Праздник Хеллоуин
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку
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Сценарий праздника Halloween
Цель мероприятия: повышение мотивации и интереса к изучению английского языка, посредством знакомства с традициями англоязычных стран.
Задачи: совершенствование навыков монологической и диалогической речи; навыков аудирования; развитие творческих способностей у учащихся.
Оформление: декорации стены замка с калиткой, камин с большим котлом,
картинки с изображением ведьм, пауков, черных кошек и летучих мышей,
В темном зале на фоне таинственной музыки читается стихотворение:
The month is amber, gold and brown
Blue ghosts of smoke, float through the town.
Great V-s of geese honk overhead
And maples turn a fury red
Frost bites the awn, the stars are slits.
In black cats’ eyes before she spits
At last small witches, goblins hang
And pirates armed with paper bags.
Their costumes hinged on safety pins,
Go hunt a night of pumpkins grins.
Весь вечер в красно- золотом
Тумана призрак за окном
Мороза колющий алмаз
Звезда, как черный Кошкин глаз.
Под пляску ведьм и мертвецов,
Чертей, вампиров, колдунов,
Костюм бумажный заколи.
Ночь всех святых нас ждет. Пошли…
Hello dear friends! You know already that on the 31 of October people in Great Britain and America mark Halloween or Hallow Eve or just Holy eve. Many years ago, people believed that souls of their dead relatives come to their homes in this evening and they put food for them at their house’s doors.
Pupil: They also believed that witches and ghosts were everywhere that night and could do harm to people. But witches and ghosts were afraid of light, that’s why people made Jack-o”-Lanterns out of pumpkins.
Pupil: To begin our party, look at these Jack-O-Lanterns. They are very nice, aren’t they? The old legend says that once there was a man, whose name was Jack; he was very bad, so when he died, the God didn’t take him to the sky, and the devil didn’t want him either, but gave him a burning coal to put into the pumpkin and give him light. With this lantern Jack is still looking for a place to stay. Now you can understand why pumpkin became a symbol of Halloween, the most popular vegetables of our days.
Pupil: Now it’s time when children dress up as witches, ghosts, goblins, skeletons, elves, make lantern of pumpkins, go trick-or- treating and have very funny parties.
Pupil: Would you like to have such party? Would you like to know more about Halloween traditions? Would you like to play and win prizes? Would you like to have fun? Then join us and welcome to our Halloween party!
Hello dear friends! Glad to meet you! Are you afraid of me? Don’t afraid me, because I’m the kindest English witch and I come to your party to greet you, to play with you and spend the time merely
The sky is dark, the moon is high.
Do you know tonight’s the night?
When witches fly above the sky
And boys and girls say trick or treat
Trick or treat! Trick or treat!
This is the rhythm of the street
Trick or treat! Trick or treat!
This is rap with a spooky beat
So, children, do you like Halloween? I like it to. I have a surprise for you, last year they visited you. They are black, they are nice with green eyes and long tail, they sing song, they are the real symbol of Halloween. Guess who are they?
Выход кошечек с их знаменитой Хелоуинской песней.
Выход колдуньи
Ha-ha-ha! Hi! Glad to meet you! I am a teacher of all witches and the pupils of our Halloween school come to you with congratulation!
Autumn ghost sounds
When the moon rides high,
Up overhead- and I am snug
And warm in bed-in
The autumn dark the ghost moves
Round making their mournful
Morning sound I listen to know
When the ghosts go by
I hear a wail, and I hear a sigh
But I can’t quite tell which I hear
The most - the wind.
Or the wail of some passing ghost
Осенние звуки привидений
Когда плывет на небе мрачная луна,
Ты посмотри скорей из своего окна
А мне уютно и тепло.
И я сижу возле камина,
Вокруг жилища слышу я
То мрачный крик, то вздох устал
И страшно мне.
Я знать хочу, когда уйдут они скорее
Хочу кричать, но не кричу
А вопль то тише, то слышнее…
Но я не знаю, что я слышу
Иль крик усталый или ветер
А может ворон там на крыше.
Или вампир меня приметил…
1. Strange things happened on Halloween night.
A witch sails by on a broom.
Pumpkins grin styli from rickety fences,
As owls fly away to the moon.
2. How thin and sharp is the moon tonight!
How thin and sharp and ghostly white
Is the slim curved crook of the moon tonight!
3. Let’s fly like a bat
On Halloween night
And give all our neighbors
A terrible fright!
4. Or creep through the dark
Like a big black cat
And make all our neighbors
Cry ‘What’s was that?”
5. Or float like a ghost
In the dark midnight air,
And make everyone run
And hide to beware.
6. And boys and girls say trick or treat!
The wind is cold, the stars are bright
While ghosts say boo when they meet
Do you know tonight’s night?
7. Then may be tomorrow
When witching hour’s done,
We’ll give in and tell them,
All together:” It was Halloween fun!”
8. I’m going to dress myself so queer
For Halloween I said” This year,
Nobody else will ever guess
That I am little Mary Bess”
I put my old clothes all in place,
I fastened on my funny face,
Looked in the glass above the shelf,
And didn’t even know myself!
9. Fly away on your magic broomstick
Open your bag for a treat or trick
Fly through the air like a ghost all about
Now everyone together, let me here your shout
“Happy Halloween!’
All together ‘Happy Halloween!”
10. it’s time for magic and for dreams
But I can feel no fear
Time for nightmares and for screams
I am just for business here…
St: Are you afraid, I know what to do. Let’s repeat together the magic rhyme:
“Criss-cross-double cross,
Ghost, get lost!”
Music and two strangers appeared in the hall
1. Traveler: It’s getting dark and cold. It’s seems to me that we’ve lost our way. Oh, I see something.
2. It’s a castle.
1. Really, but I have a very strange feeling about this place. I don’t like it.
2. We have no choice. Let’s knock.
Hostess: What a pleasant surprise! Glad to meet you! Welcome! Welcome to my castle! Don’t be scared! Follow me please! This way please! I have a birthday tonight. These are my friends and those are my guests. Sit down, please. Help yourselves.
(Хозяйка и ее друзья угощают путников, часы бью полночь, гаснет свет, гости и хозяйка уходят. Появляется ведьма.)
Witch: Help yourself!
1traveler: Could you tell us if it’s eatable or uneatable?
Witch: Of course, it’s eatable! It’s very delicious! Start with baked eyeballs.
Traveler: What?
Witch: Baked eyeballs or witch’s soup made of good children’s blood, rush grasshoppers, frog’s legs and bats1
Traveler: Thanks a lot! Everything was wonderful! Would you be so kind as to show us our bedrooms?
Witch: You are kidding! We’ve just begun our party! First of all, I introduce you with my guard.
(Под марш появляются скелеты, танцуют, раздаются таинственные звуки карканье ворон, вой волков)
Witch: Don’t be afraid. I completely forgot to tell you our tradition: every year this night my friends come to see me and give me gifts. Now it’s time I hear the wolves are coming!
(Появляются волки и Красная Шапочка в их окружение Волки приносят девочку в жертву ведьме)
Wolf: This is our gift.
Witch: Thank you. I am very pleased. Stay with us and help yourselves!
Wolf: No, thank you very much. The moon is rising. We have to go to scare people. (Уходят под музыку Э. Грига «В пещере горного короля»)
Witch: A very nice present. I like it. And now I have surprise for you. My sisters will help me.
Witches sing and doing magic over a pot on the fire.
Winnie the Witch ‘s song”
Take three snakes’ teeth
And four frog’s legs
And tortuous leg, and feet and eggs
Say “ABRACADABRA”, gim-gem-gel
And now you’ve got a magic spell.
Take a black bat’s ear,
And monkeys’ toes,
A butterfly eye,
And rabbits’ nose.
Say “ABRACADABRA” gim-gem-gel
And now you’ve got a magic spell.
Teacher: People believed that they could learn about their future at Halloween and now let’s know about our future. Let’s spell magic spell and choose your future
Eni-beni-eni-beni, eni-beni- crocus. (Появляются юноша и девушка, которые танцуют и поют, после окончания песни ребята вытаскивают из котла бумажки с предсказанием их будущего)
1.Our love is alive and so we begin
Foolishly layin' our hearts on the table,
Stumblin' in
Our love is a flame burnin' within
Now and then fire light will catch us
Stumblin' in.
2.Wherever you go,
Whatever you do
You know these reckless thoughts
Of mine are followin' you
I've fallen for you,
Whatever you do
'cause baby you've shown me
So many things
That I never knew.
Whatever it takes,
Baby, I'll do it for you
3.Our love is alive and so we begin
Foolishly layin' our hearts on the table,
Stumblin' in
Our love is a flame burnin' within
Now and then fire light will catch us
Stumblin' in.
4.You were so young
And I was so free
I may have been young but baby,
That's not what I wanted to be
Well you were the one,
Oh why was it me?
'cause baby you've shown me
So many things
that I'd never knew.
Whatever you need,
Baby, you got it from me
5.Our love is alive and so we begin
Foolishly laying' our hearts on the table,
Stumblin' in
Our love is a flame burnin' within
Now and then fire light will catch us
Stumblin' in, Stumblin' in,
Stumblin' in
Foolishly layin' our hearts on the table,
Stumblin' in
Now and then fire light will catch us
Stumblin' in, Oh, stumblin' in,
Stumblin' in
Foolishly layin' our hearts on the table,
Stumblin' in.
(Children take out of the pot the peace of paper, read aloud the predictions)
Dear friends! Glad to meet you!
Put on your costume
Tie your mask on tight
Grab your bag for trick-or-treating
Cause its Halloween night! Happy Halloween!
Now you see children our witches are not bad they help us to know about our future, but they usually fly on their brooms. Would you like to see how they do it?
Please, witches come here and let’s play with us “Broom race”.
There’s a funny old lady in appointed hat
At my door she went rap, rap, and rap
I was going to the door to see who was there
When off on her broomstick she flew through the air
Song “She’ll be riding on a broomstick”
(на мотив «Если нравится тебе, то делай так)
She’ll be riding on a broomstick when she comes
She’ll be riding on a broomstick when she comes
She’ll be riding on a broomstick
She’ll be riding on a broomstick
She’ll be riding on a broomstick when she comes
We’ll warm up big black kettle when she comes
We’ll warm up big black kettle when she comes
We’ll warm up big black kettle
We’ll warm up big black kettle
We’ll warm up big black kettle when she comes
She will cook small toads and spiders when she comes
She will cook small toads and spiders when she comes
She will cook small toads and spiders
She will cook small toads and spiders
She will cook small toads and spiders when she comes
We shall feed all ghosts and goblins when they come
We shall feed all ghosts and goblins when they come
We shall feed all ghosts and goblins
We shall feed all ghosts and goblins
We shall feed all ghosts and goblins when they come
Witch: I’d like to introduce five little ghosts; moreover, they are going to entertain you. Here they are our scar-r-r-r-y ghosts!
1ghost: Five little ghosts were swinging on a gate. (Fingers swing)
2ghost: The first little ghost said,” I think it’s almost eight.” (Looks at wrist)
3 ghosts: The second little ghost said,” I’m going out to prowl!” (Hands around the mouth)
4ghost: The third little ghost said, “I’m going out to prowl. (Hands around eyes)
5ghost: The fourth little ghost said “The moon is far too bright.” (Eyes covered)
6 ghosts: The fifth little ghost said, “Let’s fly…It’s Halloween night! (Fingers fly)
Beautiful melody
Performance: Snow White
Narrator: Many years ago, in the winter the Queen had a baby. The child was as white as snow and the Queen called her Snow White/ But soon the Queen died and the King married again. The new Queen was a Witch. She had a magic mirror. She usually asked:
Queen: Mirror, mirror on the wall
among the ladies in this land
who is the fairest of them all?
Narrator: And the mirror usually answered:
Mirror: Young Queen
you are the fairest of them all.
(It is better to record the voice of one of the girls of the group to make it sound more mysterious).
Narrator: Soon Snow White grew up and became very beautiful. And then one day the Queen asked:
Queen: Mirror, mirror on the wall
among the ladies in this land
who is the fairest of them all?
Narrator: The mirror replied:
Mirror: Young Queen
Young Queen
Among the ladies on this land
you’re very-very nice
But Snow White is more beautiful than you.
Narrator: The Queen became very angry. She called a servant and said to him.
Queen: Take this young girl to the forest and kill her. Then I’ll give you a bag of gold.
Narrator: They went to the forest.
Servant: I must kill you.
Snow White: Don’t kill me, please. Take my ring and let me go. I’ll never return home, I promise you.
Narrator: So, she went alone through the forest and came to a little cottage. Seven dwarfs lived there.
Dwarfs: What’s you name?
Who are you?
Why did you come to the forest?
Snow White: My name is Snow White. I came here because my stepmother wanted to kill me.
Dwarfs: Come, stay with us.
Narrator: But one day the Queen looked in her mirror again and asked.
Queen: Mirror, mirror on the wall
among the ladies in this land
who is the fairest of them all?
Narrator: And the mirror answered:
Mirror: Young Queen
Young Queen
Among the ladies on this land
You’re very-very nice
But Snow White is more beautiful than you.
Queen: I’ll kill the Princess!
Narrator: She put on witches’ clothes and went to the forest. She saw the dwarf’s cottage. She knocked at the door.
Queen: I’m a poor woman. Can you give me some meat and bread?
Snow White: Of course, I can.
Queen: Thank you very much. You are a very good girl! And this apple is for you.
Snow White: What a lovely apple! Thank you.
Queen: Bye!
Snow White: How nice this apple is! I want to taste it. Oh!
She falls on the floor
Narrator: Now it’s time for fun. Our witch has prepared very tasty meal which is made of blood, let’s make the contest.
Contest 1
From a bowl full of water participants are to take an apple with their mouth only; not using their hands. You invite three participants from each team.
Contest 2
Participants are to eat the apples tied to a rope without using their hands. A teacher will hold the free end of the rope.
(three from each team)
Song” Trick or treat”
1.We dress up as witches, and then monsters appear
That means that we are going to scare bad spirits.
“Trick or treat?” I am asking you
If you answer “trick” I shall play a trick
2. We dress up as ghosts, and then devils appear
That means that we are going to scare bad spirits.
We dress up as skeletons, and then black cats appear.
That means that we are going to scare bad spirits.
3. We prepare the pumpkin then candles appear
That means that we are going to scare bad spirits.
Игра “Trick or treat”
1 p: Trick or treat?
-A happy Halloween Day! Evil spirits, go away!
2p: Trick or treat?
-Just a minute! (завязать глаза)
Now you are a ghost hunter
Your task is to pick a ghost.
Listen to my command: Go straight! Turn right! Turn left! Pick a ghost!
Cold! Warm! Hot! Pick a ghost!
3 p: Trick or treat!
-A happy Halloween Day! Evil spirits go away!
Be healthy, wealthy and wise!
4 р: Trick or treat?
I’ll give you this supporting signal.
You’ll tell me this part of signal
You’ll tell me her words plus yours
And you’ll tell me all their words and yours.
Rap Song.
Ha-ha-ha-ha Halloween,
Sing ha-ha Halloween
It’s October 31
The time of year to have some fun!
Ha-ha-ha-ha Halloween
Sing ha-ha Halloween
I’m a vampire, you ‘re a ghost
It’s of the year I love the most
Ha-ha-ha-ha Halloween
Sing ha-ha Halloween!
Wear a witch’s hat, wear a white sheet
Knock at the door. Play trick-or- treat
Ha-ha-ha-ha Halloween
Sing ha-ha Halloween!
Cut the pumpkin, put in a light
No evil spirits can come tonight
Ha-ha-ha-ha Halloween
We’ve got chocolate, sweets and cake,
November one I’ve got toothache!
Ha-ha-ha-ha Halloween
Sing ha-ha Halloween!
1.Halloween is here,
Halloween is there,
Halloween is everywhere.
Goblins, mummies, vampires, bats,
Witches, monsters and pumpkins fat.
Halloween is time of glee,
For pumpkins, mummies, you and me!
Song “Halloween Day” (Агата Кристи)
That are adults and children’s day for us
Better known as All Saints Day for us
Sing this song together with us again
And be ready to realize from bad spirits at last
The 31-st October Day
All evil spirits go away
Jack-o-Lantern is helping us
To make bad spirits run very fast
Halloween Day- the withiest night
We go with spirits to fight
All witch dances and ghost parties
Will help to clear our country
Granny, I saw a witch go by,
I saw two, I saw three, I heard their skirts go swish, swish, swish
-Child, twos leave against the sky,
And the autumn wind in the tree.
-Granny, broomstick they bestrode
Their hats were black as tar, and buckles twinkled on their shoes-
-You saw the shadows on the road, the sparkle of a star.
Granny, all their heels were red, their cats were big as sheep.
I heard bat said to an owl.
-Child, you must go straight to bed,
This time you were asleep.
-Granny, I saw men in green, their eyes shone rarely red, their heads were yellow pumpkins.
-Now you’ve told me what you’ve seen, will you go to bed?
-Don’t you believe-?
-What I’ve seen?
-Don’t you know it’s Halloween?
Song” Fair Rosy”
1.Fair Rosy was a lovely child, lovely child, and lovely child
Fair Rosy was a lovely child, lovely child
2. Fair Rosy lived in a great, high tower,
Great high tower, great high tower
Fair Rosy lived in a great high tower
Great high tower
3. A wicked fairy lady came one day, came one day
A wicked lady came one day, came one day
4. The wicked fairy waved her wand, waved her wand
The wicked fairy waved her wand
Waved her wand
5. Fairy Rosy slept many years, slept many years
Fairy Rosy slept many years, many years
6. A great big forest grew around, grew around
A great big forest grew around, grew around
Grew around
7. A handsome prince came galloping by, galloping by
Galloping by,
A handsome prince came galloping by
Galloping by
8. He cut the trees down with his sword, with his sword
With his swords, with his swords
He cut the trees down with his swords with his swords
9. And they both quickly galloped off, galloped off
Galloped off, galloped off
And they both quickly galloped off, galloped off
Student: The strangest sight I’ve ever seen
Was a fat old witch in a flying machine?
The witch flew high. The witch flew low.
The witch flew fast. The witch flew slowly.
The witch flew up. The witch flew down
She circled all around the town.
Then turning left and turning right,
She disappeared into the night.
That fat old witch in a flying machine
Is the strangest sight I’ve never seen?
Of course, it happened on Halloween!
Five little witches
1W. This little witch peeked under a hat
But she flew away when out popped a bat
2W. This little witch looked behind a post
But she flew away when up scared a ghost
3W. The little witch found haunted homes,
But she flew away ‘cause of ratting bones.
4W. This little witch stirred up her brew,
But she flew away when an owl said “Woo!”
5W. This little witch looked in a tree,
But she flew away when she saw me.
All together
So, the five little witches flew out of sight,
But they’re sure back on Halloween night!
T: I think that you enjoy yourselves, haven’t you? Anyway, can you imagine any Halloween party without retelling at least one scary story? Usually one person talks in a low voice while everyone crowds together on the floor or around a fire. The following story is a folk –tale told in England and is called “Teeny-tiny”
Once upon a time, there was a teeny-tiny woman who lived in a teeny-tiny house in a teeny-tiny village. One day this teeny-tiny woman put on his hat and went out of her teeny-tiny house for a teeny-tiny walk. While she walked she came up to a teeny-tiny gate. The teeny- tiny woman open teeny-tiny gate and went into teeny-tiny yard. When she came into the teeny-tiny yard she saw a teeny-tiny bone on a teeny- tiny bench and she thought: “I’ll make some teeny-tiny soup for teeny- tiny supper out of this teeny- tiny bone.”
So, she put the teeny- tiny bone into her teeny- tiny bag and went home.
When she came home, she was teeny- tiny tired, so she put the teeny- tiny bone into a teeny- tiny cupboard and went to sleep.
Suddenly she heard a teeny- tiny voice from the teeny-tiny cupboard which said:
“Give me my bone!”
The teeny- tiny woman was teeny- tiny frightened. She put her teeny-tiny head under her teeny-tiny pillow. Then again, she heard the teeny-tiny voice from the teeny-tiny cupboard, which said a teeny-tiny louder: “Give me my bone!”
This made a teeny-tiny woman a teeny- tiny more frightened but she put up her teeny-tiny head from under her teeny- tiny pillow and said in her loudest teeny-tiny voice, “Take it!” (Then shout, jump at the people and frighten them)
A woman in the graveyard sat O-O-O-
Very short and very fat O-O-O
She saw two ghosts coming in O-O-
Very tall and very thin O-O-O
To the ghosts the woman said:
“Will I be like you when I ‘m dead?” O-O-O”
To the woman the ghosts said:
“You’ll be like us when you are dead!” O-O-O”
To the ghost woman said:” A-A-A-A”
Song “Ghost story” (Отаван)
Hands up, baby, hands up! Give me, give me your heart! 2t
Ugly face and rosy lips
Like the way you frighten kids!
What can we do to get closer to you?
Do, please, trust, don’t waste your time.
Deep in mind you’re kind and shy!
Puff of the mask and we greet you and say:
Ghost! My dear ghost! Just give me your hand,
Give me, give me your hand, give me, and give me.
Ghost! My dear Ghost! Just give me your hand,
Give me, give me your hand, give me and give me.
All your smiles, all your smiles!
2. All your tricks are full of joy
When your smile forgets we’re the toys,
Please, join us quickly and don’t go away!
Witch: I can’t imagine our party without my best friend Dracula.
2 W: Don’t worry, he is late!
(Вой ветра. Молния. Из зрительного зала выезжает Дракула на мотоцикле)
Dracula: I am very sorry for being late, my dear.
Witch: How is your hunt?
Dracula: Terrible! Absolutely terrible! I am angry and hungry like a hundred greedy monsters!
Witch: It’s a pity! But I have a surprise for you. (Выносят Красную Шапочку) Look at it! What a pretty girl!
Dracula: You must be joking. I do smell fresh blood. (Видит путников, бросается к ним) Here is my supper! They must be tasty.
Travelers: Help us! Help us!
Witch: Take them!
Dracula: Here is my supper at last. I am tired of waiting! Who wants to be the first? OK I’ll start with this one!
Dracula: Oh, no! It’s too late!
Traveler: Thank God! Everything is over!
2Traveler: Yea. Everything may happen on the Halloween night!
(Song “Ghost Buster” they dance)
Rap Song
Ten little pumpkins
All in line
One became a jack-o- lantern
Then there were nine
Nine little pumpkins
Peeking through the gate
An old witch took one
Then there were eight
Eight little pumpkins
A green goblin took one
Then there were seven
Seven little pumpkins
Full of jolly tricks
A white ghost took one
Then there were six
Six little pumpkins
Glad to live alive
A black cat took one
Then there were five
Five little pumpkins
By the barn door
A hoot owl took one
Then there were four
Four little pumpkins
Standing at the door
One became a tasty pie
There were three
Three little pumpkin
Feeling very blue
One was far away
Then there were two
Two little pumpkins
Alone in the sun
One said so long
And there was one
One little pumpkin
Left all alone
A little boy chooses him
Then there were none
Ten little pumpkins
In a patch so green
Made everyone happy
On Halloween
P: The moon has face like the clock in the hall:
She shines on thieves on them garden wall.
On streets and fields and harbor quays
And birdies asleep in the forks of the trees,
The walking cats and the running mice
The howling dogs by the door of the house,
The bat that lies in bed at noon
All love to be out by the light of the moon.
So, it’s true. The moon is high up in the sky and it’s time for us to end our party.
However, before parting we would like to show you a romantic scene because Halloween is not only merry- making great fun. Sometimes it is time to show your feelings to someone special in your life. Are you ready to become romantics for a while?
Once there were two yellow pumpkins,
Growing on a vine
And they said to one another,
Aren’t we just fine?
Wonder what to us will happen
When we go from here,
Will we be turned to chariots golden?
And travel far and near?
One day there came into cornfield
A little girl and boy
Each one seized a yellow pumpkin
As though it were some toy.
Said boy:
“I’ll make a jack-o’-lantern,
Now won’t that be great?
His face will be so big and funny,
He’ll surely be first rate.”
Said she,
“I’ll bake my yellow pumpkin
Into a pie so nice,
Then let me share your jack-o’-lantern,
With the gold pie between.
Song” The beauty of the world”
1.I used to see the stars at night; I used to hear the birds
I used to feel the warmth of the sun
I used to smell the springtime flowers
And sing so happily
I used to sing the song about the beauty of the world.
2. It was a long, long time ago, I use to sing a song
Before the black smoke filled the sky
I used to sing a song
I used to sing a song about the beauty of the world
Did you see the stars shining in the night?
Did you hear the birds and feel the sun?
Did you use to smell the flowers?
Their colours were so bright
I used to sing a song about the beauty of the world.
(Light the candles, holding burning candles in their hands)
Let this flame be shining in your souls all the year round and in a year’s time
We shall have another Halloween Party. Please, come again!
Good bye, dear guests! We hope you will have a good year! See you soon!
Song: “Sealed with the kiss”
We’re going say good bye for the summer
Don’t you promise do this
I’ll send you all my love
Every day no letter
Sealed with the kiss
Yes, it’s going to be cool, lonely summer
That I’ll be antonyms
I’ll send you all my dreams
Every day no letter
Sealed with the kiss
Ref: I’ve seen you in the sunlight
I hear your voice everywhere
I burn a tender your lips hold you
But darling you will again
I don’t wanna say good-bye for the summer
My darling I love and miss
For later in good pledge (залог, дар, обещание)
We’ll meet in September
Sealed with the kiss
Yes, it’s going to be cool, lonely summer
But I feel the antonyms
I’ll send you all my love
Every day no letter
Sealed with the kiss
Автор сценария и режиссер-постановщик: Матвеева Майя Кадыровна
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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