Входная диагностическая работа-9 класс
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (9 класс)

Федорова Марина Александровна

Входная диагностическая работа-9 класс


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Входной контроль по английскому языку для 9 класса (базовый уровень)

УМК Rainbow English под ред. О.В.Афанасевой, И.В. Михеевой, К.М. Барановой

 1. Choose the odd word.

2. Complete the sentences with the right words.

 3. Choose the right answer.

1. seem/sense      2.said/told            3. learning/studying    4. finishing/graduating  

 5. china/cotton     6. leather/rubber   7.brick/carboard        8. days/wool

4. Complete the sentences with the words in the right forms.

Millions of people want to learn English. There are lots of 1.__________________(DIFFER) methods and the main problem is how to choose the best one. Some people believe that the most 2.__________________(EFFECT) way is to study English in Britain or in any other English-speaking country. The advantage of going to Britain seems obvious. Everyone around you speaks English. It’s practically 3.__________________(POSSIBLE) to avoid communication, so you’ll learn English 4.__________________(QUICK). On the other hand, one can learn English at home. There are lots of possibilities there too: a good 5.__________________(TEACH), a language school or an on-line course. There are many ways to get a good language 6.__________________(EDUCATE) now.

5 .Read the texts and match them with the questions.


What is the capital of the Falkland Islands?


Where can you learn about the islands’ history?


What is the emblem of the Falkland Islands?


What do the local people do for a living? 


What energy resources are used on the islands?


What is the educational policy of the Falkland Islands?


What was the result of the conflict between Argentina and the UK?


About 250 miles off the coast of South America lie the Falkland Islands, a British overseas territory. About 3,000 people live on the islands. Like most isolated communities around the world, they are always pleased to welcome tourists. The people of the Falkland Islands mostly work in sheep farming and fishing.


Everything outside Stanley, known locally as Camp, is home to numerous farms and settlements spread across the islands. In fact, over three quarters of the population live in Stanley. Although one of the smallest capitals in the world, Stanley provides a variety of supermarkets, excellent restaurants and hotels, a swimming pool, gym and golf course.


Open whenever tour ships are in the port, the Falkland Islands Museum contains artifacts from everyday life, natural history samples and a fine collection relating to the islands’ shipwrecks. Outdoor exhibition sites include the Reclus Hut, originally made in Stanley, then shipped to Antarctica and set up there in 1956. Forty years later the famous house was brought back.


There are only about 380 children of school age living on the islands. For them, there is a primary and a secondary school in Stanley and three small settlement schools on large farms. Other rural pupils are taught by ‘travelling’ teachers. Schooling is free and compulsory for children between five and sixteen years of age. The government pays for older students to attend colleges, usually in the UK.


The Falkland Islands government is taking advantage of cheap wind power. Since 1996, the government has been investing in the development of alternative sources of energy and can already enjoy the results. The Islands have experimented with other forms of energy, including hydro-electric and solar power. However, these forms cannot match the effectiveness of wind power yet.


The Falklands War was fought in 1982 between Argentina and the United Kingdom. It started with the Argentine invasion and occupation of the Falkland Islands and South Georgia. The war lasted 74 days and ended with an Argentine defeat. However, Argentina still has not fully given up its claim to the territory of the islands.

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