The education system in Russia
методическая разработка по английскому языку
The education system in Russia
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The education system in Russia
Education in Russia is organised and coordinated by the state, which ensures that general education is free and available for everyone. Most schools are stateschools, but private schools have also been established in recent years.
Education usually begins with pre-school before the age of six, although it is notcompulsory. Children typically go to kindergartens or other pre-schools whichfocus on both intellectual and physical activities. The next step is primary school, which is part of the general education programme.
General education in Russia comprises three stages: primary education, which lasts for
four years; basic general education lasting for five years and secondaryeducation which lasts for two to three years.
General education normally consists of 34 weeks of study per year and 27 to 36hours of study per week. The academic year typically runs from 1 September tothe beginning of June. School examinations are in June.
General education is compulsory. The basic curriculum has some compulsory fields of study such as the Russian language, foreign languages, mathematics, history, politics, natural sciences, etc. Every school designs its own curriculum, which is based on state requirements, and there can be some extra or optionaldisciplines. In Moscow, there are also schools that specialise in certain subjects, such as maths, music, arts, and sports. These schools can also offer extraeducation for children, alongside the general courses.
After completing primary and basic general education, the students participate in final examinations. They are awarded a Certificate of Basic General Education, Attestat ob Osnovom Obshchem Obrazovani, which entitles the student to be admitted to either secondary general education, to vocational education or to non-university level higher education.
After completing the secondary general education, the students need to pass theState final attestation (final examinations), after which they will be awarded aCertificate of Secondary General Education, Attestat o Srednem ObshchemObrazovanii. This school leaving certificate will allow students to continue tohigher education: either vocational education or both non-university anduniversity level education.
In total, general education takes 11 years to complete. Children are enrolled inschools at the age of seven and normally they finish school by the age of 17.
Russia has a long-standing tradition in high-quality education for all citizens. Itprobably has also one of the best mass-education systems in the world. Russia'shigher education system started with the foundation of the universities inMoscow and St. Petersburg in the middle of the 18th century. The system wasconstructed similar to that of Germany. In Soviet times all of the population inRussia had at least a secondary education. The pursuit of higher education wasand still is considered to be very prestigious. More than 50% of people havehigher education.
Higher education is provided by public and non-public (non-state) accreditedhigher education institutions. There are two levels of higher education:
Basic higher education (4 years) leading to the Bakalavr's (Bachelor's) degree, isthe first university level degree which lasts for at least 4 years of full-timeuniversity-level study. The programmes include professional and special coursesin Science, the Humanities and Social-economic disciplines, professional training, completion of a research paper/project and passing State final exams.
Holders of the Bakalavr's (Bachelor's) degree are admitted to enter the Magistr's(Master's) degree programmes. Access to these programmes is competitive. TheMagistr's (Master's) degree is awarded after successful completion of two years'full-time study. Students must carry out a year of research including practice andprepare and defend a thesis which constitutes an original contribution and sitfor final examinations.
Postgraduate education in Russia includes two postgraduate degrees: KandidatNauk (Candidate of sciences) and Doctor Nauk (Doctor of sciences). Access to theCandidate of Sciences level again is very competitive. Candidates must hold aSpecialist Diploma or a Master's degree. Studies last for 3 years. This programprepares for research and professorial activities. Students must learn teachingmethods, ICTs, and pass qualifying (Kandidat Nauk) exams. They carry outindependent research, prepare, and defend a dissertation in public. They arethen awarded the scientific degree of Kandidat Nauk. The Doctor Naukprogramme is specific and its duration is not fixed. It follows the Kandidat Naukand is awarded after preparation and public defence of a dissertation.
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