 2 groups – 5 in each group)
Miss Anisa: We want to take part in this test.
Teacher: O.K. You may help our guests.
(Pupils look through the questions of the test and answer in oral form by turn: group 1-Question 1; group 2-Question 2…)
- Where does the President of the USA live and work?
- In the Capitol
- In the White House
- In the Pentagon
- Which is the biggest state in the USA?
- Texas
- California
- Alaska
- How many states are there in the USA?
- 48
- 52
- 50
- Who was the first president of the USA?
- George Washington
- Abraham Lincoln
- Ulysses Grant
- What do the Americans celebrate on the 4-th of July?
- The end of the American Civil War
- Declaration of Independence
- The birthday of the first president
- In which city is Hollywood?
- New York
- San Francisco
- Los Angeles
- What state is called the “Alligator State?”
- Alabama
- Florida
- Georgia
- What is the nickname of New York?
- Big Apple
- Big City
- Big Jack
- Who was the first American car made by?
- By Smith
- By Ford
- By Ivanov
- On what holiday do children say «Trick or treat! Money or eat! »?
- On Christmas
- On New Year
- On Halloween
- What river is called «the father of waters» in the USA?
- The Potomac River
- The Hudson River
- The Mississippi River
- The Statue of Liberty was given to the US by…
- England
- Russia
- France
- Spain
- The currency in the USA is…
- The pound
- The dollar
- The evro
- The rouble
- The United Nations Organization building is in…
- Washington
- New York
- London
- The head of the USA is…
- The President
- The Prime Minister
- The King
Teacher: The time is over. Let’s answer the questions. Group 1, your answer to the first question ( first pupil reads the question 1 and gives the answer, then a pupil from the second group reads the next question and gives his answer… )
Miss Anisa: I was wrong, excuse me, boys and girls, you are so clever.
- Juliya : The unpleasant side of youth subcultures is their music. It destroys people.
Miss Anisa: Only mutants sing and listen to the songs of «Nirvana» or «Prodigy», listen to techno, punk rock.
Victoriya (a Chelsea girl) : Music is a way to rebel against the society. Skinheads like reggae.
George (a skinhead) : Bob Marley is my favourite singer. Listen to him Anisa. (pupils listen to a piece of song)
Margaret: (a hippie) : Hippies are fond of rock’ n’ roll.
Tom (a hippie) : We are fans of Buddy Holly, Little Richard, the Beatles, Elvis Presley.( pupils listen to a piece of song)
Jane (a goth) : Goths, hackers are fond of industrial music : «Prodigy», «Pearl Jam», «The Kraftwerk». The music is made on computer. Listen to this piece of music, it is « Prodigy» (pupils listen to a piece of music)
Alex (a punk): My music is punk rock, it is aggressive. I am fond of music of «Sex Pistols». Listen to it. (pupils listen to it)
Valentina (a rocker) : Rockers like acid rock, pomp rock.
Andrey (a rocker) : We enjoy listening to «Аквариум», «Агата Кристи», «Queen» «Pink Floyd». ( pupils listen to «Pink Floyd» )
Juliye : Miss Anisa, I want to be a hippie or a rocker. They want to change the world to the best. They are not violent.
Miss Anisa : Juliya, being a hippie or a rocker is a way of life. It is not a fan club, it is a real life. Are you ready to change your life?
Juliye : Yes, I’m tired of boring life, I’d like to be with Valentina and Andrey.
Valentina and Andrey : We are glad to hear it. Join us, Juliya!
- Teacher : Dear quests! Let’s remember the history of rock music. It is a text about «Queen». Read it and find specific information. There are 3 kind of tasks to the text : Lever I,II, III. Lever I corresponds to the mark «3», Lever II – to the mark «4» and Lever III – to the mark «5». Let’s read the text and check your ideas about its context. Read these words correctly and write down their translations:
1 enormously – чрезвычайно;
2 showy – эффективный;
3 gram – очаровательный;
4 rehearsing – репетируя;
5 touring – совершать турне;
6 debut – дебют;
7 rumors – слухи;
(Pupils read the text aloud then do tasks in written form)
Teacher : Your time is limited (5-7 minutes)
Queen was formed in 1971, in England, by Freddie Mercury (Frederick Bulsara) – vocal, piano; Brian May – guitar, John Deacon – bass, Roger Meddows Taylor – drums. This enormously popular band performed pomp rock. Their sound combined showy glam rock, heavy metal, and vocal harmonies. They played very few gigs at the start, rehearsing for two years while they all remained in college. (May began work on a PH.D. in astronomy; Taylor has a degree in biology; Deacon, a degree in electronics; and Mercury earned a degree in illustration and design.) They began touring in 1973, when their debut album was released.
Queen has had eight gold and platinum records. In 1976, the band’s audience grew with a break – through album “A Night at the Opera”. It contained the six – minute “Bohemian Rapsody” which stayed at number 1 in England for nine weeks.
In November 1991, Mercury released a statement from his deathbed confirming the rumors that he was ill with AIDS. Just two days later he died in his London mansion at the age of 45.
On April 20, 1992, the members of Queen were joined by a host of stars (множество звезд)- including Elton John, David Bowie, Annie Lennox, and many other for a memorial concert held at Wembley Stadium that was broadcast to a worldwide audience of more than one billion admirers.
Level I :
- Choose the right meaning of the underlined word in the sentence:
This enormously popular BAND performed pomp rock.
- банда; b) музыкальная группа; c) отряд солдат.
- Answer the question: What kind of rock did «Queen» perform?
- Pomp rock ; b) jazz ; c) reggae.
- Find the sentence in the Passive Voice.
- «Queen» has had eight gold and platinum records.
- «Queen» was formed in 1971 in England.
- In 1976, the band’s audience grew with a breakthrough album «A Night at the Opera»
- Choose the Russian equivalent to the word « mansion »:
- Дворец; b) большой особняк; c) многоквартирный дом.
- Fill in the missing verb.
They … touring in 1973.
- Begun; b) began; c) beginning.
- Find the following sentence in the text.
«Queen» имела 8 золотых и платиновых альбомов.
Level II:
- In what part of text is said about the composition « Bohemian Rapsody»?
- 1; b) 2; c) 3.
- Choose the best heading to the fourth part of the text:
- A memorial concert
- Admirers of “Queen”
- Rock stars.
- Find the answer to this question in the text:
When did the members of “Queen” gather at Wembley Stadium?
- Choose the right equivalent to the underlined word:
In 1976, the band’s audience grew with a breakthrough album “A Night at the Opera”.
- Зрители
- Аудиенция
- Публичное выступление.
- In what part of the text is said about the musicians of “Queen”
- 1
- 4
- 3
- In what Time and Voice is used the verb in this sentence?
“Queen” was formed in 1971.
- Past Passive
- Past Active
- Present Simple Active.
Level III:
- Choose the best heading to the first part of the text.
- The best album of “Queen”
- The first steps of “Queen”
- The colleges where the musicians studied.
- What sentence does not correspond to the text?
- Just two days later he died in his London mansion at the age of 45.
- Brian May’s guitar was thickly overdubbed.
- They began touring in 1973, when their debut album was released.
- Choose the contrast phrase to the underlined.
On April 20, 1992, the members of “Queen” were joined by a host of stars…
- Were criticized by…
- Were encouraged by…
- Were supported by…
- Answer the question: What song stayed at number one in England for nine weeks?
- Fill in the necessary word (phrase).
“… a memorial concert held at … that was broadcast to a worldwide audience of more than one billion admirers”.
- Hyde Park
- British Museum
- Wembley Stadium
- The sentence “They played very few gigs at the start, rehearsing for two years while they all remained in college” corresponds to:
- They played badly first years, because they studied
- They played slowly at the start, they all studied music notes
- They played very few concerts at the start, rehearsing for two years while they all studied in college.
Keys to the text “Queen”
Level I: 1-b; 2-a; 3-b; 4-b; 5-b; 6-?
Level II: 1-b; 2-a; 3-?; 4-a; 5-a; 6-a.
Level III: 1-b; 2-b; 3-a; 4-?; 5-c; 6-c.
Teacher: What are your answers? Look through the keys and count your points, then give me your works. (The teacher says the marks)
VI Teacher: Your have worked hard today, thank you. We’ll meet next day and discuss the youth problems. In conclusion let’s sing a song “We will rock you”
(Pupils listen to the song and sing it at the same time)
We will rock you.
Buddy you’re a boy, make a big noise,
Playing in the street, gonna be a big man some day,
You got mud on your face, you big disgrace.
Kicking your can all over the place
Singin’ we will rock you. (x 2)
Buddy you’re a young man, hard man,
Shouting in the street, gonna take on the world some day.
You got blood on your face, you big disgrace,
Waving your banner all over the place.
We will, we will rock you.
Singinm’ we will, we will rock you.
Buddy you’re an old man, poor man,
Pleading with your eyes, gonna make you some peace day.
You got mud on your face, you big disgrace,
Somebody gonna put you back into your place.
We will, we will rock you,
Singin’ we will, we will rock you.
We will, we will rock you. (x 2)
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