Фанат здоровья
план-конспект урока (10 класс) на тему
Урок английского языка на тему: Фанат здоровья
Класс: 10
цели урока:
1) введение новых слов, работа над текстом
2) развивать навыки речи, чтения и письма
3) Воспитывать бережливое отношение к своему здоровью
Урок содержит новые слова на тему "Фанат здоровья"и текст. Учащиеся читают и обсуждают текст. Урок содержит элементы стратегии критического мышления и видео
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Предварительный просмотр:
Урок № 21
Класс: 10 «Б»
Тема урока: Фанат здоровья
Обучающая: учить лексике по теме «Фанат здоровья», обучение устной речи.
Развивающие: развивать познавательный интерес учащихся, повышение мотивации к изучению иностранного языка, совершенствование навыков чтения, тренировка навыков диалогической речи.
Воспитательные: воспитывать чувство бережного отношения к своему здоровью.
Тип урока: комбинированный
Вид урока: усвоение новых знаний
Прогнозируемый результат: учащиеся освоят новые слова, умеют работать над текстом и т.д.
Оборудование урока: учебники, интерактивная доска, лингафонное оборудование, раздаточный материал.
План урока
- Организационный момент 4 мин
- Приветствие
- Рапорт дежурного
- Проверка домашнего задания 6 мин
- Вопросно-ответная беседа
- Выполнение упражнений
- Объяснение новой темы 23 мин (8, 5, 10)
- Мозговая атака
а) Заполнение диаграммы «Группировка»
б) Видеофильм
- Презентация новых слов
- Работа с учебником
- Закрепление 5 мин
- Итог урока. Комментирование оценок 5 мин
Заполнение Синквейна
- Домашнее задание 2 мин
Ход урока
I. Organizational moment
1. Greeting
- Good morning boys and girls. I’m very glad to see you. You may sit down.
2. Duty’s report
-Who is on duty today? – Who is absent today? What date is it today? What day of the week is it today?
II. Checking up home task
- – What was your home task for today?
-Are you ready for the lesson? – Let’s check it. (orally)
2. Making exercises to check the knowledge of countable and uncountable nouns:
a) I prefer tea/ teas to coffee
b) –Three tea/teas, please
c) I gave him some advice/advices.
d) She has an extensive knowledges/ knowledge of property prices in this area.
e) Both of my brothers are looking for a job/a work.
f) The statue was made of a stone/ stone.
III. Explanation of new theme
Teacher: Today we are going to speak about a healthy lifestyle. You can not buy health, but you can keep it, if you begin to take care of it early enough.
- Brainstorming
a) And what are your ideas of keeping fit? What do you think about it? Let’s fill in the word-web.
b) Watching Video. Teenagers’ attitude to healthy life-style.
-Now children answer the next question: What does Bella do to be healthy? Do you agree with her life style?
2. Presentation of the new words
-Before reading the new text let’s learn the new words:
Health freak /fri:k/ –a person who thinks only of his/her health
Germ /dʒɜːm/ – a small organism, synonym of the word “microbe”
Eyesight /’aɪ.saɪt/ – the ability to see
Oxygen /’ɒk.sɪ.dʒən/ - a colourless gas that forms a large part of the air on Earth and which is needed by people, animals and plants to live
Lift /lɪft/ - to raise
Sunflower /’sʌn,flaʊə/ – a yellow flower
Seed /si:d/ - a small round or oval object produced by a plant
Dumbbell /’dʌm.bel/ a short bar with a weight on each end that you lift up and down to make your arm and shoulder muscles stronger
-Write down the new words then find out their translations.
3. Working with a book
– Before reading the text answer the next questions?
- How do you think what kind of person must be “health freak”?
-What questions would you like to ask him?
- Now let’s read the text “health freak”. Ex 4 p 51 “Health Freak”
Ex5 p 51 – Which of your questions did Harold answer?
-What strange things do you find in the behaviour of Harold?
Ex. 6 p 51 There is one mistake in each picture. Find and correct them. Discuss it with your partner.
Ex.7 p 52 These are some ways of keeping fit that Harold suggests. If you agree write A, if you disagree write D. Compare your choice with your partner. Explain your point of view.
- Lift weights
- Never use public transport
- Wear a mask over nose and mouth
- Go to bed early
- Never watch TV
- Keep to a diet
- Have plants at home
- See the doctor every month
- Go to a fitness club
Ex.8 p 52 Find the words from the text which mean the same
- uncooked
- keep safe
- supply
- something quickly/ hurry
- harm
ex 9 p 52 find opposites of the words from the text
A | B |
Often Tasty Safe Clean Cooked |
IV. Consolidation
Making an interview: Harold and journalist
-Children, one of you will be Harold and one of you will be journalist. Journalist must ask Harold some questions and Harold must answer.
V. Conclusion. Giving marks
Making Cinquain
Первая строка – одно слово, описывающее тему (обычно существительное).
Вторая строка – два слова, описывающие тему (обычно два прилагательных).
Третья строка – три слова, выражающие действие по теме (обычно три глагола).
Четвертая строка – фраза из четырех слов, показывающая отношение к теме.
Последняя строка – одно слово (обычно синоним слова из первой строки), которое еще раз подчеркивает сущность темы.
VI. Giving home task
- Your home task will be to retell the text.
- The lesson is over. You are free. Goodbye!
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Underline countable or uncountable nouns: I prefer tea/ teas to coffee. – Three tea/teas, please. I gave him some advice/advices. She has an extensive knowledges/ knowledge of property prices in this area. Both of my brothers are looking for a job/a work. The statue was made of a stone/ stone.
Keeping fit What should we do to keep fit?
Watching video: Teenagers health habit
Presentation of the new words Health freak /fri : k/ –a person who thinks only of his/her health Germ /dʒɜːm/ – a small organism, synonym of the word “microbe” Eyesight / ’ aɪ.saɪt/ – the ability to see Oxygen / ’ ɒksɪdʒən/ - a colourless gas that forms a large part of the air on Earth and which is needed by people, animals and plants to live Lift /lɪft/ - to raise Sunflower / ’ sʌn , flaʊə/ – a yellow flower Seed /si : d/ - a small round or oval object produced by a plant Dumbbell / ’ dʌm.bel/ a short bar with a weight on each end that you lift up and down to make your arm and shoulder muscles stronger
Ex7 p52 . If you agree write A, if you disagree write D. Lift weights Never use public transport Wear a mask over nose and mouth Go to bed early Never watch TV Keep to a diet Have plants at home See the doctor every month Go to a fitness club
Ex.8 p 52 Find the words from the text which mean the same uncooked keep safe supply something quickly/ hurry harm
ex 9 p 52 Find opposites of the words from the text Often Tasty Safe Clean Cooked
Cinquain One word (The Noun) Two words (Adjectives) Three words (Verbs) A sentence including four words One word (synonym)
Home task: retell the text “Health Freak”
Be Healthy!
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