Карточки по грамматике Past Simple и Past Perfect 7 класс Unit 9 к учебнику Rainbow English
тест по английскому языку (7 класс)
Задания на употребление Past Simple и Past Perfect
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Предварительный просмотр:
Card 1
Exercise 1.
В каждом предложении подчеркните сказуемое и укажите время.
I and my sister went to the concert yesterday. I liked New-York very much. I was dancing at 9 o`clock yesterday. My friend had been to Australia before. I travelled to America last year. He had been this shop before. I was doing my h\w for 3 hours the day before yesterday.
Exercise 2. Open the brackets and use the verbs in Past Simple or Past Perfect.
1) I __(come) late to school because I __(leave) my umbrella at home.
2) The pupils __(say) that their teacher __ (give) them those books at the previous lesson.
3) We __(have) a rest after we __(walk) for an hour.
4) When I __(come) from work, my mother __already (make) dinner.
5) She __(say) they __(translate) the text.
Exercise 3. Open the brackets and use the verbs in Past Simple or Past Perfect.
1) When I (arrive) at the station, the train (leave).
2) We (light) the candles because the lights (go) off.
3) When I came home, I (discover) that somebody (break) into my flat.
4) The boy (write) a report before his mother (come) home.
5) John (eat) all the cakes by the time the other children (arrive) at the party.
6) I looked at the new pupil in our class and __(realize) that I __(see) him before.
7) Irene __(say) that she __(be) on an excursion.
Card 2
Exercise 1.
В каждом предложении подчеркните сказуемое и укажите время.
I and my sister went to the concert yesterday. I liked New-York very much. I was dancing at 9 o`clock yesterday. My friend had been to Australia before. I travelled to America last year. He had been this shop before. I was doing my h\w for 3 hours the day before yesterday.
Exercise 2. Open the brackets and use the verbs in Past Simple or Past Perfect.
1) Tom__(say) that he __(see) her last day.
2) The dog __(eat) all the sausages before we __(come) home.
3) He __(read) the book when Natalie __(come).
4) I __(come) late to school because I __(fall) on the ground.
5) I __(be) very happy because my mother __(buy) an interesting book.
Exercise 3. Open the brackets and use the verbs in Past Simple or Past Perfect.
1) I (thank) her for everything she (do).
2) When I got to the office, I (realize) that I (forget) to lock the front door.
3) When they (finish) their work, they (go) home.
4) I __(give) her flowers which I __(buy) for her.
5) I __(say) they __(visit) London last month.
6) When I (listen) to the news, I (go) to bed.
7) Mike __(say) that he __(catch) a big bee.
Card 3
Exercise 1.
В каждом предложении подчеркните сказуемое и укажите время.
I and my sister went to the concert yesterday. I liked New-York very much. I was dancing at 9 o`clock yesterday. My friend had been to Australia before. I travelled to America last year. He had been this shop before. I was doing my h\w for 3 hours the day before yesterday.
Exercise 2. Open the brackets and use the verbs in Past Simple or Past Perfect.
1) Mr Jones __(be) a teacher before he __(become) a journalist.
2) Tom was late. We __(discuss) everything when he __(come).
3) She __(remember) that he __(build) the house.
4) I __(say) that they __(go) to Moscow.
5) The house __(be) dirty because we __(not/clean) it for weeks.
Exercise 3. Open the brackets and use the verbs in Past Simple or Past Perfect.
1) I __ (see) his pictures before I __(visit) the museum.
2) Pedro __(learn) English before he __(go) to England.
3) After Bill __(do) his homework, he __(begin) playing on a computer.
4) Boris __(say) that his uncle __(go) to Kiev yesterday.
5) I soon __(realize) that he __(make) a serious mistake.
6) I __(write) a letter before my mother __(come) home.
7) Lily __(eat) all the cakes before her mother __(come).
Card 4
Exercise 1.
В каждом предложении подчеркните сказуемое и укажите время.
I and my sister went to the concert yesterday. I liked New-York very much. I was dancing at 9 o`clock yesterday. My friend had been to Australia before. I travelled to America last year. He had been this shop before. I was doing my h\w for 3 hours the day before yesterday
Exercise 2. Open the brackets and use the verbs in Past Simple or Past Perfect.
1) After Ann __(eat) her lunch she __(switch) on TV.
2) He __(come) late to school because he __(lose) his school bag.
3) Alan__(say) that he __(meet) his friends there last week.
4) When I __(arrive) the guests __already (leave).
5) I __(say) they __(arrive) last week.
Exercise 3. Open the brackets and use the verbs in Past Simple or Past Perfect.
1) He __(remember) that he __(not/lock) the door.
2) I __(say) he __(write) the exercise last Monday.
3) The father __(want) to know who __(break) his favourite cup.
4) The students __(know) that we __(buy) a radio-set.
5) I __(come) late to school because I __(miss) the train.
6) When I __(arrive) at the party, Tom __already (go) home.
7) Her uncle __(say) that he __(lose) the key.
Card 5
Exercise 1. Open the brackets and use the verbs in Past Simple or Past Perfect.
1) Mike __(say) that he __(clean) his room two days ago.
2) When we __(arrive) at the cinema, the film __already (start).
3) I __(do) my homework before my mother __(come) from work.
4) I __(come) late to school because I __(oversleep).
5) We __(lay) the table before our friends __(come).
Exercise 2. Перепишите следующий текст в прошедшем времени.
On Monday we have five lessons. The first lesson is English. At this lesson we write a dictation and do some exercises. Nick goes to the blackboard.
He answers well and gets a "five". Pete does not get a "five" because he does not know his lesson. After the second lesson I go to the canteen. I eat a sandwich and drink a cup of tea. I do not drink milk. After school I do not go home at once. I go to the library and take a book. Then I go home.
Exercise 3. Open the brackets and use the verbs in Past Simple or Past Perfect.
1. When I (arrive) at the station, the train (leave).
2. We (light) the candles because the lights (go off).
3. When I got home I (discover) that somebody (break into) my flat.
4. The patient (die) before the ambulance (reach) the hospital.
5. Sam (eat) all the cakes by the time the other children (arrive) at the party.
6. After Tom and Jerry (finish) their breakfast, they (take) their bags and (go) to the river to fish.
7. They (go) there before and (catch) some big fish.
Card 6
Exercise 1. Open the brackets and use the verbs in Past Simple or Past Perfect.
1) She __(come) late to school because she __(meet) a black cat.
2) The students __(say) that they __(discuss) those books yesterday.
3) The boys __(stop) playing volleyball before it __(start) raining.
4) When I __(arrive) at the party, my friend __(go) home.
5) When I got home, I __(find) that someone __(go) into my flat.
Exercise 2.
В каждом предложении подчеркните сказуемое и укажите время.
I and my sister went to the concert yesterday. I liked New-York very much. I was dancing at 9 o`clock yesterday. My friend had been to Australia before. I travelled to America last year. He had been this shop before. I was doing my h\w for 3 hours the day before yesterday.
Exercise 3. Open the brackets and use the verbs in Past Simple or Past Perfect.
1. When I (arrive) at the station, the train (leave).
2. We (light) the candles because the lights (go off).
3. When I got home I (discover) that somebody (break into) my flat.
4. The patient (die) before the ambulance (reach) the hospital.
5. Sam (eat) all the cakes by the time the other children (arrive) at the party.
6. After Tom and Jerry (finish) their breakfast, they (take) their bags and (go) to the river to fish.
7. They (go) there before and (catch) some big fish.
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