Primary and secondary schools in Britain
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс)
технологическая карта урока по теме "Начальное и основное образование в школе Британии"
Предварительный просмотр:
Технологическая урока
УМК: Афанасьева О.В., Михеева и.в., Баранова К.М., Rainbow English 7 класс, ч. 1
Unit 1. Schools and Schooling
Тема: Primary and secondary schools in Britain Step 4: | |
Цель урока: | Обучение навыкам чтения, аудирования, говорения. |
Задачи урока: |
Тип урока: | Комбинированный |
Формы работы: | Индивидуальная, фронтальная, групповая, в парах |
Планируемые результаты: | Предметные: чтение: изучающее с полным пониманием прочитанного; аудирование: с поиском заданной информации; говорение: монологическая речь (на основе предложенного плана); лексическая сторона речи: закрепление лексики по теме «Primary and secondary schools in Britain»; грамматическая сторона речи: актуализация Past Simple. |
Оборудование: | Учебник, компьютер, проектор, магнитофон, раздаточный материал |
Содержание урока | |
Действия учителя (деятельность учителя) | Действия ученика (деятельность ученика) |
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Постановка цели и задачи урока
План: На уроке мы научимся:
| 1. Закрепление лексики по теме «School supplies». 2. Работа фронтально. План: На уроке мы научимся:
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Учащиеся прослушивают аудиозапись № 7 и отвечают на вопрос по тексту. Script: Аудиозапись № 7 к заданию 1 It is always difficult for Peter to find his things because he never puts them in the right places. Yesterday morning Peter couldn’t find a lot of his things. After half an hour he found his old trainers on the bookcase. Then he found his new jeans on the bathroom floor. His school books were near the fridge. Peter’s pencil case was in his mother’s black shoe. It was a real shock. Peter’s paint brushes were all in his soup bowl. Just think of it! Peter found his warm boots under the armchair. When Peter found his exercise books, he saw that there was a box of paints on them. Peter’s daybook was on the chair and his Russian dictionary was on the floor near the window. Poor Peter! Keys: Ex. 1, p. 15. 1) Peter found his trainers on the bookcase, not in the bookcase. 2) Peter found his jeans on the bathroom floor, not on the hall floor. 3) He found his books near the fridge, not on the fridge. 4) He found his pencil case in a black shoe, not in a brown shoe. 5) He found his brushes in his soup bowl, but not in the mug. 6) He found his boots under the armchair, not behind it. 7) There was a box of paints, not a clock on his exercise books. 8) Peter found his daybook on the chair, but not his ruler. 9) Peter found his dictionary not in the corner, but near the window. Teacher: Well done! Now, look at ex. 2 on p. 15 and say where you keep these things. Проверка домашнего задания Учитель проверяет вместе с учащимися домашнее задание. Учащиеся сравнивают ответы в своих тетрадях с правильными ответами на слайде. Цель – научить учащихся самопроверке. Учитель выборочно берёт тетради на проверку, чтобы проконтролировать, как учащиеся выполняют самопроверку. Keys: Ex. 8, p. 14. 2) a pair of slippers; 3) a pair of jeans; 4) a pair of shoes; 5) a pair of sandals; 6) a pair of trainers; 7) a pair of gloves. Ex. 9, p. 15 1) (These) trousers (are) too long for me. 2) (Those) gloves (were) not very warm. 3) Where (is) my new pair of stockings? 4) There (was) a pair of old scissors under the sofa. 5) I don’t like (this) pair of legging. 6) I saw a pair of bright blue jeans that (was) in the shop window. Ex. 10, p. 15 Sample answer: 1) We can write with a felt-tip pen, a piece of chalk, a pencil. 2) We can paint with a brush, painters. 3) We can find the meanings of the words in a dictionary. 4) We write our English exercises in our exercise books. 5) We write on the board with a piece of chalk. 6) We keep our pens and pencils in a pencil case. 7) I like backpacks more. Повторение изученных лексических единиц Teacher: Let’s revise the words we use when we speak about school supplies. Please, look at ex. 5 on p. 16–17 and say what Grace has to pay for in the shop. Sample answers: 1. Grace has to pay for the felt-tip pens and rubbers. 2. Grace has to pay for pencils and a pencil sharpener. 3. She has to pay for a pencil case and pens. 4. Grace has to pay for exercise books and a dictionary. 5. She has to pay for some rulers. 6. She has to pay for the papers and a bottle of glue. 7. She has to pay for a pair of scissors. 8. She has to pay for a backpack and a school uniform. Формирование лексических навыков. Введение нового лексического материала Teacher: Look at ex. 3 on p. 16, please. We’re going to listen to the recording and read it out loud. Аудиозапись № 8 к упр. 3, с. 16. Let’s do ex. 4, p. 16, look at the boxes of words and try to say which of them can come together. Keys: Ex. 4, p. 16. school education, free education, a coffee break, a tea break, a lunch break, a long break, a short break, an early age, school age, an easy subject, a difficult subject, a school subject, a short term, a long term, a school term, an easy term, a difficult term, the first term, a school uniform, a long uniform, a short uniform, the first uniform. Чтение Teacher: Good job! Now before we start reading the text let’s look at the pictures in ex. 6 on p. 17 and describe these uniforms. Well, you’re going to read the text ex. 7A on p. 17 now and give names to its parts. After that, we’re doing part B, where you need to decide which of these facts are true, false or not stated in the text. Keys: Ex. 7B, p. 17.
Teacher: | Прослушивают аудиозапись и проверяют свой ответ с ответом на слайде. Ex. 1, p. 15. 1) Peter found his trainers on the bookcase, not in the bookcase. 2) Peter found his jeans on the bathroom floor, not on the hall floor. 3) He found his books near the fridge, not on the fridge. 4) He found his pencil case in a black shoe, not in a brown shoe. 5) He found his brushes in his soup bowl, but not in the mug. 6) He found his boots under the armchair, not behind it. 7) There was a box of paints, not a clock on his exercise books. 8) Peter found his daybook on the chair, but not his ruler. 9) Peter found his dictionary not in the corner, but near the window. Выполняют упр. 2, с. 15. Ex. 8, p. 14. 2) a pair of slippers; 3) a pair of jeans; 4) a pair of shoes; 5) a pair of sandals; 6) a pair of trainers; 7) a pair of gloves. Ex. 9, p. 15 1) (These) trousers (are) too long for me. 2) (Those) gloves (were) not very warm. 3) Where (is) my new pair of stockings? 4) There (was) a pair of old scissors under the sofa. 5) I don’t like (this) pair of legging. 6) I saw a pair of bright blue jeans that (was) in the shop window. Повторение и закрепление изученной лексики. Учащиеся слушают аудиозапись, затем читают слова вслух. Ex. 4, p. 16. school education, free education, a coffee break, a tea break, a lunch break, a long break, a short break, an early age, school age, an easy subject, a difficult subject, a school subject, a short term, a long term, a school term, an easy term, a difficult term, the first term, a school uniform, a long uniform, a short uniform, the first uniform. Учащиеся дают описание изображений упр. 6, с. 17. Учащиеся читают текст и подбирают заголовки к его параграфам. Далее соотносят утверждения типа «верно/неверно/в тексте не сказано» с содержанием текста для чтения. 1) In England and Wales pupils spend seven years in primary school. – Not stated 2) For many children school is over when they are sixteen. – True 3) The school year in England and Wales begins on 1 September. – False 4) Pupils play a lot in primary school. – True 5) Parents have to pay for their children’s education in state schools. – False 6) In England and Wales pupils go to school six days a week. – False 7) Secondary school pupils have English four days a week. – Not stated 8) The last class is usually over at 4 p.m. – True 9) The summer holidays are the longest. – True 10) English school names are usually very long. – Not stated Учащиеся расширяют знания о системе школьного образования в Великобритании. |
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Подведение итогов урока Учитель обобщает изученный материал на уроке и выставляет оценки за работу в классе. Teacher: Now let’s revise what we have learnt.
Ключи: Break: a long break, a lunch break, a coffee/tea break, to take a break. Education: primary education, secondary education, to have a good education, to get a good education. Term: a school term, a university term.
Ключ: In England and Wales children start schooling when they are five.
Ключ: When pupils finish school in England and Wales they sit GSCE exam. Информация о домашнем задании Учитель объясняет алгоритм выполнения домашнего задания.
| Summing up 1. What words can come together with the word break, education, term? 2. At what age do children start schooling in England and Wales? 3. What exam do they take when they finish school? HOMEWORK
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