Презентация на тему "неправильные глаголы в past simple. Part 1"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (6 класс)
Презентация направлена на отработку навыка употребления неправильных глаголов в прошедшем простом времени.
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Поставьте предложения в Past simple 1. He (arise) on a roof ( крыша ) . 2. A ring (awake) my brother. 3. His dog (be) angry. 4. They (be) bored at a concert yesterday. 5. You (beat) your enemy. 6.She (become) singer. 7. They (begin) a game. 8. My dog (bite) a passerby. 9. I (break) my p hone. 10. He (bring) a drink. 11. They (build) this house. 12.She (buy) a new dress. 13. A child (catch) a ball. 14.You (choose) an elective course. 15. My grandparents (come) home late. 16.This computer (cost) very expensive. 17. The girl (cut) a salad.
Поставьте предложения в отрицательную форму в Past simple 1. He (arise) on a roof ( крыша ) . 2. A ring (awake) my brother. 3. His dog (be) angry. 4. They (be) bored at a concert yesterday. 5. You (beat) your enemy. 6.She (become) singer. 7. They (begin) a game. 8. My dog (bite) a passerby. 9. I (break) my p hone. 10. He (bring) a drink. 11. They (build) this house. 12.She (buy) a new dress. 13. A child (catch) a ball. 14.You (choose) an elective course. 15. My grandparents (come) home late. 16.This computer (cost) very expensive. 17. The girl (cut) a salad.
Поставьте предложения в вопросительную форму в Past simple 1. He (arise) on a roof ( крыша ) . 2. A ring (awake) my brother. 3. His dog (be) angry. 4. They (be) bored at a concert yesterday. 5. You (beat) your enemy. 6.She (become) singer. 7. They (begin) a game. 8. My dog (bite) a passerby. 9. I (break) my p hone. 10. He (bring) a drink. 11. They (build) this house. 12.She (buy) a new dress. 13. A child (catch) a ball. 14.You (choose) an elective course. 15. My grandparents (come) home late. 16.This computer (cost) very expensive. 17. The girl (cut) a salad.
Поставьте предложения в Past simple 1. He (do) his homework yesterday . 2. A boy (draw) a line in his notebook. 3. My aunt (drink) a cup of tea. 4. She (drive) a car the day before yesterday. 5. You (eat) some soup last Monday. 6. The leaves ( fall ) down from the trees last autumn. 7. They (feed) this cat. 8. My dog (feel) sad two days ago. 9.Last year he (fight) for the lead . 10. I (find) a new job a month ago. 11. They (fly) to Turkey yesterday. 12.She (forget) her ticket to cinema. 13. A child (get) a gift for his birthday. 14.You (give) an answer the day before yesterday. 15. My grandparents (go) to the museum. 16.They (have) a pleasant evening last Friday.
Поставьте предложения в отрицательную форму в Past simple 1. He (do) his homework yesterday . 2. A boy (draw) a line in his notebook. 3. My aunt (drink) a cup of tea. 4. She (drive) a car the day before yesterday. 5. You (eat) some soup last Monday. 6. The leaves ( fall ) down from the trees last autumn. 7. They (feed) this cat. 8. My dog (feel) sad two days ago. 9.Last year he (fight) for the lead . 10. I (find) a new job a month ago. 11. They (fly) to Turkey yesterday. 12.She (forget) her ticket to cinema. 13. A child (get) a gift for his birthday. 14.You (give) an answer the day before yesterday. 15. My grandparents (go) to the museum. 16.They (have) a pleasant evening last Friday.
Поставьте предложения в вопросительную форму в Past simple 1. He (do) his homework yesterday . 2. A boy (draw) a line in his notebook. 3. My aunt (drink) a cup of tea. 4. She (drive) a car the day before yesterday. 5. You (eat) some soup last Monday. 6. The leaves ( fall ) down from the trees last autumn. 7. They (feed) this cat. 8. My dog (feel) sad two days ago. 9.Last year he (fight) for the lead . 10. I (find) a new job a month ago. 11. They (fly) to Turkey yesterday. 12.She (forget) her ticket to cinema. 13. A child (get) a gift for his birthday. 14.You (give) an answer the day before yesterday. 15. My grandparents (go) to the museum. 16.They (have) a pleasant evening last Friday.
Fill in the blanks with Simple Past Tense. He _________________ (bring) some cookies to the party. You _________________ (forget) to call her uncle. He _________________ (have) a baby in April . They _________________ (give) my aunt a helmet for Christmas. At the age of 2 8 , she _________________ (become) a teacher . He _________________ (drink) a lot of Coke 3 days ago. She _________________ (choose) this ring for birthday . That party _________________ (begin) late. You _________________ (fly) to Moscow . I _________________ (drive) to London . We _________________ (feel) terrible after eating the prawns.
Fill in the blanks with Simple Past Tense. My friends _____________( go ) to Paris last week. They __________( say) it was a good holiday. She ___________ (be) so tired. Billy _____________(eat) a burger . Judy ____________ (do) her best to win the competition . I ____________(have) a comfortable room last week. Dan___________________ (get) up late. He _______________ (fly) to Tokyo last year . John ___________ (give) a present to his best friend. My brother _________ ( wake) me up this morning.
Поставьте предложения в Past simple 1. He ( подниматься ) on a roof ( крыша ) . 2. A ring ( разбудил ) my brother. 3. His dog ( был ) angry. 4. They ( были ) bored at a concert yesterday. 5. You ( бил ) your enemy. 6.She ( стала ) singer. 7. They ( начали ) a game. 8. My dog ( укусила ) a passerby. 9. I ( сломал ) my p hone. 10. He ( принес ) a drink. 11. They ( построил ) this house. 12.She ( купил ) a new dress. 13. A child ( поймал ) a ball. 14.You ( выбрал ) an elective course. 15. My grandparents ( пришли ) home late. 16.This computer ( стоил ) very expensive. 17. The girl ( нарезала ) a salad.
Поставьте глагол в скобках в Past simple 1. He ( сделал ) his homework yesterday . 2. A boy ( нарисовал ) a line in his notebook. 3. My aunt ( выпила ) a cup of tea. 4. She ( вела ) a car the day before yesterday. 5. You ( съел ) some soup last Monday. 6. The leaves (падали) down from the trees last autumn. 7. They ( покормили ) this cat. 8. My dog ( грустил ) sad two days ago. 9.Last year he ( боролся ) for the lead . 10. I ( нашел ) a new job a month ago. 11. They ( улетели ) to Turkey yesterday. 12.She ( забыла ) her ticket to cinema. 13. A child ( получил ) a gift for his birthday. 14.You ( дал ) an answer the day before yesterday. 15. My grandparents ( сходили ) to the museum. 16.They ( был ) a pleasant evening last Friday.
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