исправить ошибки в предложениях, 7кл, 2018г.
учебно-методическое пособие (7 класс) на тему
исправить ошибки в предложениях, 7 кл., 2018 г.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Correct the mistakes.
- Museums are opened at 9 o’clock.
- Yesterday Ann is given a nice present.
- The houses was built last year.
Fill in the correct form
- The soup…yesterday. (cook)
- The letters…every day. (bring)
- Breakfast…in the morning. (serve)
- The tickets…tomorrow. (buy)
Correct the mistakes.
- Museums are opened at 9 o’clock.
- Yesterday Ann is given a nice present.
- The houses was built last year.
Fill in the correct form
- The soup…yesterday. (cook)
- The letters…every day. (bring)
- Breakfast…in the morning. (serve)
- The tickets…tomorrow. (buy)
Correct the mistakes.
- Museums are opened at 9 o’clock.
- Yesterday Ann is given a nice present.
- The houses was built last year.
Fill in the correct form
- The soup…yesterday. (cook)
- The letters…every day. (bring)
- Breakfast…in the morning. (serve)
- The tickets…tomorrow. (buy)
Correct the mistakes.
- Museums are opened at 9 o’clock.
- Yesterday Ann is given a nice present.
- The houses was built last year.
Fill in the correct form
- The soup…yesterday. (cook)
- The letters…every day. (bring)
- Breakfast…in the morning. (serve)
- The tickets…tomorrow. (buy)
Correct the mistakes.
- Museums are opened at 9 o’clock.
- Yesterday Ann is given a nice present.
- The houses was built last year.
Fill in the correct form
- The soup…yesterday. (cook)
- The letters…every day. (bring)
- Breakfast…in the morning. (serve)
- The tickets…tomorrow. (buy)
Correct the mistakes.
- Museums are opened at 9 o’clock.
- Yesterday Ann is given a nice present.
- The houses was built last year.
Fill in the correct form
- The soup…yesterday. (cook)
- The letters…every day. (bring)
- Breakfast…in the morning. (serve)
- The tickets…tomorrow. (buy)
Correct the mistakes.
- The homework were done yesterday.
- The letters will be sent every day.
- The poem are learned by heart.
Fill in the correct form
- Children….to the museum last week. (take)
- The delegation….an hour ago. (meet)
- The games….last Friday. (win)
Correct the mistakes.
- The homework were done yesterday.
- The letters will be sent every day.
- The poem are learned by heart.
Fill in the correct form
- Children….to the museum last week. (take)
- The delegation….an hour ago. (meet)
- The games….last Friday. (win)
Correct the mistakes.
- The homework were done yesterday.
- The letters will be sent every day.
- The poem are learned by heart.
Fill in the correct form
- Children….to the museum last week. (take)
- The delegation….an hour ago. (meet)
- The games….last Friday. (win)
Correct the mistakes.
- The homework were done yesterday.
- The letters will be sent every day.
- The poem are learned by heart.
Fill in the correct form
- Children….to the museum last week. (take)
- The delegation….an hour ago. (meet)
- The games….last Friday. (win)
Correct the mistakes.
- The homework were done yesterday.
- The letters will be sent every day.
- The poem are learned by heart.
Fill in the correct form
- Children….to the museum last week. (take)
- The delegation….an hour ago. (meet)
- The games….last Friday. (win)
Correct the mistakes.
- The homework were done yesterday.
- The letters will be sent every day.
- The poem are learned by heart.
Fill in the correct form
- Children….to the museum last week. (take)
- The delegation….an hour ago. (meet)
- The games….last Friday. (win)
Correct the mistakes.
- The homework were done yesterday.
- The letters will be sent every day.
- The poem are learned by heart.
Fill in the correct form
- Children….to the museum last week. (take)
- The delegation….an hour ago. (meet)
- The games….last Friday. (win)
Correct the mistakes.
- The homework were done yesterday.
- The letters will be sent every day.
- The poem are learned by heart.
Fill in the correct form
- Children….to the museum last week. (take)
- The delegation….an hour ago. (meet)
- The games….last Friday. (win)
Correct the mistakes.
- The homework were done yesterday.
- The letters will be sent every day.
- The poem are learned by heart.
Fill in the correct form
- Children….to the museum last week. (take)
- The delegation….an hour ago. (meet)
- The games….last Friday. (win)
Correct the mistakes.
- The homework were done yesterday.
- The letters will be sent every day.
- The poem are learned by heart.
Fill in the correct form
- Children….to the museum last week. (take)
- The delegation….an hour ago. (meet)
- The games….last Friday. (win)
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