08/10/2024 ПЛАН УРОКА: подведение итогов по пройденной теме PAST TENSES Spotlight 10
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс)
подведение итогов по пройденной теме PAST TENSES Spotlight 10
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Предварительный просмотр:
Орг. момент:
- приветствие 0,5 мин
- введение в тему урока 0,5 мин
Работа над темой:
- работа в парах по активизации лексики 5 мин
- индивидуальная работа по узнаванию грамматических времён 1 мин
- работа в группах по актуализации и обогащению знаний 12мин
- первоначальное закрепление знаний: индивидуальная работа 10 мин
- первоначальное закрепление знаний: командное соревнование 5 мин
- первоначальное закрепление знаний: работа в парах 7 мин
Итог урока:
- итог урока 1 мин
- рефлексия 1 мин
- итог работы класса 0, 5 мин
- анализ домашнего задания 1 мин
- орг. конец урока 0,5 мин
T: Hello, everybody. I`m glad to see you. Take your seats, please, and let`s start our English lesson.
T: Today we`re going to revise and practice main grammar tenses working in groups and pairs, but let`s start with some discussion.
T: Open your books, please, at page 8. The unit we`re working with today is called "Who are you?" [slide 1] What, in your opinion, can help us reveal the mystery of a person`s character - and our own character as well? Where from can we know who we really are? Write your answer to this question on the sheets of paper you`ve got. I give you 1 minute for that. (the teacher monitors the activity)
T: Well, that`s it. Our book suggests that one of the keys to a personality is handwriting. Let`s try to practice it a bit. Have a look at the three styles of handwriting you can see on page 8 and try to match them with the descriptions of a personality suggested in ex.2. So, what are your ideas?
T: And now let`s see how good you are at handwriting analysis. Here is the key. [slide 2] And now I`d like you to practice handwriting analysis. Look at the "key to a handwriting" on the screen [slide 3], take your partner`s note and try to conclude his character. Only one minute for this work! (the teacher monitors the activity) And now work in pairs. Tell your partner what you`ve found out about him/her. And now some of you - please, tell us, what your partner told you about yourself and if you agree with that. For example, "Helen said I was shy and accurate because my writing is small and narrow. But I disagree. I am not accurate at all. My room is a complete mess." or something like this. So, who would like to start?
Индивидуальная работа по узнаванию грамматических времён
T: And now, please, look at p.8 ex.5. Look at the underlined grammatical forms and identify what tenses are they. 1 minute to think. So, who would like to try?
S1: 1 is Present Simple, 2 is Present Continuous, 3 is Present Perfect, 4 is Present Simple, 5 is Going to,
T: O.K. Thank you. Continue, please, ...
S2: 6 is Present Continuous, 7 and 8 are Present Perfect, 9 is Present Perfect Continuous , 10 is Present Continuous
T: O.K. Thank you. Continue, please, ...
S3: 11 is Present Simple, 12 is Future Simple, 13 is Past Simple, 14 is Present Perfect, 15 is Future Simple
T: O.K. Thank you. Continue, please, ...
S4: 16 is Present Simple, 17 is Present Perfect, 18 is Past Perfect, 19 is Past Continuous and 20 is Past Simple.
T: O.K. Thank you.
Работа в группах по актуализации и обогащению знаний
T: And now let`s revise all these main tenses and get acquainted with some other tenses as well. So, at first let`s form 3 groups: a group studying Present tenses, Past tenses and Future tenses accourdingly. [slide 4] How many tenses will each group have to study?
S: four
T: What are they?
S: Simple, Continuous, Perfect and Perfect continuous.
T: Right. [slide 3] Well, now I give you 3 minutes to share all your knowledge about the tenses your group is studying. (the teacher monitors the activity)
T: And now I give each group some sheets of paper with the information about the tenses they are revising. Study the material, please, and find out if you remembered everything correctly. If you need my help, I can answer any questions. (the teacher monitors the activity)
T: And now, please, form new groups so that in every new group there is one person from "present" group, one person from "past" group and one student from "future" group. In your new groups, share your knowledge about the tenses you`ve been revising (so that each person revises all the tenses). While you discuss the material, be ready to complete the table, marking the information you did already know with a plus, something difficult to understand with a question mark and something new, that you didn`t know before with an exclamation mark. [slide 5]
(the teacher monitors the activity)
T: So, please, group 1, what material was familiar to you?
T: Can anybody else add anything?
T: Well, thank you. Group 2, what was difficult, what didn`t you understand?
T: Can anybody else add anything?
T: Well, O.K. What was new for the third group?
T: Can anybody else add anything?
T: Are there any questions?
S: No
T: Well, right, thank you.
Первоначальное закрепление знаний: индивидуальная работа
T: In that case let`s practice. Here are three tasks, which we are to complete. Look here. [slides 6 - 8] Each of you is to complete one of the tasks. Саша, Максим, Катя и Нэля are to correct the errors in the sentences; Женя, Настя, Юля, Катя, Саша и Настя are to open the brackets and put the verbs into the correct form; Варя, Андрей и Василиса are to fill in the gaps.
Tasks for the groups: I group - slide 6, II group slide 7, III group - slide 8
I group | II group | III group |
T: So, you`ve got 5 minutes for that. (the teacher monitors the activity)
O.K., let`s check. Who would like to start with error correction? [slide 6]Well, please, .... The first sentence.
S1: What are you thinking about?
T: Why?
S1:Because "think" here means not "have an opinion", but "to meditate"
T: Are there any other versions?
S: Yes, What do you think about this book, or about the film, or whatever. In this case "think" means "have an opinion" and is a non-continuous verb.
T: Well, what about the second sentence?
S1: Have you fed Snowy?
T: Why?
S1: We can`t use "when" with Present Perfect
T: Are there any other versions?
S: Yes. We can put Past simple: When did you feed Snowy?
T: Well, what about the third sentence?
S1: Your eyes are red. Have you been crying?
T: Why?
S1: The result of a prolonged activity - Present Perfect Continuous.
T: Are there any other versions?
S: Yes. We may not change "were red", and than it will be Past Perfect Continuous: had you been crying.
T: Well, what about the next sentence?
S1: What were you doing while I was washing up.
T: Why?
S1: two prolonged activities - Past Continuous
T: Are there any other versions?
S: no
T: Well, what about the last sentence?
S1: I helped you only because the teacher had asked me.
T: Why?
S1: I helped in the past - Past Simple, the teacher asked before I helped; before the past is Past Perfect.
T: Are there any other versions?
S: no
T: Well, thank you. Now let`s come over to the second task. [slide 7]Who would like to answer? Well, please, ... The first sentence.
S2: had been waiting
T: Why?
S2: The result of a prolonged activity by the past
T: Are there any other versions?
S: no
T: Well, the second sentence, please.
S2: have forgotten, will bring
T: Why?
S2: result by present is Present Perfect and promise is Future Simple.
T: Are there any other versions?
S: no
T: O.K. The next sentence.
S2: will be sleeping
T: Why?
S2: Prolonged activity in the future is Future Continuous
T: Are there any other versions?
S: no
T: Well, the next sentence
S2: will have written
T: Why?
S: result by a certain time in the future is Future Perfect
T: Are there any other versions?
S: no
T: Well, and the last sentence
S2: had never been and traveled
T: Why?
S2: travelled once in the past - Past Simple, and the result by this past - Past Perfect
T: Are there any other versions?
S: no
T: Well, thank you. Who would like to do the next task? [slide 8]Well, please, .... The first sentence.
S3: will have studied
T: Are there any other versions?
S: no
T: Well, what about the second sentence?
S3: had read, by the time
T: Why?
S3: result by the past
T: Are there any other versions?
S: no
T: The third sentence, please
S: starts
T: Why?
S3: official plans are expressed with Present Simple
T: Are there any other versions?
S: no
T: Well, what about the fourth sentence?
S3: Are you going to visit your Granny next week/Sunday/weekend etc
T: Are there any other versions?
S: no
T: Well, and what about the last sentence?
S3: How often
T: Are there any other versions?
S: no
Первоначальное закрепление знаний
T: And now we`re going to have a team competition. [slide 9] Each team will make up a sentence and the other team has to decide whether this sentence is correct or not. So, just one minute for the groups to think over their sentences. (the teacher monitors the activity)
So, group one, your sentence.
T: Team two, is this sentence correct?
T: Well, your sentence [slide 9]
T: Team one, is this correct?
(the other sentences in a same way )
Первоначальное закрепление знаний: работа в парах
T: And now, please, look at the paper you`re given and find exercise 3. You have 3 minutes to complete the exercise in pairs, and than we`ll check. (the teacher monitors the activity)
T: So, who would like to check? Well, please, ... and ..., let`s start. What`s the first verb form? [slide 9]
S1: have been going
T: So, what about the second verb?
S2: go
T: Well, the third verb
S1: have not seen
T: number four
S2: saw
T: the fifth one, please [slide 9]
S1: took
T: number six
S2: are
T: the seventh
S1: were
T: number eight
S2: were looking forward
T: the ninth, please
S1: will be
T: number ten, please
S2: want
T: O.K., thanks. Who`d like to continue? Please, ... and .... What is number eleven? [slide 9]
S3: will get
T: Well, number twelve
S4: will be
T: What about number thirteen?
S3: took
T: number fourteen, please
S4: had gone
T: number fifteen
S3: bought
T: Does everyone agree? [slide 9]
S: yes.
T: Well, number sixteen
S4: had promised
T: number seventeen
S3: were watching
T: What about number eighteen?
S4: were crunching
T: Why?
S: two parallel prolonged activities
T: Right. What about number nineteen?
S3: had only been watching
T: Why?
S: the result of a prolonged activity by the past.
T: well, what about number twenty
S4: said
T: Well, and number twenty one [slide 9]
S3: was playing
T: Well, thank you.
T: So, our lesson is coming to an end. Let`s try to make a short summary of it. What was the main input of the lesson? What knowledge did you gain?
S: We revised and practiced the main tenses.
T: Well, thank you.
T: And now I`d like you to express your impressions of the lesson continuing one of the phrases that you can see on the screen. [slide 10]
S: ...
T: So, did you like the lesson in general?
S: Yes
T: I liked it too and I liked the way you worked today. I`d like to thank ... and to wish ... better work (more enthusiasm) next time. Your marks for the lesson are ...
T: Now, please, open you record books and write down your homework. It is Language Powerbook page 4 ex. 2, 3 and 4. Who could explain the task in ex. 2?
S: We are to match time adverbials to the tenses
T: What difficulties may you have?
S: some time adverbials can be used in several sentences
T: Yes, sure. In this case you write them in all the tenses. Is that clear?
S: Yes
T: And what`s the task of ex. 3?
S: to write eight sentences in different tenses using these adverbials
T: Absolutely right. Is the task clear?
S: Yes.
T: Well, and exercise four?
S: We have to put the sentences into the correct places using the clues given.
T: Absolutely right. Is the task clear?
S: Yes.
T: Well, the lesson is over. Goodbye.
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