Развитие логического мышления для решения заданий экзаменационного типа из раздела Reading
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку
Во многих экзаменах по английскому языку присутствуют задания на понимание текста, которое проверяется путем согласия/несогласия с утверждениями. Начиная с уровня Intermediate, к вариантам ответа True/ False добавляется возможность ответить Not Stated, и здесь для многих учащихся начинаются проблемы. Для тренировки логического мышления я решила попробовать сама делать задания к текстам, в частности писать утверждения каждое из которых можно отметить Not Stated. Наряду с развитием логики, данные задания так же учат обращать внимание на каверзные нюансы в утверждениях, искать подвох. Помимо вышесказанного, часто действительность требует от учителя создания собственных упражнений ввиду того, что ответы на большинство заданий в учебниках давно есть в сети.
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Развитие логического мышления для решения заданий экзаменационного типа из раздела Reading
Во многих экзаменах по английскому языку присутствуют задания на понимание текста, которое проверяется путем согласия/несогласия с утверждениями. Начиная с уровня Intermediate, к вариантам ответа True/ False добавляется возможность ответить Not Stated, и здесь для многих учащихся начинаются проблемы. Порой ребенок перевел каждое слово и понял каждую буковку, но все равно делает ошибки, потому что данное задание затрагивает не только знание языка, но и навыки, базирующиеся на логическом мышлении. Задача учителя помочь решить возникшие проблемы.
Для тренировки логического мышления я решила попробовать сама делать задания к текстам, в частности писать утверждения каждое из которых можно отметить Not Stated. Для того чтобы не было слишком легко, конечно лучше вставить 1-2 утверждения False. После выполнения задания самое интересное это обсудить ответы учеников и показать где они пошли по неверному пути, где их подвела логика. Итогом выполнения подобных упражнений может стать задание самим придумать несколько спорных утверждений к какому-либо тексту.
Сейчас приведу примеры своих разработок (тексты взяты из открытых источников):
Задание 1.
Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений 1–9 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), какие не соответствуют (2 – False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated). В поле ответа запишите одну цифру, которая соответствует номеру правильного ответа.
Ernest Hemingway
Ernest Miller Hemingway is seen as one of the greatest American writers of the 20th century. He was born in 1899 into a doctor’s family, in the state of Illinois, USA. Young Ernest spent most of his summer holidays in Michigan, a north central state. It was there that the future writer learned to hunt, fish, and appreciate the outdoors. Later, some of his short stories were set in Michigan. Because of this, Ernest Hemingway is often, mistakenly, thought to be a native of Michigan.
In high school, Hemingway worked on his school newspaper, writing primarily about sports. Immediately after graduation, the young journalist went to work for the Kansas City Star, gaining experience that would later influence his prose style.
In 1918, Hemingway went overseas to serve in World War I as an ambulance driver in the Italian Army. For his service, he was awarded the Italian Silver Medal of Bravery. Later, he would describe his military experience in his famous novel A Farewell to Arms. After a serious wound, at the age of 20, Hemingway returned to the United States.
The beginning of his literary triumph was a book of stories that were based on his childhood memories. His objective manner and laconic, ironic style were highly praised by critics.
Hemingway’s traditional photo is that of a bearded man, dressed in a sweater with the famous pipe in his mouth. This man seems to be calm and steady. In fact, he was the greatest adventurer ever known. He adored travelling, hunting and fishing. His life was full of danger that he always overcame with courage.
When the United States entered World War II in 1941, Hemingway served as a correspondent and witnessed some of the war's key moments, which he wrote about in his articles. For his actions in the war, Hemingway was given a Bronze Star for bravery.
In 1951, Hemingway wrote The Old Man and the Sea, which would become perhaps his most famous book, finally winning him the prestigious Pulitzer Prize. The plot was based on Hemingway's personal fishing experience. Once he watched how a hundred kilo shark was caught and decided to record the event on paper. The story became so popular with Cuban fishermen that some of them even pretended to be the ‘old men’ from the book.
Shortly after the publication of The Old Man and the Sea, in 1952, Hemingway went on safari to Africa, where he was almost killed in two plane crashes that left him in pain for much of the rest of his life. In 1954, Ernest Hemingway won the Nobel Prize for Literature.
Ernest Hemingway died in 1961. He published seven novels, six short story collections and two non-fiction works. Three novels, four collections of short stories and three non-fiction works were published after his death. Many of these are considered classics of American literature.
1) Ernest’s mother was a doctor.
2) At school Hemingway went on several sports.
3) Hemingway was proud of his silver medal of Bravery in World War l.
4) Hemingway was a heavy smoker and his pipe was always with him.
5) Hemingway was a very brave person who coped with dangerous situations.
6) Hemingway didn't approve of the violence that he witnessed during the Second World War.
7) His most well-known book is "The old man and the sea".
8) Hemingway had some close friends among the Cuban fishermen.
9) In Africa Hemingway had two injuries in crashes.
10) Aside from other works Hemingway wrote ten novels in total.
Задание 2.
Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений 1–9 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), какие не соответствуют (2 – False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated). В поле ответа запишите одну цифру, которая соответствует номеру правильного ответа.
Many Americans enjoy running marathons – a forty-two kilometer race. More than three hundred marathons were held in the United States last year and that number is expected to grow.
The New York City marathon is held every year on the first Sunday of November. It is a big sporting event with thousands of participants. One can see celebrities and famous sportsmen among the marathon runners. A famous cyclist, whose excellent physical condition helped him complete the marathon in less than three hours, admitted that the race was ‘the hardest physical thing he had ever done’.
While the New York City marathon is the biggest, the Boston Marathon is the oldest one. Boston’s is held in April. Boston is famous for the fact that Roberta Gibb became the first woman to unofficially run that marathon in 1966. At that time, people did not believe women could run marathons. The Olympics did not hold a women’s marathon event until 1984 in Los Angeles, California.
Today’s marathons welcome everyone. The popularity of the sport has spread among people who are interested in health and fitness. Many middle-aged people like to spend a weekend visiting a new city and running a marathon there. Some magazines call the middle-aged people of today the ‘marathon generation’. Forty-three percent of marathon runners in the United States are 40 years old or older. There are many organisations for marathoners. Nowadays many local running clubs offer training programmes that can prepare runners for the big race.
A marathon really starts several months before the race. You need to run about five days every week to prepare. Most runs should be for half an hour. You should also try to run for an hour or more each Sunday. This is a very basic way for an average runner to prepare.
What you can’t prepare for is running in a big marathon with thousands of other participants. A marathon is in many ways a social event. There is a sense of community. The spectators are as much a part of the race as the runners. Almost every age group is present. At the start of the race there is a lot of shouting as the runners want to release some tension. They have three to five hours of hard running ahead of them.
However, there are people who want to run farther. For them ultra-marathons are organised that take running to a different level. An ultra-marathon is any race longer than a marathon. One of the oldest ultra-marathons is held annually in California, USA. It is 160 kilometers long. Last year, 210 people finished the race. The winner, Graham Cooper, finished in eighteen hours and seventeen minutes.
1) The well-trained famous athlete won a marathon though it was difficult.
2) The New York City marathon is the youngest in the USA.
3) It was forbidden for women to take part in marathons before 1966.
4) Fifty-seven percent of marathon runners in the United States are thirty years or younger.
5) The best way to prepare for a marathon is to join a running club.
6) The spectators can help the participants after three hours of hard running.
7) Shouting helps the runners with correct breathing at the start of the race.
8) Graham Cooper had been running without stops for more than eighteen hours in the ultra-marathon.
Наряду с развитием логики, данные задания так же учат обращать внимание на каверзные нюансы в утверждениях, искать подвох. Помимо вышесказанного, часто действительность требует от учителя создания собственных упражнений ввиду того, что ответы на большинство заданий в учебниках давно есть в сети и дети их сморят при выполнении домашнего задания.
Надеюсь, вам пригодятся мои упражнения. Спасибо за внимание.
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