10/12/2024 Творческая работа учащегося Spotlight 11 Module 3 Charles Dickens
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Детство писателя When Dickens Sr. was transferred to Chatham, the entire family followed him. The writer spent his childhood in terrible poverty. In 1824, his father, unable to provide for his large family, ended up in debtors' prison. After some time, the Dickenses received a small inheritance. The father was released, got a job again, paid off all his debts, but the mother insisted that Charles stay at the factory. Despite the hard work, the inquisitive boy continued his education. He entered the Wellington Academy, after which he got a job as a junior clerk in a lawyer's office. A year later, young Dickens learned shorthand and began working as a reporter. In 1830, he was lucky enough to get a job at the editorial office of the Morning Chronicle.
Начало творческого пути Working in the editorial office literally inspired Dickens. Enthusiastic about reporting assignments, he realized that his calling was writing. His subtle irony, lively and rich language immediately attracted the attention of readers. In 1836, Dickens dared to publish his first work, the moralistic Sketches by Boz , which included psychological sketches and portraits of typical Londoners. That same year, the aspiring writer experienced stunning success after the publication of his Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club. Two years later, Dickens cemented his fame as a talented writer with two books, Oliver Twist and Nicholas Nickleby. In total, Dickens wrote 13 novels, several dozen stories and short stories.
Особенности творчества Dickens's literary success was that he was understood and accepted by all strata of society. Both liberals, who defended freedom, and conservatives, who stood up for traditional values, saw him as a like-minded person. Dickens's works were written in the best traditions of critical realism. The writer sought to show the reader the truth, no matter how bitter and unpleasant it was. But at the same time, he brightened up all the dark sides with subtle humor and irony, giving hope for a change for the better. Often, Dickens's main characters were simple, ordinary people, for whom the main value was family. Children played an important role in his works, and their images are present in almost every work of Dickens .
Личная жизнь Charles Dickens was married once. His wife was Catherine Hogarth, the daughter of a close friend. Despite 10 children together, this marriage was not a happy one for the writer. Frequent quarrels with his wife and childhood illnesses irritated Dickens, who began to consider family a torment and a great burden. 45-year-old Dickens found an outlet in a love affair with 18-year-old actress Ellen Ternan , with whom he maintained a relationship for many years and even included her in his will. Heavy workloads and a disorderly lifestyle led to the deterioration of the writer's health, who died of a stroke on June 9, 1870 . Charles Dickens and his daughters in the garden of their home in Kent.
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