19/01/2025 11 класс Spotlight 11 Module 4 Конференция ДЕТСКИЕ БОЛЕЗНИ (раздаточный материал)
проект по английскому языку (11 класс)
в помощь преподавателю,материал для интерактивной игры
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Предварительный просмотр:
1. contagious-заразный
2. to effect-поражать
3. whitish-беловатый
4. patch-налет
5. to spread-распространять
6. windpipe-дыхательное горло
7. complication-осложнение
8. emergency-неотложная помощь
9. convalescence-выздоровление
10. to proceed-продолжать
Diphtheria is a highly contagious disease which mainly effects the throat. The symptoms are sore throat, fever, headache. There is difficulty in swallowing. There is a whitish patch in the throat and if it spreads to the windpipe, there is difficulty in breathing. The child looks ill and toxic. The disease can lead to many complications of nerves, heart and kidneys, and sometimes an emergency operation (trecheostomy) may have to be done if the windpipe gets blocked with the membrane and the child has difficulty in breathing. The child will have to be hospitalized in an infectious diseases hospital for 3 - 4 weeks, and then convalescence proceeds at home for a few weeks more. This disease can be
prevented by immunizing the child.
1. jaundice-желтуха
2. to cut down-исключить
3. sewage-сточные воды
4. resistant-стойкий
This is quite a common disease and every now and then one hears of someone who has jaundice. The disease is acquired by drinking, or eating anything contaminated by the hepatitis virus, which is passed in the infected person's stool.
The presence of hepatitis is a pointer to the inadequate arrangements of safe water supply and sewage disposal in a locality. The virus is very resistant and even boiling does not destroy it.
There is fever, loss of appetite, vomiting and pain in the upper abdomen. Loss of appetite and a feeling of being ill is out of proportion of the fever. Even the smell or sight of food may make the person sick. In 4-5 days the urine becomes dark in colour, and later the eyes and skin become yellow. Gradually, the appetite returns and the fever comes down.
The child should remain in bed as long as he has fever and feels ill. Once his appetite returns he can play about in the house, but should not go to nursery school till jaundice has disappeared and he feels quite well.
In the acute stage, the child should be encouraged to drink sweet drinks such as orange juice. Sugarcane juice is excellent. Sugar is good for recovery of the liver.
As the appetite returns, ordinary household food can be given, but you should cut down on butter, oil, fried food.
German measles
1. pregnancy беременность
2. permissible-допустимо
3. congenital-врожденные
4. fever-лихорадка
5. disease-болезнь
6. pain-боль
This is a mild disease with low-grade fever, some pain behind ears due to enlargement of glands, and a mild pinkish rush, which only lasts for a day or two. The whole illness lasts 2 - 3 days and needs no treatment at all. If, however, a pregnant mother gets German measles during the first 3 months of her pregnancy, there is great danger of the baby being born with some congenital malformation. Under doctor`s advice it is permissible to have an abortion induced for such an eventuality. Fortunately, most mother would have already had the infection in their childhood.
One attack of German measles usually gives a lifelong immunity, although, rarely, a second attack may occur. A vaccine has now been developed to prevent German measles.
1.mumps-свинка, эпидемический партии
7.to occur-иметь место, встречать
13.puberty-половая зрелость.
Mumps is a communicable virus disease, that usually attacks one both parotid glands located near the angle for the jaw. It commonly occurs between 5 and 15 years of age. The incubation period, i.e.., the period between acquiring the infection and the first symptoms, is usually three weeks. One attack gives immunity. There is pain on opening the mouth or chewing, a moderate degree of fever , loss of appetite , headache and body pain. Both sides of the face may swell at the same time or there may be a gap of a few days between one side and the other. The swelling lasts about 6-7 days. Mumps may affect testicles in boys and ovaries in girls, resulting in sterility. This is rare before puberty, and so it is best if children acquire the disease at a younger age. Treatment consists of bed-rest during fever, mouth-washes to keep the mouth clean and aspirin for and pain. Mumps can be prevented by immunizing the child with mumps vaccine.
Whooping cough
2.to prolong-продлевать
A newborn baby has no immunity to this disease at all and so he must be kept protected from children who have any kind of
cough. Whooping cough seems like an ordinary cough for the first few days but gradually the bouts become more and more prolonged and the child coughs continuously. His face becomes red and he very often vomits. At the end of the bout of cough when he takes a deep breath a croaky sound is heard which is called the whoop and which gives the disease its name. The disease is a prolonged one and the cough may last 2-3 months. It can lead to lung complication also.
The child loses weight because of repeated vomiting. Fortunately it can prevented by immunizing the child with triple antigen injections. A child with whooping cough should be kept separate from other children for the first 3-4 weeks. The disease is more severe in babies under I year of age and every effort must be made to isolate at least.
4.to scratch-царапать
The illness begins with fever, slight headache and listlessness. Within a day or two spots appear on the chest or back, which soon look like small blisters. Such new ''crops'' keep appearing for 2-3 days and older ones get scabbed over. There is a lot of itching and the child may scratch some of the blisters. Chickenpox is usually a mild disease and there is no particular treatment, except to keep the skin clean and use some smoothening lotion for itching. The itching can also be relieved by bathing the child with a small quantity of soda 2-3 times a day. Antihistamine syrup to relieve itching should only be given under medical advice.
As in the case of measles, there is no point keeping the other children in the family away, as they have been exposed to the disease already and it is just as well for them to get it over with.
2.general discomfort-общее недомогание
5.to subside-стихать,убывать,спадать.
The main symptoms of the disease are: slight fever, general discomfort, headache, stiff neck, stiff back. It may result in paralysis of any part of body. The cause of poliomyelitis is a virus. The incubation period of the disease is 7—21 days. The most susceptible patients are the children from 9 months to 5 years. The child should be isolated from onset of the disease till fever subsides. We can prevent poliomyelitis with oral polio vaccine.
1.malaise-недомогание, дискомфорт
2.disposal-удаление, устранение
3.to substitute-заменять, замещать, заменитель, заместитель
4.typhoid-брюшной тиф
5.headache-головная боль
The main symptoms of the disease are fever, headache, malaise. The cause of typhoid is a bacillus. The incubation period is 7-21 days. The most susceptible patients are children and young adults. To treat the disease you should follow proper disposal of stools and urine and to give chloramphenicol or substitute for 3-4 weeks. We can prevent typhoid with typhoid vaccine.
4. to substitute- заменять, замещать, заменитель, заместитель
The main symptoms of tonsillitis are fever, cough, sore throat. The cause of the disease is a streptococcus. The incubation period is 2-5 days. The patients of all ages are susceptible to the disease. To treat the patient with tonsillitis we should give penicillin or substitute injections for 10 days. There are no any ways of prevention of tonsillitis.
5.bacillus-бацилла, палочка
The main symptoms of tetanus are stiffness of jaw, spasms and convulsions, difficulty in swallowing. The cause of the disease is a bacillus. The incubation period is from 5 days to 2 weeks. The disease is not communicable from person to person. The patients of all the ages are susceptible to the disease. The patient with tetanus should be hospitalized and the wound should be cleaned immediately. A doctor must use tetanus toxoid separate or in DPT to treat the patient.
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