Урок 8. Company organization (video materials)
методическая разработка (11 класс) на тему

Романец Анна Валерьевна

Дидактический материал для гуманитарного профиля по курсу "Деловой английский язык". Использование видеофрагментов BBC “Starting Business English”.


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Предварительный просмотр:

“Company Organization” (видеофрагмент 1)

You start a new job. You have already met your colleagues and introduce yourself. Now you need to see how the company works. Your colleague describes you the company you are going to work for. The aim of the lesson is to learn to speak about the job titles and describe a company.

1. Back translation.

  1. Прототип этой игрушки обсуждался на совете директоров.
  2. Мои коллеги показали мне мастерскую, зал заседаний, отдел торговли и сбыта.
  3. Секретарь, ведущий прием посетителей, объяснила мне, где находится кабинет главы компании.
  4. Я работаю на Байбери Системс и занимаюсь производством электронных игрушек.
  5. Как только меня представили новому коллеге, мы завязали светскую беседу.
  6. Все сотрудники компании отчитываются перед советом директоров.
  7. Каждый отдел нашей компании имеет свое название.

  1. The board of directors discussed the prototype of this toy.
  2. My colleagues showed me the workshop, the boardroom and marketing department.
  3. The receptionist explained me where the office of the head of the company was.
  4. I work for Bibury Systems and manufacture electronic toys.
  5. As soon as I was introduced to my new colleague, we made small talk.
  6. All the executives of the company report to the board of directors.
  7. All the departments of our company have their job titles.

2. Look at the organization structure of Forever Young Ltd.




(runs a company, is accountable to the Board of Directors)





Planning Mngr and

R and D Mngr

Accounts Mngr and

Financial Controller

Sales Mngr

Personnel Mngr

3. Translate the following sentences:

The Managing Director runs the company and is accountable to the Board of Directors.

The Finance Manager reports to the Managing Director.

The Accounts Manager is under the Finance Manager.

4. Find the matching job titles and descriptions.

The job titles and the names of the departments are used with the-article, and the first letters are always capital.

1. Managing Director [dai’rektə]

a) someone who sits in the lobby, answers the phone, and greets visitors

A. Начальник научно-исследовательского отдела

2. Executive Secretary

b) someone who heads the department responsible for staff matters, such as the hiring of employees

Б. Управляющий компанией, президент компании

3. Sales and marketing Manager

c) someone who heads a company [‘kΛmpəni] and is responsible for its running

В. Бухгалтер

4. Sales Representative

d) someone who heads the department responsible for scientific research and the development of new products

Г. Начальник отдела кадров

5. Production Manager

e) someone who does secretarial work for the boss

Д. Секретарь - администратор

6. Personnel Manager/

the Human Resources Director

f) someone who is responsible for selling the product to customers

Е. Личный секретарь

7. R and D Manager

(research and development)

g) someone responsible for running the company’s financial affairs

Ж. Коммерческий директор

8. Finance Director [fai’næns]

h) someone who heads the department that advertises and sells the product

З. Начальник производства

9. Accountant

i) someone who heads the department responsible for manufacturing the product

И. Торговый представитель

10. Receptionist

j) someone who keeps the accounts in the finance department

К. Начальник финансового отдела

5. Watch the video film “Starting Business English”, but now pay attention to the structure of Bibury Systems, and offices.

Complete the Job Titles Table.


  1. ----------

2. ----------                                FINANCIAL                        PERSONNEL

    Don Bradley                                DIRECTOR                        DIRECTOR

                                        John Mason                        Katherine Sounders

SALES AND                FINANCE                RESEARCH AND                PERSONNEL

MARKETING                DEPARTMENT                DEVELOPMENT                DEPARTMENT

DEPARTMENT                                        DEPARTMENT

Sales and Marketing                                3. ----------                                  4. -------           

Administration  5. -------                                              6. -------                                     7. ----------


Sales Executives Assistants

  1. Development Manager
  2. Marketing Executive (reports to Don Bradley)
  3. Head of Sales (reports to Don Bradley)
  4. Sales and Marketing Director
  5. Managing Director, or Chief Executive
  6. Head of Administration in the Marketing Department (reports to Don Bradley)
  7. Research assistants

6. Be ready to speak about Bibury Systems as a company. Pay attention to:

  • what Bibury Systems manufactures,
  • its structure and job titles,
  • people working for it,
  • name their job titles
  • what each department is responsible for,
  • who runs the company, who is under whom.

(Use the material of today’s lesson and the material from the previous one.)

7. Be ready to speak about our school as a company.

  • describe how the school works,
  • speak about its job titles,
  • draw its Job Titles Table.

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