Творческая работа на тему:"Виды юмора"
творческая работа учащихся по английскому языку

Казарян Карине Гарниковна
  • Определение понятия юмора. В широком смысле юмор — всё, что может вызвать смех, улыбку и радость. Чувство юмора связано с умением субъекта обнаруживать противоречия в окружающем мире. 
  • Условное деление видов юмора на категории.  К ним относятся: шутка, анекдот, пародия, каламбур и другие. 
  • Характеристика отдельных видов юмора.  Например:
    • Ассоциативный юмор. Поиск комического в повседневной жизни. 
    • Агрессивный юмор. Шутливые оскорбления, адресованные конкретным людям. 
    • Самостимулирующий юмор или самоирония. Способность смеяться над собой, шутить, когда случилось что-то плохое. 
    • Саморазрушающий юмор. Шутки, в которых человек унижает себя и становится объектом насмешки. 
  • Социальные функции юмора. Некоторые юмористические тексты помогают ясно увидеть реальность и учат критически мыслить. 
  • Примеры юмористических текстов из различных источников, например, из сатирических мультсериалов («Симпсоны», «Южный парк», «Гриффины»)


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          Learning a foreign language – first of all, the introduction of the culture of the language in the context of the dialogue of culture i.e. in intercultural communication. One of the main qualities that we would like to see when communicating with a person is his excellent sense of humor. Humor has always been and remains relevant in all periods of human life.

Humor is a very essential part of the English national character and an extremely necessary element of national identity. The British are proud of their humor and not without reason consider it their national wealth. It is possible to doubt any national dignity of the English, traditionally attributed to their character - courtesy, ingenuity, tolerance - nothing will infringe on their national pride as the judgment of their lack of humor.

Based on this, we can say that the topic: "Features of English humor" is relevant today.

        This issue is widely investigated in the following works: N Polish.M. "UK", Pavlotsky, V. M., "understanding the Kingdom", Tomakhin G. D. "the Culture of English-speaking countries". Basically, I used articles from the Internet. From this it follows that the level of understanding of English humor in Russia is quite low.

The purpose of the work is to determine the meaning and understanding of humor by the residents of different countries, for example, great Britain, Russia.

Research problem:

• define the concept of "humor", specify its types;

• identify the similarities and differences of humor of the home country and the UK based on comparison;

• analyze the data obtained.

Method of research:

• Theoretical - literature study;

• Sociological survey of students;

• Comparative analysis of research data.

The practical significance of the work lies in the possibility of using it in English lessons and in preparation for extracurricular activities. This work contributes to the development of cultural competence, knowledge about the country of the target language.

 The object of the study is humor as a universal aspect of human life.

Subject of research – English humor as a specific phenomenon of British (English) culture.

Hypothesis: difficulties in perception of English humor are some of its specific features, unknown to representatives of other cultures.

As the main method of research the method of the scientific description including methods of supervision, the analysis, generalization, interpretation, classification and systematization of the basic material, questioning is used.

The practical significance of the work is that familiarity with English jokes and anecdotes becomes a significant incentive for the development and improvement of practical skills in English.

Chapter 1.

Theoretical bases of studying English and Russian humour.

1 The concept of "humor". Types of humor

           Great Britain is located on the British Isles. It includes England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland. This state is unique and paradoxical. In the United Kingdom – great Britain live the British, Scots, Welsh, Irish, and these people are not like one another. The people of this state are hospitable, friendly, faithful to the traditions and peculiarities of national life.  On the basis of certain human qualities typical for the majority of representatives of a country, generalized national images are created, stereotypes of national characters are determined. Thus, the Germans are considered to be neat and practical, the Italians are temperamental and energetic, the inhabitants of the Baltic countries – restrained and unruffled.

     Each national character has its own type of national humor. Englishmen are characterized as Prim, arrogant, conservative, however, it is known that their humor is considered the most subtle.  The authors of the works studied by us E. Mayol and Milsted[1], K. Fox[2] are unanimous in the opinion that the main distinguishing feature of English humor is that it is not a property of an individual or a group of people, but is characteristic of all the inhabitants of this country without exception, i.e. is a national feature.

According to the explanatory dictionary of the English language Merriam-Webster[3] defines humor as "humour (humor)(humor) – the amusing quality or element in something – funny the property or a part of something."

        Comparing these definitions, we first learned that the word "humor" of English origin, and secondly, came to the conclusion that they all interpret the concept of "humor", on the one hand, as a character trait, human property, on the other hand, as a literary genre.  In these two directions we decided to conduct our research.

It is very difficult for foreigners to understand the peculiarities of English humor. The British can laugh their heads off over a political article and at the same time watch a humorous programme with an unflappable air. English jokes often cause undisguised surprise and bewilderment, and so, and I want to say: "What's funny?".

 An Englishman's humor is as unusual as his character. The British are willing to make fun of equanimity and his own blunders and mistakes. Hence comes this kind of English humor, which is called self-critical.

The English themselves share their jokes on:

• "elephant jokes" (this is especially silly jokes),

• "dry sense of humor" (reserved and sometimes sarcastic irony),

• humor "with banana peel" (rather primitive and rude jokes, sometimes they are called "toilet humor»),

• "stories about a shaggy dog" (the top of the absurd, when all humor is based on the illogical statements).

And for the British, laughter is a way to raise funds for charity. Probably the largest nationwide charity event in the UK is Red Nose Day (a Comic festival or red noses Day), which is held every two years in March. Red noses day was conceived by a group of British actors who managed to ignite the whole nation with their invention! Long before the day across the UK begin to sell the most important accessory of the festival – red nose. On the day of the festival, fun activities are held in every school, office, on the streets. The BBC shows specially prepared comedies, skits, performances of the most popular singers and humorists all evening, interspersed with a very serious explanation of the goals of the festival, showing what the money collected earlier is going on, a story about what was achieved and what is planned.

Thus, we conclude that the distinctive features of English humor is: nationality, typical for the whole nation; the lack of barriers to laughter, the ability to laugh at yourself.

2.        English humor Analytics

English humor is perceived as a national feature of the English character. What are the features of English humor?

             Most researchers English humor converge in is, that in English humor are found two equal elements: dubbed as such and wit. Humor and wit — complement each other, give the English sense of comic originality and originality, which distinguish it from other national manifestations of the comic.

Indeed, one of the characteristic features of English humor is that it remains serious when joking. Joking and seriousness are two essential elements in English humor. One of the most common techniques on which English jokes are built is the technique of playing with the polysemy of words, which often creates mutual understanding and comic effect.

The problem with British humor is that it is very difficult for a person unfamiliar with English speech to understand jokes in which "all the salt" is in the play of words.

Here is a small example of a word game in an English joke:

- Will you tell me your name?

- Will Knot.

- Why not?

To the question "will you tell me your name?"man is responsible - will Music (Will Knot), in English, if you can quickly read name, get phrase – negation "No", then the logical question becomes "Why don't you say?".

We do not understand English humor just because we are representatives of two different countries and nationalities. Each of us has his own habits, lifestyle, history, traditions and customs, his government, his preferences, etc. Therefore, we can not understand what is so funny in a particular joke in English. But the Englishman himself, he may seem incredibly funny. The same rule works the other way around: when translating our joke into English, you can either completely lose its meaning, or it will still be incomprehensible to the Englishman, since he is not aware of our realities.

        It is important to remember one more feature: the British are very fond of when a person knows how to laugh at themselves. The British are happy to make fun of their "distinctive features" as slowness and equanimity. Moreover, the ability to laugh at yourself, is considered more a virtue than a disadvantage.

 Going to England, be careful: joke on you will be everywhere, and all this at the most unexpected moment. Your main task: do not get lost and play along. In this case, you are provided with sympathy.

Here are a few tips to make life easier:

1. If a stranger came up with you and said something about the weather, then you should urgently support this remark. And if in the pouring rain you are told that "the weather today is good, is not it?", immediately nod and with broad smile answer: "of Course, Yes. I hope tomorrow will be even better."

2. The British sincerely believe that humor is their national trait and other peoples are almost unknown.

3. The English tend to downplay everything. If you want to be "your" in their company, the question about the weather in Africa, answer "a little hotter than here."

 To sum up, we can say: the main principle of the British – take it easy. This is based on their humor, traditions, customs. And they're probably right.

It is believed that the Englishman can be found on three grounds: stiffness, arrogance and a sense of humor that will never be understood by foreigners who speak English poorly.

3  The  reasons for the "FAILURE" of intercultural communication in the perception of humor

On the one hand, a sense of humor – a purely individual property of each. Often

jokes that seem funny to one person will not cause any reaction from the other or may even cause a conflict. On the other hand, humor can be culturally conditioned, because culture is crucial in shaping the relationship of man to reality. This area is very interesting for everyone who is concerned in one way or another with the problem of intercultural communication. First, an understanding of national humor leads to an understanding of culture as a whole (its inherent values, peculiarities of perception of the world, behavior, attitude of its representatives to reality, etc.). Secondly, the pragmatic side of this issue is important, because in intercultural communication it is necessary that there is mutual understanding between its participants. What in one culture may be considered a great sense of humor in another will be perceived as ignorance; a funny joke for some may simply be unnoticed by others.

There are different reasons for misunderstanding of humor in intercultural communication:

1. Ignorance of the realities of this culture. An example is the following anecdote:

• "No, well, it's necessary to be so greedy!"thought the inspector Ivanov, looking for buckled drivers, polite to pedestrians".

In order for the foreigner to understand this anecdote, he would have to explain that the Russian police officers who control traffic constantly take bribes from violators and that in this joke the paradox is played: the rules are not violated, and the one who is responsible for the order on the roads is dissatisfied, because he can not get profit from it.

2. Humor is based on wordplay. Only a very deep knowledge of the language will make a foreigner

smiling in response to jokes like this

• The patient needs medical attention. And the faster you move, the doctor, the better.

• In the restaurant, the visitor asks the waitress:

 Is it chicken? - No, it's being eaten.

3. Misunderstanding of certain cultural norms.


The men went fishing. And vodka were forgotten...

Russian people laugh at this situation, it will seem unlikely and comical, because it is known that without the use of alcohol can not do any fishing trip; a foreigner will not see here any joke.

4. Lack of understanding of the underlying values of the respective culture.

• Patient at the reception at the psychologist:

 Doctor, my husband and I never quarrel.

— Strangely... So you're not made for each other.

Representatives of other cultures, especially Western, Russian "cute scold –

just amuse" cause likely confusion. Will not meet sympathy and the following "folk wisdom»:

• The lazier the person - the more his work is similar to a feat.

In cultures where enterprise and efficiency are especially valued, laziness is especially condemned, so there can be no question of a "feat" of a lazy person.

Each culture has its own "favorite" themes for jokes and its own characters. We have it and Vovochka, and "new Russian", and Stirlitz, and others. Australians like to joke about new Zealanders, as well as about the drivers and the shearers of sheep living in remote areas. Americans – about politicians and lawyers (Question: Why are vultures swarming in Arizona, and lawyers in Washington? Answer: Arizona chose the first). The main source of Spanish anecdotes is the small village of Lepe in the South-West of Andalusia. For example: "How many inhabitants of Lepe you need to Unscrew the light bulb from the socket?» - «Four. One to hold the light bulb, and three to turn the chair." Many topics, such as relationships with the mother-in-law, excessive wealth and excessive poverty, greed and avarice, motoring and other characteristics of behavior, are universal for most countries.

In addition, representatives of different cultures like to joke with each other. Often "victims" become neighbours: the Russian – Chukchi, Ukrainian, Estonian; French – Belgian; the Ukrainian – Russian, Moldovan. In English jokes ridiculed "greedy Scots" and "drunks-Irish." The main object of German humor, as a rule, are the characteristic features of the inhabitants of certain regions of Germany: the stiffness of the natives of Prussia, the arrogance and carelessness of the Bavarians, the stupidity of the Eastern friezes, the quickness of the Berliners, the cunning of the Saxons (9). Most of these jokes are based on stereotypes. Thus, the views of Europeans about each other are well illustrated in a well-known anecdote:

Paradise is a place where the police are British, the cooks French, the mechanics German, the lovers Italian, and managers – the Swiss. Hell is a place where chefs are English, mechanics are French, lovers are Swiss, police are German, and managers are Italian.

The British respect their police, the German police are known for their harshness, French cuisine is famous for its elegance, and the English is reprehensible. The Germans are known in Europe for their love of mechanics and precise mechanisms, the Italian stereotype is a passionate lover, the Swiss are famous for their discipline and good organizational skills [1, p. 168].

However, it should not be assumed that absolutely all the jokes of one culture will be inaccessible to understanding in another. An example is the fact that foreign comedies are watched in different countries and, most importantly, they are laughed at. Sometimes jokes are interpreted in different cultures in their own way, not as intended by the creators, but still cause laughter. Often representatives of another culture understand the meaning of the joke, but do not find it funny.

Thus, to understand the joke, you need to have some basic knowledge: first of all, it is knowledge of the language, stereotypes, certain realities, peculiarities of national character, etc. However, not always understanding the meaning of the joke leads to its positive assessment.

Chapter 2.

 Research to identify differences

Comparative analysis of the data obtained during the study

In the UK, the humor is intelligent, witty, accompanied with no expression of emotions and it is a way of life of the British.

I conducted a survey (Annex 2 ) among students in grades 10 and 11, which was attended by 20 people. They were offered the following questions:



                                                                                                                       Приложение 2

1. The difficulty of understanding English humor is connected, in Your opinion, with

(a) lack of language skills;

b) ignorance of cultural peculiarities of Britain;

C) the form of perception (by ear, when reading);

d) other (e.g. sense of humor is not developed)

2. In English humor You more understood

a) "elephant" jokes;

b) "dry sense of humor»;

C) "sense of humor with banana peel»;

d) "black humor»;

e) none of the options.

3. The greatest understanding of English humor You found on topics

(a) "School»

b) "family relations»

C) "English gentlemen»

d) "National stereotypes»

e) "Queen of England»


1. Karasik V. I. Language circle: personality, concepts, discourse. – Volgograd: Peremena, 2002. – 477 p.

2. Mayol E., Milsted D. These strange Englishmen. – M.: Egmont Russia Ltd, 2001.  72 p.

3. Maslova, V. A., Cultural Linguistics: Proc. benefits for students. higher. studies, institutions. - Moscow: Publishing center "Academy", 2001. – 208s.

4. Tahina A. English joke as a reflection of national culture. Astrel, 2010.

5. Fox K. Watching the English. Hidden rules of conduct. – electronic version, 2010.

6. E. Y. Shmelev, A. D. Shmelev. Russian anecdote as a text and as a speech genre// Russian language in scientific coverage.- Moscow: Languages of Slavic culture, 2002. -319c.

7. Big encyclopaedic dictionary under the editorship of A. M. Prokhorov. M., "Soviet Encyclopedia", 1991. Vol.2.

8. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary

9. Internet resources.

                                                                                                                   Annex 2

1. The difficulty of the perception of English humor is associated with:

2. In English humor You more understood:

3. The greatest understanding of English humor You find in jokes on topics:

Having carefully considered the diagram features of humor, we came to the conclusion that in order to understand foreign humor (specifically English), not enough knowledge of English.

                                                                                                                 Annex 1

                                       Examples of English jokes

Play on words

1. A woman was driving along a narrow road. She was sitting at the same time, so she was driving very slowly. A man came up behind her and wanted to pass her. He opened the window and shouted, “pullover! Pullover! No, it's a sweater!  the lady shouted back.”

2. One day the English grammar teacher looked sick. The student asked, "what is it?”

"Tense," said the master, describing his feelings. The student paused, then continued: what is it? What could have happened?..?”

3. Boyfriend: what's your favorite music band?

Girlfriend: I love U2!

Guy: I love you too, but what's your favorite musical group?

4. I hear this new cemetery is very popular. People just die to get in.

5. . In London, one man to another:

A: “You know, my daughter has married an Irishman.”

B: “Oh, really?”

A: “No, O’Reilly.”

6. — Will you tell me your name?

Will Knot.

— Why not?

7. — What do ghosts serve for dessert?

— Ice Scream (созвучно I scream).

8. — Who won the skeleton beauty contest?

— No body. (созвучно nobody)

9. In the restaurant:

— Your English Breakfast, sir!

— Okay, bacon, eggs, beans... where's the toast?

• Cheers, sir!

( In the English language, the word "toast" has many meanings: 1) toasted bread; 2) grace-the greeting).

10. — Why do people wear shamrocks on St. Patrick's Day?

— Regular rocks are too heavy.


1. Two men talking in London:

 What's your name?

- Shakespeare.

- Oh, that name is well known.

 You bet! I've been breeding milk in this area for twenty years.

2. Looking at the tombstone with the inscription Handel – Handel, the tourist asks the guide in Westminster Abbey, what is this man famous for. With all seriousness the guide answers: Not was but man, who invented and handle for a teapot, it had been so unconvenient to take a hot teapot without a handle, and by the way he was a famous composer. – This man invented the handle for a teapot, it is so inconvenient to take a hot teapot without a handle, and, by the way, he was a famous composer. ('handle' means 'handle»)

3. In his house, in the living room, lounging in a chair, sits an Englishman, Smoking a pipe and reading the morning "Times". Suddenly the wall collapses, and in the living room, squeaking brakes, enters the "Bentley", at the wheel of which sits another Englishman. First calmly puts her gaze on him, takes the phone and asks: "May I ask where sir is in such a hurry?- To Manchester, sir!"— "In that case, sir, You'd be closer through the kitchen…»

4. In the evening the English Lord sat by the fire with a newspaper and sipped his tea. Servant runs in:

- Sir, there's a burglar in your living room!

Lord (without looking up from the newspaper):

"All right, Henry, bring me a gun and a hunting suit." I think it's better in the cage.

5. The servant refers to the Lord:

"Sir, I daresay there was a fire in the kitchen. The owner of the house slowly put down the times and said,:

- Tell it to the lady. You know I don't do housework, Robbins.

6. Two gentlemen talking after a dinner party.:

- Tell me, sir, why today during lunch you constantly kiss the hand of the lady that was sitting left of you?

"You see, sir, I forgot to put my napkin down.

7. Two gentlemen after the hunt sit by the fireplace, legs stretched out to the fire, and are silent:

 Sir, I'm afraid your socks are starting to smolder.

"You probably mean boots, sir?"

- No, the boots are long gone, sir.

8. At London's Wembley stadium is a football match of the century

"England" - "Team Of The World". The prices are fantastic, and yet the stadium is Packed to capacity. In the most expensive box sits a lady next to her free space, but all the requests of fans who want to take it, she responds:

- Never! This is my late husband's place...

- But my husband is already there, would have invited someone from relatives...

- Unfortunately, all the relatives are now at his funeral.

9. A note in a provincial English newspaper:

"Sir Hartney and his friends hunted a hare the day before yesterday. He left behind a wife, three sons, and a hare."

10. The poor Englishman was visited by a lawyer. He took out some official paper from his briefcase and announced::

"I have been instructed to inform you that a recently deceased distant relative has bequeathed all his property to you. You will receive the inheritance of his estate with adjoining extensive forests, 100 thousand pounds in cash and a dog.

The heir tightened his cigarette butt, let out a cloud of smoke and asked with an important look:

- I hope the dog is purebred?

11. American, coming down from the plane in London Heathrow, at the sight of fog:

- Fi, what nasty weather! And this is going to go on for a long time, don't you know?


"Alas, sir, I can say nothing definite. I've only lived here thirty-five years.

12. American tourist walks with a guide in London.

"Everything here is so small and tight," he says. - This building, for example, would be ten times higher in America.

 Of course, sir! It's a psychiatric hospital.

13. - What's the difference between greeting the Queen and the President?

"To greet the Queen, You must only kneel."

14. - John (=our Vovochka), naughty boy - swearing mother, returning from the phone in the kitchen. — I told you to watch the milk!

"I was watching," John says resentfully. - It ran away exactly in 15 hours 13 minutes.

15. Teacher: Why are you late?

Student: the Man lost a check for a hundred pounds.

Teacher: How nice. Did you help him find him?

Disciple: No, I stood on it.

16. Student: "I'm sorry, sir, but I don't agree that I deserve a zero point for this work."

Teacher: "I don't think so either, but this is the lowest grade I can give."

17. The Scot returns home after a six-month trip to Europe. On arrival, he falls into the arms of two bearded men, in which he recognizes his brothers.

- What are you so overgrown?

- You left, johnny, and took the razor!

18. The Irishman treats the dear guest with fried potatoes, saying: - Eat, do not hesitate! It is its own production...

- But you don't have a garden!?

- My wife and I bought a place in the cemetery, but, thank God, still alive - I plant potatoes there.

19. An Englishman, and Irishman and a Scotsman went into a bar. The Englishman stood a round of drinks, the Irishman stood a round of drinks and the Scotsman stood around.

The joke is based on a national stereotype about the stinginess of Scots and wordplay. The situation is as follows: an Englishman, an Irishman and a Scot enter the bar. The Englishman and the Irishman order a lot of drinks (stood around), and the Scotsman stands next (stood around).

20.- My dog is a nuisance. He chases everyone on a bicycle. What can I do? - Take his bike away.

21. Wife: To think that I had to marry you to find out just how stupid you are.

Husband: You should have realised that when I asked you to marry me.

22. A member of the faculty of a London medical college was chosen to be honorary physician to the Queen. Proud of his appointment, he wrote a note on the blackboard in his classroom:

“Beginning next month I will be honorary physician to Queen Elizabeth”. The next day when the professor returned to the classroom, he found the following line written below his notice: “God save the Queen”.

23. - Here, hold my horse a minute, will you?

- Sir, I am a member of the Congress.

- Never mind! You look honest. I’ll take a chance.

24. “Honey,” said this husband to his wife, “I invited a friend home for supper.”

“What? Are you crazy? The house is a mess, I haven’t been shopping, all the dishes are dirty, and I don’t feel like cooking a fancy meal!” “I know all that.” “Then why did you invite a friend for supper?” “Because the poor fool’s thinking about getting married.”

                                                «Black humor»

One evening in London, the young owner, staying in the gambling house, decided to warn his wife about it and called the telephone home. The servant picked up the phone, and when asked if his wife could come to the phone, he answered:

"Your wife, sir, has been locked in your bedroom for two hours with a strange gentleman.

The young master replied without any change in his voice or face.:

"John, please go into the living room, take a gun and shoot them both." You don't have to hang up , I'll wait.

"Very well, sir," said the servant, and went to do his master's bidding. A little later he went to the telephone and said that he had fulfilled the request of the young owner.

-Yes, I heard shots ,John, but tell me, please: I know you as a beautiful shooter, why three shots, because there were two of them, is not it?

"Sir, I killed your wife at once, but a strange gentleman hid behind a statue in your garden.

-John? But I have no statue in the garden!?-Where are you calling, sir?

Elepant Jokes

- Why don’t elephants ride bikes? - They don’t have a thumb to ring the bell.

- What time is it when an elephant sits on your fence? - Time to buy/make a new fence.

- What is the difference between en elephant and a plum? - An elephant is grey.

Shaggy-dog stories

Sherlock Holmes and his friend Watson were on a camping and hiking trip. They had gone to bed and were lying there looking up at the sky. Holmes said, «Watson, look up. What do you see?» «Well, I see thousand of stars». «And what does that mean to you?» «Well, I guess it means we will have another nice day tomorrow. What does it mean to you, Holmes?» «To me, it means someone has stolen our tent».


- Sir! Did you have a good holiday? Did you go away?

- Yes, I went to France, to Paris.

- Did you have much trouble with your French when you were there?

- No, I didn’t – but the Parisians did.

Joe: I love you. I love you. Won’t you be my wife?

Jess: You must see mama first.

Joe: I have seen her several times, but I love you just the same.

The doctor tells his patient: “Well I have good news and bad news…”

The patient says, “Lay it on me Doc. What’s the bad news?”

“You have Alzheimer’s disease.”

“Good heavens! What’s the good news?”

“You can go home and forget about it!”


       Having conducted our research, we solved the tasks: we found out when and how English humor arose, traced the history of its development, revealed its difference from the humor of other peoples.  We have tried to prove that humor is a very significant part of the English national character and it is characterized by the fact that it necessarily contains two necessary and equal elements: just humor and wit, joking and seriousness. English humor is irony, absurdity, and fantasy. It is often contained in the subtext and involves the ability to understand the listener. And if such ability is absent, it is difficult to distinguish English humor from seriousness.

       We do not understand English humor just because we are representatives of two different countries and nationalities. Each of us has his own habits, lifestyle, history, traditions and customs, his government, his preferences, etc. Therefore, we can not understand what is so funny in a particular joke in English. But the Englishman himself, he may seem incredibly funny.

        To sum up, we can say: the main principle of the British – take it easy (Look at things easier!). We believe that this study will be useful for all people studying English, because it is important not only to speak the language correctly, but also to understand the mentality of the country of the studied language, where humor plays an important role.



Chapter 1.Theoretical bases of studying English and Russian humor.

          1.1. Defining the category of humor.........................................

          1.2.Features of English humor.....................................


Chapter 2. Research work to identify differences between British and Russian humor.

            2.1. Statistical results of the survey and the socialist..............


List of references


По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

Проверочная работа по теме "Виды сложноподчинённых предложений"

Данная проверочная работа может быть использована для проверки  ЗУН по теме "Виды СПП" или для подготовки учащихся к ГИА , ЕГЭ....

Проверочная работа по теме "Виды оплаты труда" 8 класс

Работа проводилась после изучения темы "Как люди зарабатывают" в 8 классе. Учебник Липсиц И.В.«Экономика: история и современная организация хозяйственной деятельности»....

Самостоятельная работа по теме "Виды собственности"

При изучении темы "Собственность.Виды собственности" проводится самостоятельная работа по определению вида собственности. Учебник Липсиц И.В.«Экономика: история и современная организация хозяйственной...

Творческая работа по теме: «Применение нетрадиционных техник на уроках ИЗО в развитии творческой одаренности учащихся».

С самого раннего возраста  дети пытаются отразить свои впечатления об окружающем мире в своём изобразительном творчестве через визуальные ощущения. «В момент, когда ребёнок остаётся один на один ...

Творческая работа на тему: Технология обучения в сотрудничестве на примере изучения темы "Системы счисления"

В работе представлены: - идея обучения в сотрудничестве, -основные приемы организации обучения в сотрудничестве. Рассматриваются основные аспекты изучения темы «Системы счисления», на примере первых д...

Творческий диктант по теме "Виды синтаксической связи в словосочетаниях". 8 класс

Включает в себя материал для диктанта и слайд для самопроверки...

Творческая работа по теме: Предметная неделя в школе как форма работы по выявлению и развитию одаренных детей.

Предметная неделя - это не только традиционное внеурочное мероприятие, преследующее определенные учебные и воспитательные цели, это многоцелевое единство мероприятий, объединенных общими идеологически...