Методическая разработка по теме"Природа"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс)

Татьяна Васильевна Ильиных

Методическая разработка по теме"Природа"


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Предварительный просмотр:

A good way to learn about the culture of another country is to read the works of their authors. On this page you can read an extract from the composition “Looked as though the sun spilled Gold Down the mountainside” after J. Edwards


“Looked as though the sun spilled Gold Down the mountainside” After J. Edwards

…From the top of the mountains I saw rivers of daffodils in its radiant bloom. A profusion of color – from the palest ivory to the deepest lemon to the most vivid salmon - blazed like a carpet before us. At the centre cascaded a waterfall of purple hyacinths. Here and there were coral colored tulips…
Who created such beauty?

Why? How?

One woman – two hands, two feet ... She changed the world. She started almost 40 years ago. Can I do the same?


Read the text and answer the questions.

1. What is this text about?

2. Describe the words with words that are close in meaning: in its radiant bloom, a profusion of color, the palest ivory, the deepest lemon, the most vivid salmon, a waterfall of purple hyacinths, coral colored tulips.

3. Who created such beauty?

4. How many years did it take one woman to change the world?

5. If you had a business or hobby and you worked on it a little bit every day, would you be able to achieve anything?

6. Can you do the same?

The symbol of Northern Ireland is a shamrock.  

The Sacred Patrick using shamrock explains to people the term of the sacred Trinity.

As three leaves can grow from one stalk, as the God can be one in three faces.

The symbol of England is a red rose.

In Middle Ages (1455 – 1485) there was a 30-year war between the Scarlet and White rose.

The War was between applicants for the English throne Lancastrians and Yorkists.

The Scottish emblem – is a wild plant – a thistle.


The thistle has been the national emblem since it was adopted by King James III, in the 15th century. The thistle is an ancient Celtic symbol of nobility of character as well as the birth of new life.

  Thistle was a flower of punishment. For this reason the thistle became  the symbol of Scotland


Read the information about the floral symbols of Great Britain. Compare the plants of Great Britain and Russia, what is a different, what is alike.

Wales is the country of two emblems: Daffodils and leek

The Welsh symbol is a vegetable called the Leek. The patron saint of Wales, David, ate leek and bread. In memory of the Christian saint, the leek became the symbol of Wales.

Day of the sacred David is celebrated in the beginning of spring when the narcissuses are blooming. This flower became the second, more graceful emblem of the Wales.

Mark the floral symbols on the map of Great Britain.

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