Викторина "Ничего нет вечного"
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (7 класс)
Проверка знаний обучающихся по теме "Экология".
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Проверка знаний обучающихся по теме "Экология". | 17.01 КБ |
Предварительный просмотр:
“Nothing is forever”
“Nothing is forever”
1. You are busy in your house tidying up going from room to room spending five to ten minutes in each. Which is the best way to save energy?
a) Switch the lights on and off every time you move from room to room. b) Keep the lights on as you move about the house.
2. You are hungry and want to bake a potato. Which method is ‘greener’?
a) Put it in an electric oven for an hour. b) Quickly heat it in the microwave oven.
3. You are thirsty so you go to a café to buy a drink. What do you choose?
a) A bottle of mineral water. b) A cup of coffee in a polystyrene cup.
4. Do you leave the tap on when you brush your teeth?
a) Yes b) No
5. Which is the ‘greenest’ way to wash your clothes?
a) Machine wash in cold water. b) Hand wash in hot water.
6. Which form of transport is better for the environment?
a) Driving by car b) Flying by plane
7. When you go to the supermarket how do you take your shopping home?
a) In plastic carrier bags from the supermarket. b) In your own bag or basket.
8. If you have the choice, how do you prefer to buy a cold drink in a café?
a) In a can b) In a glass bottle
1. Have you got a zoo in your town?
2. What are the open hours?
3. What animals are there in the zoo?
4. How many animals are there?
5. What people must not do in the zoo?
6. What rules do you have in the zoo?
7. Can people feed animals there?
8. Is it dangerous to stand close to the cages of lions and tigers?
9. Can anyone donate money to animals?
Ecological problems
1. What environmental problems are there in your town?
2. Why is it dangerous to pollute the planet?
3. Why is it harmful to throw chemicals into the rivers, lakes and oceans?
4. How can we protect the environment?
5. How do the people can reduce the air pollution?
6. Why should we reuse and recycle things?
7. Do you take part in the cleaning of parks and forests?
1. This is the greener option. Just having the lights off for three seconds saves the energy it takes to switch them on again.
b) Keep the lights on as you move about the house.
2. A microwave consumes a third of the energy of an electric oven.
b) Quickly heat it in the microwave oven.
3. Depending on where you are, most bottled mineral water has to be transported a long way to reach the consumer. All transportation emits carbon dioxide. Polystyrene no longer contains CFCs that damaged the ozone layer.
a) A bottle of mineral water.
4. If you leave the tap on when you brush your teeth you waste between 25 and 45 litres of water every time.
a) Yes.
5. When washing clothes in the heating water that uses up most of the energy. It is best to wash in cool or cold water and always fill up the machine.
a) Machine wash in cold water.
6. Although cars are massive polluters, planes give out 0,5 kilograms of carbon dioxide for every 1.6 kilometres they travel.
a) Driving by car
7. It is much better not to take plastic carrier bags from the supermarket. If you do use them, try to re-use them.
b) In your own bag or basket.
8. It is more likely that glass bottles are returned and re-used by the manufacturers. If they are recycled, glass uses less energy than cans.
b) In a glass bottle
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