Текст для работы на уроке английского языка по теме "Блокада Ленинграда"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9, 10, 11 класс)
текст предназначен для работы на уроках английского языка в 9-11 классах по теме "Блокада Ленинграда"
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Insert the gaps in the text, using the parts of the sentences:
1 surrounding areas so it simply could not feed
2 death and even more than 7 thousand wooden houses
3 besieged all around and surrounded by fascist invaders
4 November when workers and their dependents
5 other weapons were manufactured
6 took place during the Great Patriotic War
7 to destroy food warehouses and
8 the residents of Leningrad
9 the ground and from air and water
10 and even cannibalism
The siege of Leningrad | ||
The blockade of Leningrad is a terrible page in the history of our country which 1)______________. The city was besieged from September 8, 1941 to January 27, 1944 which makes it 872 days. | ||
The war was developing rapidly and at the beginning of September the city was 2)____________________. The only way that connected Leningrad with the rest of the country was a route through Lake Ladoga which was shot through by the Germans from 3)___________________. | ||
After the city was besieged, the Germans started to fire on the city massively, especially trying 4) ____________________they quickly managed to do this by bombing the Badayev warehouses on the very first day of the blockade. The city was overcrowded with refugees from the Baltic republics and 5) ________________everyone. The portions of bread and other foods began to get smaller fast and reached their lowest levels at the end of 6) __________received only 125 grams of bread a day. Massive hunger resulted in deaths 7)___________. | ||
Apart from hunger and bombing, another enemy fell upon the Leningraders — freezing cold. The winter of 1941-1942 was the coldest one out of all the years of city weather observation. Lots of people froze to 8)_________were used as firewood. | ||
During the years of that blockade up to 1.5 million people died and most of them were buried at the Piskarevskoye Memorial Cemetery. | ||
However, despite all the horrible conditions, 9) ___________were able to withstand and soon in 1942 the city was fully supplied with food, a tram started working and much more stuff was done. The factories continued to work very well, tanks and 10)___________________. The city withstood and on January 27, 1944 the blockade was over. Very soon after that the first train came to the besieged city. |
Источник :
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