Урок-экскурсия "Visiting museum"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (11 класс)
Данное мероприятие проводилось в 11 классе. Обучающиеся смогли совершить виртуальную экскурсию в один из крупнейших и популярных музеев мира - в Лувр. Они познакомились с историей Лувра и посетили выставку, посвященную жизни и творчеству Леонардо да Винчи. У каждого обучающегося была возможность погрузится в виртуальную реальность с помощью VR - шлема. Они рассмотрели более подробно некоторые картины Леонарда да Винчи, а также узнали об истории создания знаменитой картины "Mona Liza", проведя семь минут наедине с Джокондой в программе "Мона Лиза. По ту сторону стекла". Ребята смогли узнать больше о самой Лизе дель Джокондо, которая позировала для картины, а также о художественных методах Леонарда да Винчи и истории картины. Во время экскурсии они получали интерактивные подсказки о приемах, которые были использованы художником. В виртуальной реальности обучающиеся являлись активными персонажами. Урок-экскурсия проходила на английском языке. Обучающиеся вспомнили лексику по теме "Art", отвечали на вопросы учителя, выполняли различные задания по прослушанному и увиденному, а также попробовали сами описать картины.
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Тема урока: “Visiting museum”
Учитель английского языка: Майорова Оксана Сергеевна
Класс: 11 класс
Образовательная цель урока: совершенствование навыков аудирования, говорения (диалогической и монологической речи) и чтения по теме «Visiting museum».
Развивающая цель: создать условия для развития языковой догадки; развития логического мышления; развития умений парно-группового взаимодействия, умений представлять и аргументировать свою точку зрения.
Воспитательная цель: способствовать формированию у учащихся интереса к посещению музеев, расширению культурного кругозора.
Задачи: совершенствовать умения учащихся во всех видах речевой деятельности (восприятие и понимание речи на слух, чтение, говорение); способствовать формированию умений планировать своё коммуникативное поведение; активизировать лексический материал в устной и письменной речи.
Тип урока: урок комплексного применения знаний на практике с использованием ИКТ.
Актуальность данного урока обусловлена необходимостью усилить роль мотивации к изучению английского языка и оптимизировать подготовку учащихся к межкультурной коммуникации.
Прогнозируемый результат: предполагается, что к окончанию урока учащиеся смогут предоставить информацию о музее, который они посетили, и некоторых картинах, которые они рассмотрели, а также смогут описывать картину по составленному ими плану.
Задачи для учащихся:
- учиться высказывать свою точку зрения на английском языке;
- учиться применять полученные знания на практике;
- учиться находить необходимую информацию в прослушанном или прочитанном тексте;
- учится использовать языковую догадку.
Цель урока реализовывается через использование активных и интерактивных форм обучения, которые делают занятия продуктивными и являются мощным инструментом для развития мотивации к обучению; предоставляют больше возможностей для активного участия школьников в учебном процессе. Такие методы способствуют более качественному и осмысленному овладению знаниями.
Развивающие цели решаются с помощью различных упражнений на всех этапах урока. Сочетание
- коммуникативного;
- интерактивного;
- проблемного;
- личностно-ориентированного методов, а также
- фронтальной;
- индивидуальной
форм работы дают возможность реализовать все задачи.
Выбор данных форм и методов обусловлен индивидуальными и возрастными особенностями учащихся.
Оборудование урока: ноутбук, мультимедийный проектор, мультимедийная презентация Powerpoint по теме урока, VR-шлем, фото музеев и картин Леонардо да Винчи, раздаточный материал.
УУД: Личностные – Л Регулятивные – Р Познавательные – П Коммуникативные – К
Технологическая карта урока
Цель этапа | Содержание урока | Результат взаимодействия | Средства обучения | УУД | ||
Деятельность учителя | Деятельность ученика | |||||
I Мотивационно - вступительная часть | ||||||
Подготовить учащихся к работе Обеспечение мотивации учебной деятельности Повторение лексики по теме | 1. Приветствиe - (слайд 1) Good day, dear children! I’m glad to see you! I see you are in a good mood and full of beans to work hard and learn something new and interesting. So, let’s get started! 2. Определение темы урока и целеполагание - (слайд 2) Look at some photos on the screen and answer my questions, please: What do these photos show? Can you guess these places? – You are right. They are the most famous museums in the world – Hermitage, National Gallery in London, Louvre and others. - What do you think is the topic of our lesson? – Visiting museum. - All right. The topic of our lesson is “Visiting museum”. Today we will go to one of the most well-known museum. - What would you like to learn at the lesson today? (ответы учеников) - (слайд 3) So, the aims of our lesson are:
- Today we have unusual lesson! We will take an virtual excursion in one of the most beautiful museums in the world. We will use modern technology in our lessen – this virtual helmet. 3. Повторение лексики - (слайд 4) And now let’s begin to repeat vocabulary on our topic. Look at the screen and match words (1-12) with the correct definitions (a-l). | Отвечают на приветствие Определяют тему урока, цели и учебные задачи. Отвечают на вопросы Участвуют в диалоге Планируют свою деятельность путем определения проблемы для дальнейшего решения. Выделяют нужную информацию Соотносят слова с определениями. Отвечают на вопросы Дают свои комментарии. | Создание благоприятной атмосферы Настрой на работу на уроке Повторение лексики по теме | Презентация (слайд 1) (слайд 2) (слайд 3) (слайд 4) и раздаточный материал | Л, К Л, Р, П Р,П,К | |
II Операционно- познавательная часть | ||||||
Обобщение изученного материала Организация работы в группах для решения проблемы Рефлексия этапа урока Обучение навыкам письма |
– (слайд 5) And now let’s begin our excursion. - Look and listen carefully. Then you have to answer my questions. Read and translate these questions.
- Let’s go. Who will start our visiting? - And now answer my questions. - Also let’s visit this famous museum, Louvre and (слайд 6) see a virtual exhibition dedicated (посвященную) to the life and work of Leonardo da Vinci. We will listen the interesting stories about some his paintings. Who is the next excursion leader? (слушаем информацию о первой картине) - Check your understanding: Choose the correct variant (a, b, c) and complete these sentences. The picture will help you. Учитель дает оценку проделанной работе. Good job. I suppose we have found the first way to improve the situation.
– And now let’s relax. Listen to music and rest. You can close your eyes.
– (слайд 9) Let’s go on. And now I invite you to take part in the project “Mona Lisa: Beyond the Glass”. We will learn more about one of the well-known paintings of Leonardo da Vinci - “Mona Liza”. Who is the next excursion leader? - So, let’s check your understanding. Task 1. Look at these statements and say they are true or false. Check your answers by reading the text. (задания по картине «Мона Лиза») Организует работу в группах для решения проблемы Task 2. Let’s speak about description of this painting. (слайд 10) Read these sentences and complete them. Check your answers by reading the text. Учитель оценивает работу учащихся в группах
- And now let’s look at the description of the painting, remember the rules and make a plan to describe any picture. Мотивирует учащихся выполнить задания (слайд 11) Look at the description of the painting in your lists. The text is divided into paragraphs A, B, C. This information helps to you. - How do we start painting description? – With the title. - Look at the letter A in the description and say what this sentence means. – What is this painting: a portrait, landscape, still-life? – B. What does this sentence mean? – What can we see in the foreground? - С - Description of the object(s). (внешность, цвет, размер) - D - What are the people doing in this painting? We use Present Continuous. - E - What are they wearing? - F - Where is these people or objects? - G – What is there in the background? - F – Conclusion. This we can say we like or dislike this painting. Предлагает выполнение творческого задания. Создает эмоциональный настрой - Look we have a plan to describe any painting. (слайд 12) Let’s describe another painting “Madonna of the Carnation” (Мадонна с гвоздикой) by Leonardo da Vinci. Обеспечивает положительную реакцию детей на творчество одноклассников. You’ve done good job! It’ll be really hard to decide who will win the first prize. | Слушают информацию, выделяют нужную информацию. Читают вопросы, переводят и отвечают на них Назначается один ученик и идем до входа в Лувр. Выполняют задания. Слушают информацию и выполняют задания Читают предложения и выбирают правильный ответ. Осуществляют самопроверку Слушают спокойную музыку и отдыхают Один учащийся надевает шлем и совершает виртуальную экскурсию. Остальные слушают информацию о Моно Лизе. Читают текст и выполняют задание по картине Мона Лиза Работают в группах. Формулируют принятое решение. Рассматривают описание картины Записывают план описания в тетради Комментируют предложенные решения и выбирают лучшие из них Учащиеся пишут описание картины Читают работы друг другу в парах, затем всему классу вслух (2-3 работы) | Составление аргументированного высказывания Чтение готовых предложений Принятие решения проблемы Выступление представителя каждой группы с последующими комментариями группы Описание картины | Презентация (слайды 5-12) Раздаточный материал Презентация
Презентация | П, Л, К, Р П,Л,К,Р P,Л,К П,Р,К,Л П, К,Л | |
III Рефлексивно – оценочный | ||||||
Подведение итогов урока Выставление оценок Домашнее задание | Напоминает учащимся о проблемном характере урока. Today we have come across some interesting facts about the museums and exhibitions. What have you learnt at the lesson? How can evaluate your activity? Рефлексия - (слайд 13) Answer the questionnaire.
- Fine. And now look at this “ladder of success”. The first step is “I don’t understand”, the second – “I understand” and the third – “I understand all and can help other students”. Choose your step. Выставляет учащимся оценки и объясняет их Домашнее задание - (слайд 14) Open your diary and write your homework. At home you have to choose one of your favorite painting and write a description. - You have worked hart and successfully. I am glad you were interested and you have learnt a lot of new things. Thank you for the lesson. It is over. Goodbye. Прощается с учащимися | Отвечают на вопросы Оценивают свою работу на уроке (что удалось /не удалось сделать и понять на уроке) Выбирают домашнее задание и записывают его в дневники Прощаются с учителем | Оценивание своих результатов на уроке. Домашнее задание записано в дневники Прощание | Презентация (слайды 13 – 15) | K, Л, Р Р,Л |
Учитель английского языка Патрова Л.В.
Учитель английского языка Пова Л.В.
Название предмета Английский язык
Класс 10
Цели урока: формирование навыков монологического высказывания путем решения
проблемной ситуации; формирование умений анализировать ответы товарищей, понимать
свои ошибки; создание атмосферы коллективного поиска;
Тип урока - Комбинированный
Межпредметные связи: литература, история
Раздаточный материал: карточки с лексическими заданиями, брошюры/тексты для чтения
Оборудование: Интерактивная доска, компьютер
Формы работы: фронтальная, групповая, индивидуальная
УУД: Личностные – Л Регулятивные – Р Познавательные – П
Коммуникативные - К
Название предмета Английский язык
Класс 10
Цели урока: формирование навыков монологического высказывания путем решения
проблемной ситуации; формирование умений анализировать ответы товарищей, понимать
свои ошибки; создание атмосферы коллективного поиска;
Тип урока - Комбинированный
Межпредметные связи: литература, история
Раздаточный материал: карточки с лексическими заданиями, брошюры/тексты для чтения
Оборудование: Интерактивная доска, компьютер
Формы работы: фронтальная, групповая, индивидуальная
УУД: Личностные – Л Регулятивные – Р Познавательные – П
Коммуникативные - К
Ход урока
- Организационный момент
- (слайд 1) Good day, dear children! I’m glad to see you! I see you are in a good mood and full of beans to work hard and learn something new and interesting. So, let’s get started!
2. Определение темы урока и целеполагание
- (слайд 2) Look at some photos on the screen and answer my questions, please: What do these photos show? Can you guess these places? – You are right. They are the most famous museums in the world – Hermitage, National Gallery in London, Louvre and others.
- What do you think is the topic of our lesson? – Visiting museum.
- All right. The topic of our lesson is “Visiting museum”. Today we will go to one of the most well-known museum.
- What would you like to learn at the lesson today? (ответы учеников)
- (слайд 3) So, the aims of our lesson are:
- to repeat words on the topic;
- to learn about one of the famous museums in the world;
- to consider some well-known paintings;
- to remember the rules for describing a picture.
- Today we have unusual lesson! We will take an virtual excursion in one of the most beautiful museums in the world. We will use modern technology in our lessen – this virtual helmet.
- Речевая зарядка
- (слайд 4) And now let’s begin to repeat vocabulary on our topic. Look at the screen and match words (1-12) with the correct definitions (a-l).
1. the public 2. permanent (постоянный) 3. emerging (возникающий) 4. to display (показывать, демонстрировать) 5. informal (неформальный) 6. established (установленный, признанный) 7. portrait 8. in the foreground 9. in the background 10. to describe 11. landscape 12. carefully | a) to say or write what someone or something is like (на что похоже) b) just now becoming successful and well known c) a painting of a person or, less commonly (распространено), of a group of people d) with great attention e) to put something in a place where it can be seen by other people f) to stand, to be, to see something ahead of (впереди) something g) already successful or well known h) fixed (фиксированный) and staying there forever i) the place that can be seen behind the main things or people in a picture j) a view or picture of the countryside, or the art of making such pictures k) ordinary people in general l) relaxed, friendly and without many rules |
4. Основная часть
4.1. – (слайд 5) And now let’s begin our excursion.
- Look and listen carefully. Then you have to answer my questions. (сначало отчитываем вопросы и переводим их) Read and translate these questions.
- Have you guessed what this museum is? - All right. It is Louvre.
- In which country and city is this museum located? – In France, in Paris.
- When was the museum open in the Louvre? – In 1793.
- Let’s go. Who will start our visiting? (назначается один ученик и идем до входа в Лувр)
- And now answer my questions.
4.2. - Also let’s visit this famous museum, Louvre and (слайд 6) see a virtual exhibition dedicated (посвященную) to the life and work of Leonardo da Vinci. We will listen the interesting stories about some his paintings. Who is the next excursion leader?
(слушаем информацию о первой картине)
- Check your understanding: Choose the correct variant (a, b, c) and complete these sentences. The picture will help you.
- This composition is one of the most … paintings.
- interesting b) mysterious c) enjoyable
(слушаем информацию о следующей картине)
- The painting shows the Mary and … Jesus with the infant (младенец) John the Baptist and an angel Uriel, in a rocky setting (скалистая обстановка) which gives the painting their usual name.
- child b) teenager c) boy
(слушаем информацию о следующей картине)
(слайд 8)
- La Belle Ferronnière is a portrait of … , usually attributed (приписанный) to Leonardo da Vinci, in the Louvre. It is also known as Portrait of an unknown Woman.
a) a girlfriend b) a mother c) a lady
(слушаем информацию о следующей картине)
4) The Virgin (Мадонна) and Child with Saint Anne is an unfinished oil painting of c. 1503 by Italian Renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci depicting (изображающая) Saint Anne, her daughter the Virgin Mary and the infant Jesus. Christ (Христос) is shown grappling (борьба) with a sacrificial … symbolizing his Passion (страсть) as the Virgin tries to restrain (сдержать) him.
a) lamb b) pig c) cow
4.3 – And now let’s relax. Listen to music and rest. You can close your eyes.
4.4. – (слайд 9) Let’s go on. And now I invite you to take part in the project “Mona Lisa: Beyond the Glass”. We will learn more about one of the well-known paintings of Leonardo da Vinci - “Mona Liza”. Who is the next excursion leader? (слушаем информацию о Моно Лизе)
- So, let’s check your understanding.
Task 1. Look at these statements and say they are true or false. Check your answers by reading the text. (задания по картине «Мона Лиза»)
- The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci.
- The Mona Lisa was painted in the fifteenth century.
- The painting was bought by the King of France.
- The painting was stolen in the 20th century.
- Around a million people visit the Mona Lisa every year.
The Mona Lisa
It’s the most famous smile in the world
The Subject
For many years, historian couldn’t agree on the identity of the woman in the painting. However, we now know that the subject is Lisa del Giocondo, who came from a wealthy family in Florence. La Giocondo means happy.
The Artist
The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo Da Vinci from around 1503 to 1506. He is one of the most famous Italian Renaissance painters, and he worked both in Italy and in France.
The History of the Painting
The Mona Lisa was bought by the King of France. It stayed with the royal family until the French Revolution. It was later displayed in the Louvre.
The painting was stolen in 1911. Luckily, it was found, and returned to the Louvre in 1913.
The Mona Lisa was damaged twice in the twentieth century. It was covered with acid in 1956, and later that year, it was hit by a rock.
The description of the Painting
A. It is a portrait. B. In the foreground we can see a fairly (достаточно) young woman sitting half-turned on a chair. C. Her gaze (пристальный взгляд) is fixed on us. There is a scarcely perceptible (чуть заметная) smile on her face. Her wavy hair falls on her shoulders. Her head is covered with a dark veil (вуаль). Her face, brightly lit (ярко освещенное), is framed (обрамлено) with dark objects, which brings our attention to it.
D. The woman is sitting upright with her arms folded (слоены). E. She is wearing a deep-green dress. Her shoulders are covered with a shawl (шаль).
F. Looking at the portrait we can see that the woman is sitting on the balcony. G. Behind her back there is a desolate land (пустынная местность) with a lake. In the background we can see snow-covered mountains.
H. The portrait is considered one of the best masterpieces of a portrait genre.
The Mona Lisa Today
Around seven million people view the Mona Lisa each year. It can be very stressful for the museum staff (персонал) who have to control the crowds (толпы). However, with the popularity of books such as “The Da Vinci Code”, the Mona Lisa will continue to be the world’s most famous painting.
- Another title of this masterpiece is La Gioconda which means … .
- Mona Lisa is sitting … on a chair.
- On her face we can see a scarcely perceptible … .
- A dark veil is covered her … .
- The artist dressed the lady in a deep-green … .
- In the background … depicted snowy mountains.
4.4 Практическая часть
- And now let’s look at the description of the painting, remember the rules and make a plan to describe any picture. (слайд 11) Look at the description of the painting in your lists. The text is divided into paragraphs A, B, C. This information helps to you.
- How do we start painting description? – With the title. (Записываем в тетради)
- Look at the letter A in the description and say what this sentence means. – What is this painting: a portrait, landscape, still-life?
- The next – B. What does this sentence mean? – What can we see in the foreground?
- С - Description of the object(s). (внешность, цвет, размер)
- D - What are the people doing in this painting? We use Present Continuous.
- E - What are they wearing?
- F - Where is these people or objects?
- G – What is there in the background?
- F – Conclusion. This we can say we like or dislike this painting.
- Look we have a plan to describe any painting.
(если останется время) (слайд 12) Let’s describe another painting “Madonna of the Carnation” (Мадонна с гвоздикой) by Leonardo da Vinci.
5. Домашнее задание
- (слайд 13) Open your diary and write your homework. At home you have to choose one of your favorite painting and write a description.
6. Рефлексия
- (слайд 14) Answer the questionnaire.
- During the lesson I was … (active / passive)
- I am … (satisfied / not satisfied) with my work.
- The lesson seemed to be … (long / short).
- I am … (tied / not tired).
- I feel … (interested / bored).
- I think I … (got / didn’t get) interesting and new information.
- The homework seems to be … (easy / difficult).
- Fine. And now look at this “ladder of success”. The first step is “I don’t understand”, the second – “I understand” and the third – “I understand all and can help other students”. Choose your step.
- You have worked hart and successfully. I am glad you were interested and you have learnt a lot of new things. Thank you for the lesson. It is over. Goodbye.
Look at the screen and match words (1-12) with the correct definitions (a-l).
1. the public 2. permanent (постоянный) 3. emerging (возникающий) 4. to display (показывать, демонстрировать) 5. informal (неформальный) 6. established (установленный, признанный) 7. portrait 8. in the foreground 9. in the background 10. to describe 11. landscape 12. carefully | a) to say or write what someone or something is like (на что похоже) b) just now becoming successful and well known c) a painting of a person or, less commonly (распространено), of a group of people d) with great attention e) to put something in a place where it can be seen by other people f) to stand, to be, to see something ahead of (впереди) something g) already successful or well known h) fixed (фиксированный) and staying there forever i) the place that can be seen behind the main things or people in a picture j) a view or picture of the countryside, or the art of making such pictures k) ordinary people in general l) relaxed, friendly and without many rules |
Choose the correct variant (a, b, c) and complete these sentences. The picture will help you.
- This composition is one of the most … paintings.
- interesting b) mysterious c) enjoyable
- The painting shows the Mary and … Jesus with the infant (младенец) John the Baptist and an angel Uriel, in a rocky setting (скалистая обстановка) which gives the painting their usual name.
- child b) teenager c) boy
- La Belle Ferronnière is a portrait of … , usually attributed (приписанный) to Leonardo da Vinci, in the Louvre. It is also known as Portrait of an unknown Woman.
a) a girlfriend b) a mother c) a lady
(слушаем информацию о следующей картине)
4) The Virgin (Мадонна) and Child with Saint Anne is an unfinished oil painting of c. 1503 by Italian Renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci depicting (изображающая) Saint Anne, her daughter the Virgin Mary and the infant Jesus. Christ (Христос) is shown grappling (борьба) with a sacrificial … symbolizing his Passion (страсть) as the Virgin tries to restrain (сдержать) him.
a) lamb b) pig c) cow
Задания по картине «Мона Лиза»
- Look at these statements and say they are true or false. Check your answers by reading the text.
- The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci.
- The Mona Lisa was painted in the fifteenth century.
- The painting was bought by the King of France.
- The painting was stolen in the 20th century.
- Around a million people visit the Mona Lisa every year.
The Mona Lisa
It’s the most famous smile in the world
The Subject
For many years, historian couldn’t agree on the identity of the woman in the painting. However, we now know that the subject is Lisa del Giocondo, who came from a wealthy family in Florence. La Giocondo means happy.
The Artist
The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo Da Vinci from around 1503 to 1506. He is one of the most famous Italian Renaissance painters, and he worked both in Italy and in France.
The History of the Painting
The Mona Lisa was bought by the King of France. It stayed with the royal family until the French Revolution. It was later displayed in the Louvre.
The painting was stolen in 1911. Luckily, it was found, and returned to the Louvre in 1913.
The Mona Lisa was damaged twice in the twentieth century. It was covered with acid in 1956, and later that year, it was hit by a rock.
The description of the Painting
A. It is a portrait. B. In the foreground we can see a fairly (достаточно) young woman sitting half-turned on a chair. C. Her gaze (пристальный взгляд) is fixed on us. There is a scarcely perceptible (чуть заметная) smile on her face. Her wavy hair falls on her shoulders. Her head is covered with a dark veil (вуаль). Her face, brightly lit (ярко освещенное), is framed (обрамлено) with dark objects, which brings our attention to it.
D. The woman is sitting upright with her arms folded (слоены). E. She is wearing a deep-green dress. Her shoulders are covered with a shawl (шаль).
F. Looking at the portrait we can see that the woman is sitting on the balcony. G. Behind her back there is a desolate land (пустынная местность) with a lake. In the background we can see snow-covered mountains.
H. The portrait is considered one of the best masterpieces of a portrait genre.
The Mona Lisa Today
Around seven million people view the Mona Lisa each year. It can be very stressful for the museum staff (персонал) who have to control the crowds (толпы). However, with the popularity of books such as “The Da Vinci Code”, the Mona Lisa will continue to be the world’s most famous painting.
- Read these sentences and complete them. Check your answers by reading the text.
- Another title of this masterpiece is La Gioconda which means … .
- Mona Lisa is sitting … on a chair.
- On her face we can see a scarcely perceptible … .
- A dark veil is covered her … .
- The artist dressed the lady in a deep-green … .
- In the background … depicted snowy mountains.
План для описания картины
- It is … (a portrait, landscape, still-life (натюрморт).
- In the foreground we can see … .
- Description of the object(s). (внешность, цвет, размер)
- What are the people doing in this panting? (Present Continuous)
- What are they wearing?
- Where is these people or objects?
- In the background there are /is … .
- Conclusion: I like / dislike this painting because it’s … (beautiful, interesting, amazing).
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Aims of the lesson : to repeat words on the topic; to learn about one of the famous museums in the world; to consider some well-known paintings; to remember the rules for describing a picture .
a) _____________ - to say or write what someone or something is like b) _____________ - just now becoming successful and well known c) ______________ - a painting of a person or, less commonly, of a group of people d) ______________ - with great attention e) ______________ - to put something in a place where it can be seen by other people f) ______________ - to stand, to be, to see something ahead of ( впереди ) something match words (1-12) with the correct definitions (a-l) the public permanent emerging to display informal established portrait in the foreground in the background to describe landscape carefully to describe emerging to display portrait in the foreground carefully
g) _____________ - already successful or well known h) _____________ - fixed and staying there forever i ) ______________ - the place that can be seen behind the main things or people in a picture j) ______________ - a view or picture of the countryside, or the art of making such pictures k) ______________ - ordinary people in general l) _______________ - relaxed, friendly and without many rules match words (1-12) with the correct definitions (a-l) the public permanent informal established in the background to describe landscape emerging to display portrait in the foreground carefully established permanent in the background landscape the public informal
1) What is this museum? 2) In which country and city is this museum located? 3) When was the museum open ed ?
Choose the correct variant (a, b, c) and complete these sentences. This composition is one of the most … paintings . а ) interesting b) mysterious c) enjoyable 2) The painting shows the Mary and … Jesus with the infant John the Baptist and an angel Uriel , in a rocky setting which gives the painting their usual name. а) child b) teenager c) boy
Choose the correct variant (a, b, c) and complete these sentences. 3) La Belle Ferronnière is a portrait of … , usually attributed to Leonardo da Vinci , in the Louvre. It is also known as Portrait of an unknown Woman. a) a girlfriend b) a mother c) a lady 4) The Virgin and Child with Saint Anne is an unfinished oil painting of c. 1503 by Italian Renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci depicting Saint Anne, her daughter the Virgin Mary and the infant Jesus. Christ is shown grappling with a sacrificial … symbolizing his Passion as the Virgin tries to restrain him. a) lamb b) pig c) cow
“Mona Lisa: Beyond the Glass” S ay these statements are true or false The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci. The Mona Lisa was painted in the fifteenth century. The painting was bought by the King of France. The painting was stolen in the 20 th century. Around a million people visit the Mona Lisa every year. T F T T F
Read these sentences and complete them. Another title of this masterpiece is La Gioconda which means … . Mona Lisa is sitting … on a chair. 3.On her face we can see a scarcely perceptible … . 4.A dark veil is covered her … . 5. The artist dressed the lady in a deep-green … . 6.In the background … depicted snowy mountains. happy. half-turned smile. head. dress. an artist
description of the paintings Title It is … (a portrait, landscape, still-life). B. In the foreground we can see … . C. Description of the object(s). D. What are the people doing in this panting? (Present Continuous) E. What are they wearing? F. Where is these people or objects? G. In the background there are /is … . H. Conclusion: I like / dislike this painting because it’s … (beautiful, interesting, amazing).
“Madonna of the Carnation” 1. It is … (a portrait, landscape, still-life ( натюрморт ). 2. In the foreground we can see … . 3. The Madonna has … hair. Her eyes … . The child is …. . 4. What are the people doing in this panting? (Present Continuous) 5. What are they wearing? 6. Where is these people or objects? 7. In the background there are /is … . 8. Conclusion: I like / dislike this painting because it’s … (beautiful, interesting, amazing).
Homework: Choose one of your favorite painting and write a description
During the lesson I was … (active / passive) I am … (satisfied / not satisfied) with my work. The lesson seemed to be … (long / short). I am … (tied / not tired). I feel … (interested / bored). I think I … (got / didn’t get) interesting and new information. The homework seems to be … (easy / difficult). “ L adder of success”
Thank you for the lesson.
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