Разработка внеклассного мероприятия "Поле чудес" по книге М.Твена "Приключения Тома Сойера и Гекльберри Финна"
методическая разработка (7 класс) на тему
Игра проводится анологично телевизионной передаче.Обучающимся 6-7 классов за 2-3 недели до проведения мероприятия предлагается викторина по творчеству М.Твена и по содержанию книги.9 победителей отбираются для участия в игре.Во время рекламных пауз инсценируются сценки из книги.
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Предварительный просмотр:
МОБУ СОШ №15 г. Нефтекамск РБ
Разработка игры «Поле чудес»
по книге М.Твена
« Приключения Тома Сойера»
Учитель английского языка
Шайбакова М.Р.
2010 г.
За две недели детям была предложена викторина по творчеству М.Твена. Тем ученикам, которые лучше всех выполнили задание, было вручено 9 приглашений на игру «Поле чудес».
1.Назовите настоящее имя Марка Твена.
2.Что означает слово «Марк Твен» и где писатель его нашел?
3.Назовите профессии Марка Твена.
4. Кем он мечтал стать в детстве?
5. Какие книги писателя вы знаете?
6.Какой известный в мире университет дал ему звание «почетный доктор филологических наук»?
7. Как зовут тётю Тома Сойера?
8.Назовите героев книги «Приключения Тома Сойера».
9. Как Том получил Библию в Воскресной школе?
10. Какую книгу нечаянно порвала Бекки в школе?
11. Какой поступок ярко показывает доброту и честность Тома Сойера?
12. Кто убил молодого доктора Роббинса?
13. Кого спасает Гек Финн от гибели?
14. Где разбойники прячут сундук с золотом?
15. Что нужно делать, чтобы не заблудиться в пещере?
16. Какой доход получают Том и Гек от денег, вложенных в банк?
17. Что такое « Правда Джорджа Вашингтона»?
18. В каком городе происходят события в книге?
19. Кто из героев книги вам больше всех понравился?
Игра «Поле чудес»
(Звучит мелодия в стиле «кантри»)
l ТУР. Знакомство с участниками.
Вопрос: What was Mark Twain`s first profession? (Printer)
ll ТУР.
Вопрос: What was the name of Tom Sawyer`s teacher? (Dobbins)
lll ТУР.
Вопрос: Tom Sawyer had two suits. One of them was for every day wear. But another only for Sunday school. How did they call the second suit? (“Another”)
Игра со зрителями.
Вопрос: What did Tom eat in Aunt Polly`s closet? (Jam)
Вопрос: Where did Tom and Huck put the gold they found? (Bank)
Вопрос:Where did Mark Twain begin to write? (California)
Между турами каждый класс (7а,7б,7в,7г …)Показывают сценки из книги «Приключения Тома Сойера».Лучшему исполнителю роли Тома был вручен приз зрительских симпатий.
Scene 1
Characters: Tom Sowyer, Aunt Polly
Aunt Polly : Tom!... Tom…(No answer) Where is the boy? Tom!
Tom (appearing) : Here I am
Aunt Polly : Oh, you`ve been to that closet. What were you doing there?
Tom: Nothing.
Aunt Polly : Nothing! Look at your hands. (Tom looks at his hands) And look at your mouth. What is that?
Tom: I don`t know, Aunt.
Aunt Polly: Well, I know. It`s jam, that`s what it is. (Pointing to a switch on the floor. ) Hand me that switch!
Tom: Oh, look behind you, Aunt!
Aunt Polly looks behind her. Tom runs away. Aunt Polly stands surprised for a moment ,then she breaks
into a laugh.
Scene 2
Characters: Aunt Polly, Tom Sawyer, Ben, Billy.
Aunt Polly: Tom, go and whitewash the fence.
Tom: Oh , Aunty, I can’t. I’ll do it…tomorrow.
Aunt Polly: Whitewash the fence, I say!(Goes away.)
Tom begins whitewashing the fence. Ben appears. He has an apple in his hand.
Ben: What are you doing?
Tom: I am whitewashing the fence.
Ben: Do you want to say you like it?
Tom: Of course, I do. Does a boy whitewash a fence every day?
Tom goes on whitewashing. He does not look at Ben.
Ben: Tom, let me whitewash a little!
Tom: No, I can’t. Jim wanted to do it, but Aunt Polly did not let him.
Ben: Tom, do let me. I’ll give you my apple.
Tom: All right.
He takes the apple, sits down and begins to eat it. Ben is whitewashing the fence. Billy appears.
Billy: Hello! What are you doing here?
Ben: Tom and I are whitewashing the fence.
Billy: You don’t think it is interesting, do you?
Ben: We do. Jim wanted to do it, but Aunt Polly didn’t let him.
Billy: Let me whitewash a little!
Ben: No, I won’t!( They begin fighting.)
Tom: Stop that! Now it’s your turn to whitewash, Billy. ( Now Billy is working.)
Tom: Now, it’s your turn to whitewash, Ben.
( Now Ben is working.)
Aunt Polly( appearing): Oh, it’s all done! You are a good boy, Tom. You can work when you want to. Now you can go and play.
Tom: Hurrah! Let’s go to the river!
( They run away.)
Scene 3
Characters: Tom, Sid, his cousin, Aunt Polly.
(Tom and Sid are in their beds. It is morning and it is time to get up. Tom doesn’t want to go to school. He wants to be ill. Then he could stay at home.)
Tom (sitting): I don’t want to go to school. What can I do to stay at home? Oh! My tooth is loose. That’s wonderful…No, it won’t do. Aunt Polly will pull it out…Oh, what a wonderful idea came to me.( He lies
back and begins to cry. But Sid is sleeping. Tom cries louder.) Sid! Sid!
Sid: (Opens his eyes): What has happened, Tom?
(Tom doesn’t answer. He continues crying. Sid sits up and looks at Tom.)
Sid: Tom! Say, Tom! What has happened to you?(He gets up and comes up to Tom. Tom continues crying.)
Tom: Oh, Sid! I am dying. I am not angry with you.
Sid: Oh, Tom, you are not dying! Don’t!
Tom: I am not angry with Aunt Polly. Tell her so. And, Sid, give my cat with one eye to the new girl at school and tell her…
Sid( shouting): Oh, Aunt Polly, come! Tom is dying!
Aunt Polly: Dying?
Sid: Yes, come quickly!
Aunt Polly: Don’t say so! (She runs in and comes quickly up to Tom’s bed.)You, Tom! Tom, what has happened to you ,my boy?
Tom: Oh, Auntie , look at my right hand. It is red and hot.
Aunt Polly (seeing that his hand is not red and hot): Oh, Tom, stop that nonsense and get up!
Tom: But, Aunty, it is so hot, that I’ve forgotten about my tooth.
Aunt Polly: Your tooth? And what has happened to your tooth?
Tom: It’s loose.
Aunt Polly: Open your mouth. Well, you are right. Your tooth is loose. Sid, bring me some thread.
Tom: Oh, please, dear Auntie, don’t pull it out. It’s all right now.
(Sid brings the thread. Auntie Polly one end of the thread to Toms tooth and the other to the bed, Then she suddenly claps her hands before Tom’s face. Tom falls back. You can see the tooth hanging on the thread (зуб вырезается из кочана капусты).
Tom: Oh, Oh!( He covers his mouth with his hands).Oh! My tooth was all right. But I didn’t want to go
to school.
Aunt Polly: Oh, Tom, so all this is because you don`t want to go to school. You want to go fishing. Tom, Tom, I love you so dearly, and you… Now get up quickly and get ready to go to school!
Scene 4
Characters: Tom Sawyer, Becky Thatcher.
Compere: Oh! It`s Becky, I believe. Do you recognize her?(Tom appears.) Oh, Tom is coming. Shh! Let’s listen to what they talk about.
( Tom approaches the bench on which Becky is sitting, and sits down on the end of it. Tom begins to draw, hiding his working with his left hand. She tries to see the picture.)
Becky: Let me see it. I like this house. It’s nice. Draw a man.
Tom: I’ll try ( Draws and gives the picture to the girl).
Becky: It’s a handsome man. Now draw me coming along.
(Tom continues to draw. Then he gives the picture to the girl.)
Tom: Do you like it?
Becky: It’s very, very nice. I wish I could draw.
Tom: It’s easy. I can teach you.
Becky: Oh, will you? When?
Tom: At noon. Do you go home to dinner?
Becky: I shall stay if you will.
Tom: Good. What is your name?
Becky: Becky Thatcher. What is yours? Oh, I know. It’s Thomas Sowyer.
Tom: Yes, that’s the name they call me by when they punish me. I’m Tom when I’m good. You call me Tom, will you?
Becky: Yes.
( Tom begins to write something hiding from the girl.)
Becky: Tom, let me see what you have written.
Tom: Oh, it’s nothing.
Becky: Please, let me.
Tom: You’ll tell.
Becky: No, I won’t.
Tom: You won’t tell anybody at all?
Becky: No, I won’t ever tell anybody. Now let me.
Tom: Oh, you don’t want to see.
Becky: Now that you treat me like that I will see.
Tom (reads): I love you.
Becky: Oh, you bad thing.
( Becky runs away. Tom runs after her.)
1.М.Твен. Приключения Тома Сойера.Уфа: Слово,1992.
2.Иностранные языки в школе.2/1996,’’Mark Twain And His Characters’’, стр.69.
3. К.А.Родкино, Т.А.Соловьева.’’Poems and plays for children’’. Москва,’’Просвещение’’,1989г.
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