A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

Презентация создана к 200-летию английского писателя Чарльза Дикенса, в ней  использован адаптированный тот отрывок из романа Рождественская песнь, в котором главному герою являются 3 призрака. Занятие по этой презентации отправлялось на конкурс Открытые ладони и получло Диплом III степени.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens

Слайд 2

Charles Dickens (1812-1870) The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club Oliver Twist Great Expectations The Old Curiosity Shop The Cricket on the Hearth David Copperfield Dombey and Son

Слайд 3

Charles Dickens (be) born on7.11.1812 in poor family in Portsmouth. 2. His father (be) imprisoned for debt in 1824. 3. Charles (start) to work to support his family. 4. He (work) at a shoe factory and in a law firm. 5.Then Charles (become) a court reporter and (start) to write short stories and novels. 6. He (die) on 9.06.1870.

Слайд 4

1. Charles Dickens was born on 7.11.1812 in poor family in Portsmouth. 2. His father was imprisoned for debt in 1824. 3. Charles started to work to support his family. 4. He worked at a shoe factory and in a law firm. 5. Then Charles became a court reporter and started to write short stories and novels. 6. He died on 9.06.1870.

Слайд 5

What is Christmas Carol? Special meal that people eat at Christmas. Christian song that people sing at Christmas. Special card that people send to friends and relatives at Christmas. Name four other Christmas words.

Слайд 6

Match! Which traits are positive? Greedy Wicked Bad Disgusting Callous Good-hearted Good Generous Kind Attractive

Слайд 7

Negative traits Greedy Wicked Bad Disgusting Callous Positive traits Generous Kind Good Attractive Good-hearted

Слайд 8

Remember Scrooge from Disney’s cartoons.

Слайд 9

Describe Scrooge Mc Duck’s personality. Scrooge Mc Duck liked money very much. He was He didn’t want to spend his time on his relatives. He wasn’t Scrooge was He was neither nor kind. His character was really greedy. good-hearted, callous. wicked disgusting.

Слайд 10

1) Friends 2)Believe 3)Money

Слайд 11

Did Scrooge know the ghost? -Yes, he did. (“Do you know me?” said the ghost. -”No,” said Scrooge, “I don’t.” But he did.) 2. Who was the ghost? It was Jacob Marley. (“In life I was Jacob Marley.”) 3. Was it a friendly ghost? -Yes, it was. (“I can help you,” the ghost said. -”You were always a good friend to me,” said Scrooge.)

Слайд 12

5. How did it leave the room? It left the room through the window. (It walked and the window opened at the same time. And it went out into the night.) 4. What did it want to do? -It wanted to tell Scrooge about three ghosts. (“Three ghosts will come,” said the ghost of Jacob Marley.)

Слайд 13

1. The first ghost showed Scrooge… his past. (family, friends. Scrooge wanted to have them again). 2. The second ghost showed Scrooge… the present time. (poor people who had no money enjoying Christmas. Scrooge wanted to help them, to enjoy Christmas too) 3. The third ghost showed Scrooge… the future. (it was terrible)

Слайд 14

Is the end of the story happy or not? How does Scrooge behave? What does he think? How does he feel? Do people believe him? How do people deal with Scrooge? Is Scrooge greedy in the end of the story? How does his personality change? Why do you think Scrooge’s character improves?

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