Дидактический материал для 11 класса к УМК "Rainbow english"
картотека по английскому языку (11 класс)

Борзенко Елена Владимировна

Карточки для проверки нового лексического материала к каждому разделу в двух вариантах


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New vocabulary 11 form, Rainbow English

Card 1 (Unit 1, Step 4)

I variant

Fill in the words: lasted, applicants, advanced, apply, research, tuition. There is one word you don’t need to use.

  1. All the job …. were asked to go to the office.
  2. Can you tell us at least anything about the results of your …..?
  3. Many students work in summer to pay their ……
  4. Her struggle with the disease …. for years. But she has won at last.
  5. Although Mrs. Harrison is rather ….. in years, she is in good physical form.

II variant

Fill in the words: turn, advanced, apply, research, tuition, compulsory. There is one word you don’t need to use.

  1. Little Johnny’s knowledge of computers is ….. for his age.
  2. You can ….. to Mrs. Lucy Harrison for advice.
  3. It’s your …. to work, you can go and feed the dog.
  4. Who is carrying out the …… on the topic?
  5. How many years does …… education last in Scotland?

Card 2 (Unit 2, Step 1)

I variant

Fill in the words: value, estimated, diverse, shape, revealed. There is one word you don’t need to use.

  1. They live in ….. fear of another attack.
  2. My teacher ….. my hidden talent and ability to sing.
  3. We ….. the damage at one thousand dollars.
  4. Health is a treasure, the ….. of which is known only to the sick.
  5. This week we have three interesting and ….. conversations.

II variant

Fill in the words: reveals, refer, estimate, shape, constant, reflected. There is one word you don’t need to use.

  1. Try to ….. how much you spent on books.
  2. The clouds were ….. in the water.
  3. ……. to the instructions to fix the refrigerator.
  4. I found a stone that has the ….. of a heart.
  5. Archeology …. the secrets of the past.

Card 3 (Unit 3, Step 1)

I variant

Fill in the words: worth, melted, captivated, comprehensible, suspect, stirred. There is one word you don’t need to use.

  1. The food ….. in my mouth, it was delicious indeed.
  2. The sight of the school ….. up a lot of memories of my school years.
  3. This type of computer jargon is barely …. to most people.
  4. They believed that their freedom was ….. fighting for.
  5. Despite the country’s problems, tourists are still …. By the land’s natural beauty.

II variant

Fill in the words: miracles, worth, stuff, suspected, to figure, possess. There is one word you don’t need to use.

  1. The old church is certainly ….. of restoration.
  2. She was ….. of being a spy but the police didn’t have any evidence.
  3. They say Doctor Lewis can really perform …… Practically all his patients leave the hospital cured and healthy.
  4. I’m constantly telling him we don’t want all that stupid …. in our office.
  5. Does she have the imagination ….. out what happened?

Card 4 (Unit 4, Step 1)

I variant

Fill in the words: adjustment, confess, intentions, relieve, delicate, arranged. There is one word you don’t need to use.

  1. I can’t tell you anything about their future plans, their …… are unknown.
  2. I went for a walk to …… the boredom of the day.
  3. In most libraries, books are ….. on the shelves in alphabetical order.
  4. I’m not determined enough to …… my feelings to her.
  5. We went through a period of ….. at the new school.

II variant

Fill in the words: confess, set up, delicate, adjustment, relieve, deliberately. There is one word you don’t need to use.

  1. We have to ….. the tent in the shade of that tree.
  2. He ….. ignored me when I passed him in the street.
  3. That girl has very ….. features.
  4. Sir, the new …. to the latest model is being made now.
  5. Jacob could hardly …. that he himself was in no condition to cope with the situation.

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