Контрольная работа в 9 классе. Unit 3. УМК “Rainbow English” 9 класс.
тест по английскому языку (9 класс)
Лексико-грамматический контроль по 3 разделу
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Контрольная работа в 9 классе. Unit_3.
УМК “Rainbow English” 9 класс.
- Write this in English.
Лук и стрелы, запустить космический корабль, знаменитый изобретатель, исследовать вселенную.
- Choose the appropriate words to complete the sentences.
1.I think you should apologize (to/for) your words.
2.She has complained (of/for) the low level of service in the hotel.
3.I dreamt (from/about) going to Australia.
4.He couldn’t forgive her (for/of) telling a lie.
- Translate these sentences into Russian.
- Who will be the first to finish the job?
- John is a difficult person to understand.
- James is the person to ask for help.
- Kitty was the last to know the truth.
- I think it is the most interesting book to read.
- Complete the sentences with the suitable infinitives: to understand, to fly, to read, to know, to buy, to see.
- This is the book for you__.
- She will be the last person __ the truth.
- The old lady is difficult __.
- Complete the sentences using these words.
2.my/mother/to/my coming/home/late/objects.
3.the children/ were/ forward/looking/to/visiting/ the British Museum.
4.he/succeeded/getting/in/good marks/only/in physics.
- Translate these sentences into English.
1.Люди начали исследовать вселенную много лет тому назад.
2. Юрий Гагарин – первый человек, полетевший в космос.
3. Мы пришли сюда, чтобы потанцевать.
4. Я знаю о его желании уехать.
5. Я согласился не смотреть телевизор.
Контрольная работа в 9 классе. Unit_3.
УМК “Rainbow English” 9 класс.
- Write this in English.
Наука и техника, опасное ядерное оружие, умелый рабочий, бесполезно спорить.
- Choose the appropriate words to complete the sentences.
1. He talked (about/from) leaving London.
2.I thanked you (of/for) helping me.
3.Don’t prevent me (of/from) writing a letter.
4.He blames her (of/for) breaking the window.
- Translate these sentences into Russian.
- I think the article is easy to translate.
- This is a performance to see.
- That was the cheapest camera to buy.
- Who was the man to discover Australia?
- This is just the hotel to stay at.
- Complete the sentences with the suitable infinitives: to understand, to fly, to read, to know, to buy, to see.
- This is the film __.
- Who was the first man __ into space? - Y.Gagarin was.
- This is the money __ the dictionary you need.
- Complete the sentences using these words.
1.are/students/capable/learning/of/English/long/texts/by heart.
2. my/is/brother/interested/your/in/joining/club.
4.my/elder/to/spending/sister/objects/a lot of/on clothes/money.
- Translate these sentences into English.
1.Они работают, используя компьютерные технологии.
2. Необходимо развивать науку и технику.
3. Мы пришли сюда, чтобы потанцевать.
4. Я знаю о его желании уехать.
5. Я согласился не смотреть телевизор.
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