Charles Dickens
презентация урока для интерактивной доски по английскому языку (7 класс)

Янишевская Екатерина Сергеевна

Биография+ задания по материалу


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Слайд 1

Учитель английского языка Е.С. Янишевская

Слайд 2

Charles Dickens

Слайд 3

He lived in the south of England when he was a little boy . His father worked in an office. He was a very clever man, but poor.

Слайд 4

He had many brothers and sisters, but he did not often play with them. His father had many books and Charles liked to read them.

Слайд 5

There his father got into debt (as he had little money) and then into debtor’s prison. So little Charles began to work at a small factory in London when he was ten .

Слайд 6

He did not like his work, but he had to work at the factory for two years. Then he went to school for three more years. He had little formal education but still succeeded in life.

Слайд 7

The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club. And the young reporter became a famous writer. He used to be a young and poor reporter at that time, who immediately became a famous writer .

Слайд 8

Oliver Twist, Dombey and Son, David Copperfield and many other good books. Over his career he wrote 15 novels, 5 novellas, hundreds of short stories and non-fiction articles. . He also worked for 20 years as an editor in a weekly journal.

Слайд 9

He mostly wrote about the hard life of poor people in Victorian England. Even though he lived more than a hundred years ago, people still read his books with pleasure.

Слайд 10

His books are very interesting. He is one of the greatest writer in the English literature. Charles Dickens died on June 9th, 1870 and he was buried in Poet’s Corner in Westminster Abbey.

Слайд 11

1. writer and social critic 2. the south of England 3. moved to 4. got into debt 5. hard life 6. formal education 7. young reporter 8 . immediately 9. non-fiction articles. 10. was buried

Слайд 12

1. писатель и общественный критик 2. юг Англии 3. переехал в 4. залез в долги 5. тяжелая жизнь 6. формальное образование 7. молодой репортер 8. сразу же 9. научно-популярные статьи 10. был похоронен

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