Урок английского языка по теме “Laughter”, 10 класс
план-конспект урока (10 класс) на тему
Урок английского языка по теме “Laughter”, 10 класс
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Урок английского языка по теме “Laughter”
Цели урока:
1. Практические: формирование практических умений в чтении, аудировании и говорении.
2. Образовательные: учить правильно употреблять языковые средства, строить фразы, повышать общую культуру выражения мысли.
3. Развивающие: развивать мышление, память, логику, воображение, самостоятельность.
4. Воспитательные: формировать мотивацию к изучению иностранного языка. Содействовать воспитанию эстетического вкуса, чувства юмора у учащихся, создать условия для воспитания положительных эмоций в их повседневной жизни.
1. Учебник “Opportunities, Upper Intermediate” by Michael Harris, David Mower, Anna Sikorzynska; the Publishing House Longman
2. CD, компьютер или проигрыватель дисков.
3. Карточки с индивидуальными заданиями для парной и групповой работы.
4. Доска.
Ход урока.
I. Введение в речевую деятельность.
а) Приветствие: T-> Cl.
T: Good morning! I’m glad to see you! How are you? The weather is fine today, isn’t it? Are you in a good mood today?
T: By the way, guess my riddle: In what month do people laugh the least?
P1-> February, because this is the shortest month of the year.
T: What date is it today?
P1: Today is the……of October
Т: There are some guests at our lesson, aren’t there? They are in a good mood too, aren’t they? Why do you think so? Are they smiling? And we hope we’ll have a good time at our lesson, now let’s work.
b) Сообщение плана работы на уроке.
T->our topic today is ”Humour and laughter” and we’re going to speak about types of laughter and its role in our life, listen to funny stories and read some jokes.
II. Основная часть.
1. Работа над лексикой по теме “Laughter”
1) T: Open the Students books, let’s read Ex 1, p. 15. P1. Look at the photos and read the quotes.
P1 is reading the quotes .
T: P1, P2, P3… How do you think, which is the funniest? Tell the class.
2) T: Now let’s read Ex 2, p. 15. P1, read the task. Repeat the key-words after me: T->Cl.
3) Will you say what the word “ ” means?
Will you give the definition / meaning of the word “ “?
burst out laughing – to laugh suddenly and loudly (рассмеяться)
cackle - to laugh loudly and unpleasantly (хохотать неприятно)
chuckle - to laugh quietly and softly (хихикать спокойно и тихо)
fall about laughing – to laugh a lot (заливаться смехом)
giggle - to laugh in a silly childish way (хихикать глуповато)
smile - to make the corners of your mouth up to show you are happy (улыбаться)
4) Now look at the words and expressions, listen to different types of laughter and define them. Учащиеся аудируют различные виды смеха и соотносят их со словами.
1. burst out laughing – рассмеяться
2. cackle – хохотать громко, неприятно
3. chuckle – хихикать спокойно и тихо
4. fall about laughing – заливаться смехом
5. giggle – хихикать глуповато
5) T: What situations do people usually laugh in?
Complete my sentences:
T–P1, P2, P3…
1. You/we can burst out laughing…at the concert of famous comedians.
2. You/we can chuckle…when you read some funny story, anecdote or joke.
3. You/we can giggle when you listen to your friend.
4. You/we can fall about laughing when we watch a humour TV programme.
5. You can smile when you are happy and in a good mood.
2. Развитие коммуникативной компетенции в области аудирования
1) T: And now I want you to read some expressions from exercise 3 , p15. Check you understand their meaning and then listen to four extracts. After listening you should answer the question: “ In which is someone:
a) telling a joke?
b)pulling someone’s leg
c) being sarcastic?
d) describing ironic situation?
(Учащиеся читают выражения , затем прослушивают 4 отрывка 2 раза и отвечают на вопросы)
3.Развитие навыков говорения по теме «Смех»
1) Отрывки прослушиваются ещё раз, делая паузы после каждого отрывка, чтобы ученики смогли пересказать вкратце истории:
T: P1, P2, P3,P4…You will listen to these stories again and then try to retell them yourselves.
2) Работа в парах. T: Pupils, read the read the questions from ex.4, p15 and answer them
P1-P2, P3-P4, P5-P6,……(Учащиеся обсуждают вопросы в парах, в это время учитель ходит по классу, слушая и помогая высказываться правильно )
4.Развитие навыков чтения с полным пониманием прочитанного
Раздаются листки с дополнительным материалом (приложение 1)
1) T: Many jokes use words with two different meanings. Before enjoying the joke you will need to know this vocabulary. P1, P2,P3 сначала читают по очереди дефиниции слов затем шутку.
2) Let’s look at the exercise and match the words with their meanings.
3) And finally, you should complete the sentences with the missing words.
T:-P1,P2,P3 Did you enjoy the joke? Why is it funny?
T: Thank you for your active work at the lesson.
Your marks are ... .
Have a nice day and remember: “The more we laugh, the healthier we are”. I believe we’ve had a relaxing and useful time at our lesson.
1) Learn the vocabulary in the Lexicon for Module 2(p.151-152)
2) Describe one practical joke to the class.
Приложение №1
Laugh and Learn
Many jokes use words with two different meanings.
Before enjoying the joke you will need to know this vocabulary.
Vet is an abbreviation of vetinarian.
A vet is an animal doctor.
Lab is an abbreviation of Labrador dog.
Lab is also an abbreviation of laboratory.
A laboratory is a place where testing and research is done.
A CAT scan is an acronym for Computed Axial Tomography, a tool for medical imaging.
CAT scanner. Image from a CAT scan.
To scan is also to look at. It can be a quick look:
This man is scanning through the newspaper, looking for an article.
Or it can be a detailed observation:
The sailor is scanning the horizon for land.
A man runs into the vet's office carrying his dog.
‘Please help me!’ he says.
The vet looks at the dog. The body is limp.
‘I’m sorry,’ he tells the man. ‘Your dog is dead.’
The man is very upset. He wants a second opinion.
The vet goes into the back room and comes out with a cat and puts the cat down next to the dog's body.
The cat sniffs the body from head to tail then looks at the vet and meows.
The vet says to the man, ‘I'm sorry, but the cat thinks that your dog is dead, too.’
The man is still upset. He does not want his dog to be dead.
‘Can’t you do anything?’ he asks.
So, the vet brings in a black Labrador.
The lab sniffs the body from head to tail then looks at the vet and barks.
The vet says to the man, ‘I'm sorry, but the lab thinks your dog is dead too.’
The man is sad, but he knows his dog is really dead.
‘How much do I owe?’
The vet says ‘$650.’
‘$650 to tell me my dog is dead?’ yells the man.
‘Well,’ says the vet, ‘It is only $50 for my diagnosis. The other $600 is for the cat scan and the lab test.’
Ha Ha Ha Ha
1. Match the words with their meanings.
acronym to look at
abbreviation a breed of dog
vetinarian word made from initials
laboratory find out what is wrong
to scan short form of a word
Labrador place for testing
diagnosis animal doctor
2. Fill in the missing words.
a. CAT is an ________________ for Computed Axial Tomography.
b. Vet is an _________________ for Vetinarian.
c. Lab is an abbreviation for two different words.
What are they?
____________________ __________________
3. Did you enjoy the joke? ___________________
Why is it funny? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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