Topics for debates on the issue "Сrime and Punishment" - июнь 2024
рабочие листы по английскому языку (11 класс)

Данный материал содержит темы для проведения дебатов по разделу "Преступление и наказание", а также алгоритм организации дебатов и связки для употребления в речи (фразы согласия/несогласия+ opinion phrases)


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Предварительный просмотр:

Debates on the Topic «Crime and Punishment»

Group 1

1.The death penalty is the best way to control and reduce serious crimes. If you think it should exist, what types of crimes must  be punishable by  death penalty?

Do you believe that the death penalty would prevent crime? Why/why not?

2.It is often thought that the increase in juvenile crime can be attributed to violence in the media.  Do you think violence shown on TV and in movies  increases the amount of  violent crimes in the  society? Do you think the media or politicians unnecessarily increase the fear of crime? What are their reasons for doing so?

3.Solitary confinement is a violation of the prisoner’s human rights.

4.Graffiti must be considered an act of vandalism not an art.

Group 2

1.Fear of death penalty stops people from committing offences.  If you think it should exist, what kinds of crimes must be punishable by  death penalty?

Do you believe that the death penalty would prevent crime? Why/why not?

2.Violence  on TV and on the Internet increases the number of crimes among people. Do you think violence shown on TV  and in movies  increases the amount of  violent crimes in the  society? Do you think the media or politicians unnecessarily increase the fear of crime? What are their reasons for doing so?

3.There is an opinion that prison helps rehabilitate criminals.

4. It is sometimes thought that prison is the best place for criminals, others believe there are better ways to deal with them.


  1. Speaker 1  - argumentation for:

Представляет  проблему, представляет статистику, заявляет позицию команды.

  1. Speaker 2 – argumentation against :

Представляет  проблему, представляет статистику, заявляет позицию команды.

Команды 1 и 2 – обмениваются аргументами и контраргументами.



Phrases of Agreement

  1. Exactly
  2. Absolutely
  3. I couldn’t agree with you more
  4. I totally/completely/absolutely agree with you
  5. I am in favour of your point
  6. I have no doubt about what you have said
  7. That’s exactly what I was thinking
  8. There is nothing more to add to this
  9. This is perfectly true…
  10. I’m with you on this point

Expressing Opinion

  1. Well, I agree with you on the whole, but …
  2. I agree in principle with you that…, however…
  3. I can agree with you to a certain extent but …
  4. You definitely have the point here but I’d like to add that …
  5. I take your point, however it seems to me that …
  6. It is certainly reasonable, however …
  7. In my opinion…
  8. It is my belief that…
  9. I am of the opinion that…
  10. I think that…

Phrases of Disagreement

  1. I completely disagree with that (that = the opinion)
  2. I beg to differ- I think that…
  3. I think your point is very misleading…
  4. I can’t say I share your view on this…
  5. I feel I must disagree…
  6. I respect your opinion of course, but on the other hand…
  7. I wouldn’t say that, really.
  8. Well, taking your point into consideration, I therefore must admit that …
  9. I’m afraid I don’t see it this way …
  10. To tell you the truth I have a different opinion.

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