Английские идиомы со словами House/Home
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс)
Английские идиомы со словами House/Home
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SL9 M2b Idioms related to house/home
- As safe as houses — в полной безопасности
- Close to home — близко к сердцу, задеть за живое
- Homesick — скучающий по дому
- Home truth — горькая правда
- On the house — за счет заведения
- To be anything to write home about — быть чем-то особенным
- To be home and dry — выйти сухим из воды, быть в целости и сохранности
- To bring it home to someone — осознать
- To get your own house in order — навести порядок в голове
- To go round the houses — ходить вокруг да около
- To home in — направиться к цели
- To make yourself at home — чувствовать себя как дома
- To take home — зарабатывать
- To wear the pants in the house — быть главой семьи
- To bring home the bacon — содержать семью
- Get on like a house on fire — сблизиться, не разлей вода
- Till the cows come home — долгое время
- The lights are on, but nobody’s home — глупый, рассеянный
- No Place Like Home. Нет места лучше дома.
- Keep the home fires burning. «сохранять семью» или «следить за порядком», когда кто-то в отъезде
- Men make houses, women make homes.
- The house is a fine house when good folks are withinНе красна изба углами, а красна пирогам
- Owner should bring honor to the house, not the house to the owner. Не место красит человека, а человек место
- Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones.Не плюй в колодец
- Halfway house
- A house of cards
- Eat out of house and home
- Get your own house in order
- House of correction
- A house divided against itself cannot stand
- Get on like a house on fire
- Go round the houses
- Wear the pants in the house
- Home is where the heart is
- There’s no place like home
- Make yourself at home
- Home sweet home
- Bless this house
- Home away from home
- A house is not a home
- To bring the house down – порвать зал
- To hit close to home – задеть за живое
- To be on the house – за счет заведения
- To come home to roost - Как аукнется, так и откликнется.
- Halfway house - компромисс
- Meaning: A compromise; a temporary transitional phase between two extremes.
- Example: “Since we couldn’t agree on either proposal, we settled for a halfway house solution that addressed both concerns.”
A house of cards
- Meaning: A structure or plan with a shaky foundation, easily destroyed.
- Example: “His business was a house of cards that came tumbling down the moment the market shifted.”
As safe as houses
- Meaning: Extremely secure or dependable.
- Example: “Don’t worry about the investment; it’s as safe as houses.”
Eat out of house and home
- Meaning: To consume a lot of someone’s food, often humorously referring to guests who eat a great deal.
- Example: “With the teenagers at home during the holidays, they’ll eat you out of house and home!”
Get your own house in order
- Meaning: To organize your affairs before trying to manage others or give advice.
- Example: “Before she critiqued my report, I suggested she get her own house in order.“
House of correction
- Meaning: Historically, a detention facility where minor offenders were held and expected to work.
- Example: “The magistrate sent the petty thief to the house of correction.”
A house divided against itself cannot stand
- Meaning: An organization or group split by internal disagreements will not survive.
- Example: “We need to reconcile our department’s differences; a house divided against itself cannot stand.“
Get on like a house on fire
- Meaning: To form a quick and strong friendship; to get along really well.
- Example: “Those two get on like a house on fire—they’ve been inseparable since they met.”
Go round the houses
- Meaning: To take a longer than necessary route; to do something in an indirect or overly complicated way.
- Example: “Let’s not go round the houses with this project—keep it simple and straight to the point.”
Wear the pants in the house
- Meaning: To be in charge or the decision-maker within a household.
- Example: “It’s pretty clear that grandma wears the pants in the house.”
Basket house
- Meaning: A term primarily used in real estate to indicate a home with a distinctive architectural style featuring basket-weave elements.
- Example: “They live in a charming basket house with crisscross patterns on the façade.”
Вставьте home и house в подходящую идиому:
Come to the opening of our club. All drinks are on the ______!
2. The news of Mary’s illness was close to ______ for Jessica because she herself suffered from it as a child.
3. Though 5% annual growth is not anything to write ______ about, we recommend including it in the presentation to investors.
4. Don’t worry, all students in our school are as safe as ______.
5. Our football team is winning 8–0. It seems we are ______ and dry!
6. Stop going around the ______ and just tell me the truth.
7. When Joseph ______ in on a goal, he accomplishes it.
8. Before giving advice to others, it would be helpful to get your own ______ in order.
9. How much does your secretary take ______ a month?
10. Welcome to our little gathering. Make yourself at ______!
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